Customer Support Ruling

Address Placement on Flat-Size Mailpieces

August 2018

PS-352 (202.2.0)

This Customer Support Ruling (CSR) provides examples of delivery address placement on flat-size enveloped, polywrapped, and card-type pieces. This CSR also provides examples of delivery address placement on flat-size bound or folded pieces.

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) subsection provides the standards that apply to enveloped, polywrapped, or card-type Periodicals (including shrinkwrapped Firm bundles), USPS Marketing Mail, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail, and Library Mail, flat-size pieces mailed at presorted, automation, or carrier route prices. Below are examples of the address placement as provided in DMM subsection

DMM subsection provides the standards that apply to bound or folded Periodicals, USPS Marketing Mail, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail, and Library Mail, flat-size pieces mailed at presorted, automation, or carrier route prices not in envelopes or polywrap (see 2.2.2 for all card-style pieces). Below are examples of the address placement as provided in DMM subsection


Lizbeth Dobbins


Product Classification

Headquarters, US Postal Service

Washington, DC 20260-5015