Subject to applicable weight and size limits, any article that is otherwise acceptable and not prohibited by the Postal Service or the country of destination may be mailed at the First-Class Package International Service price. The maximum value cannot exceed $400. Items exceeding $400 must be mailed using Global Express Guaranteed service, Priority Mail Express International service, or Priority Mail International service.
Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service — abbreviated E-USPS DELCON INTL — is a service available for First-Class Package International Service items to select destination countries at no charge. Tracking information includes the date and time an article was delivered or, if delivery was attempted but not completed, the date and time of the delivery attempt. The sender can check delivery status by going to and clicking on Track Package.
Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service is available electronically by using USPS-approved PC Postage vendors, Click-N-Ship, USPS Web Tools, and Global Shipping Software (GSS) or other USPS-approved software. The service is available only to the countries listed in Exhibit 252.22, and limitations apply for certain destinations.
Exhibit 252.22
Countries Accepting Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International Service (E-USPS DELCON INTL)
Note: Tracking information related to final delivery status through E-USPS DELCON INTL service is available for the following countries as of July 14, 2020. Information on E-USPS DELCON INTL participating countries effective after July 14, 2020, is available at
Mailers must use an electronically generated PS Form 2976 that includes the Post Exprès logo (globe and chevron design) — see Exhibit 252.23.
Exhibit 252.23
Customs Label and Marking

The following additional standards apply to Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service:
- Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service may not be combined with any other international extra services.
- No refunds, inquiries, or claims are offered, and indemnity is not provided.
- Customers are not able to obtain tracking information by contacting the U.S. Postal Service by telephone.
Mailers may pay for Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International items by using postage validation imprinter (PVI) labels, postage meter imprint, USPS-approved PC Postage, Click-N-Ship postage, or permit imprint.
Only items paid with USPS-approved PC Postage products using online postage (with the exception of Click-N-Ship service) or permit imprint are eligible for the applicable Commercial Base or Commercial Plus price for the postage portion of the mailpiece. Electronically generated customs forms that are not generated with PC Postage or a permit imprint, or forms electronically generated by USPS Web Tools or Click-N-Ship service, are charged the retail price.
First-Class Package International Service items always require a fully completed PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 — Sender’s Declaration.
First-Class Package International Service items are sealed against inspection.
Certificate of mailing service is available for purchase for First-Class Package International Service items, except for items with E-USPS DELCON INTL service.
Registered Mail service is available for purchase for First-Class Package International Service items, including such items mailed as Free Matter for the Blind. Registered Mail service is not available for items with E-USPS DELCON INTL service.
For First-Class Package International Service items, return receipt service is available for purchase only for items that use Registered Mail service to certain destinations — see the Individual Country Listings for availability, and see 340 for preparation procedures. Return receipt service is not available for items with E-USPS DELCON INTL service.