Publication 52 - Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail > 6 International Mail > 64 Perishable Matter: International Mail > 643 Eggs Eggs may be mailed in international mail via Priority Mail International service only as follows: - For shipments to all countries except Canada, eggs must be packed in the following manner:
- Each egg must be packed in sufficient cushioning material.
- Eggs must be shipped in a metal egg container.
- The metal egg container must be enclosed in an outer container of wood with sufficient cushioning material packed between the inner and outer containers.
- For shipments to Canada, eggs must be packed in the following manner:
- Each egg must be wrapped in protective material and placed on end.
- Eggs must be either packed in the manner prescribed for other countries in 643.1a or packed in a wooden, papier–mâché, or other box of rigid material having a well–fitting, tightly adjusted lid.
- Vacant space in the box must be filled with packing material to prevent eggs from striking together or against the sides, top, or bottom of the box.
Dried whole eggs purchased under the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation program must carry an endorsement by the exporter or authorized representative waiving any right to withdraw the parcel from the mail or to have it returned. The endorsement must be written or stamped on the address side of each mailpiece. These mailings may be made by Priority Mail International service only. A certificate using the format shown in IMM Exhibit 553.121 (and repeated here as Exhibit 643.22) must be prepared and completed by the sender, and presented at the time of mailing. The following conditions also apply: - A single certificate may cover any number of mailpieces presented by the same sender and in the same mailing, even if the mailpieces are addressed to different countries.
- A charge (see IMM 552) is made for each certificate or each parcel (if a single certificate covers more than one parcel).
- Postage to cover the certificate charge must be affixed to the certificate and canceled with the postmark of the office of mailing.
- After being postmarked, the certificate must be signed by the postmaster (or designee) and returned to the sender.
Exhibit 643.22 Certificate of Mailing Dried Whole Eggs  | |