Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service - International Mail Manual > 6 Special Programs > 610 Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program > 615 Length of Qualification
Each wholesaler will be qualified for a period of two years. At the end of that two–year period the Postal Service must again qualify the wholesaler.
If the Postal Service discovers at any time, by whatever means, that the wholesaler has not complied with any of the terms and conditions herein, the manager of Postal Qualified Wholesalers will send the wholesaler written notice via Priority Mail Express service that it has not complied with these terms and conditions and that it will be stricken from the list of Postal Qualified Wholesalers. The wholesaler will have three business days to respond in writing via Priority Mail Express service to the manager of Postal Qualified Wholesalers that it should not be removed from the list and the reasons why it should not be stricken. The Postal Service will render its decision on the objection within five business days after its receipt.