Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service - International Mail Manual > Individual Country Listings > Slovenia - Timor-Leste > Somalia
All mail services are suspended.
Prohibitions (130)
Arms and weapons except under license.
Coins; banknotes; currency; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, and silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewelry; and other valuable articles, unless they are sent in registered First–Class Mail International.
Lottery tickets and advertisements.
Firing caps and loaded metal cartridges for small arms and artillery fuses.
Perishable infectious biological substances.
Perishable noninfectious biological substances.
Radioactive materials.
Cigarettes may only be sent in boxes bearing the official stamp of the Government of Somalia and if each cigarette has the word “Somalia” printed on its paper wrapper.
Radios and telephones may only be imported by the Somali government.
Weapons and weapon parts may only be sent under government license.
Global Express Guaranteed (210)
Not Available
Priority Mail Express International (220)
Priority Mail International (230)
First-Class Mail International (240)
First-Class Package International Service (250)
Airmail M-bags (260) —
Direct Sack to One Addressee
Free Matter for the Blind (270)
Extra Services