A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W X Y Z



Accepting employee’s responsibility

Certificate of mailing 313.3

Forwarding ship passenger and crew mail 763.4

Insured mail 323.62

Registered Mail 334.13

Return receipt 344.12

Accountable mail firm book 323.61

Address corrections

Undeliverable mail, endorsements DMM 507


Format 122

Illegible address 133; DMM 507

Insufficient address 133; 431; DMM 507

Addressing 122

Advance payment required 783

Aerosol containers Publication 52, part 342

Agriculture inspection stations and offices 723

Animals 138.1

Quarantine inspection 720

APO/FPO military mail DMM 703.2


Certificate of mailing 311.2

Insurance 321.2; 322.2; 323.2

International Business Reply Service (IBRS) 382.2

International Priority Airmail (IPA) 292.22

International reply coupons 381

International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) 293.22

Money orders, international postal 371.2

Registered Mail 332


Backstamping mail 764.3

Batteries, lithium 135.6

Blind persons, mail for (see Free Matter for the Blind)

Business reply mail, domestic 132.2

International (see International Business Reply Service)



Eggs, mailing 138.32

Forwarding periodicals publications from 764.121

Labeling list for IPA & ISAL 292.45; 293.45

Shortpaid postage 423.21; 732

Card specifications (see also postcards)

Borders 241.215

Colors 241.222

Dimensions 241.221

Quality 241.223

Catalogs (see M–bags) 260

Categories, International Mail 140

First-Class Mail International 141.5; 240

First-Class Package International Service 141.6; 250

Free Matter for the Blind 270

General 141.1

Global Express Guaranteed 141.2; 210

Postcards 241.22

Priority Mail Express International 141.3; 220

Priority Mail International 141.4; 230

Certificate of Mailing 310

Availability 311.2; 312.2

Bulk mailings 312

Description 311.1; 312.1

Dried whole eggs ­553.12

Fees 311.3; 312.3

Forms 313

Claims 922

Indemnity (see Indemnity claims/payments)

Commodities and technical data 530

Complaints (see Inquiries)

Compressed gases 136

Consular and commercial invoices 570

Copyright violations 116, DMM 608

Corrosive materials 136

Customer complaints (see Inquiries)

Customs information (U.S.) 710

Addressee 713.222; 713.23

Assessment of duty in foreign countries 713.45

Audio–visual equipment 713.44

Collection of fees 712.12

Customs clearance and delivery fee 712

Customs examination of mail 711

Customs shipments in bad order 711.512

Delivery of dutiable articles 713.2

Detached customs mail entry 713.54

Detection and dispatch of dutiable mail 713.1

Directory of offices 711.62

Dutiable articles 711; 713

Duty, payment of 713.4

Failure to receive customs treatment 711.6

Fees for deliveries 712

Forms (see Customs forms)

Forwarding 713.3; 760

Marking 711.52

Notification of delivery 713.212

Offices 711.62

Payment of duty 713.4

Prohibited articles 711.2

Recording requirements 713.46

Refund of duty 713.6

Registered Mail 711.3

Repacking after customs examination 711.51

Reporting requirements 713.46

Return of items 713.43

Samples for advisory information 711.4

Sealed mail, examination of 711.3

U.S. customs offices, directory of 711.62

Uncollected items 713.5

Customs forms 123

Audio–visual equipment, return of 713.44

Dutiable mail Exhibit 123.61

Detached declaration forms 435

First-Class Mail International Exhibit 123.61; 242.2

First-Class Package International Service 123.61; 252.3

IPA Exhibit 123.61 Note

M–bags ­123.61; 264.3

Priority Mail International 123.61; 232.6; 232.62; 232.63

Reporting of uncollected items 713.52

Returned items to the U.S. 713.43

Customs treatment

Clearances 712

Delivery fees 712

Foreign customs information 131.34

Forms (see Customs forms)


Damage to mail (see Indemnity claims/payments)

Dangerous goods 135; 136

Dead mail (see also Undeliverable mail) 770

Delivery service

Banks, parcels addressed through 743

Domestic origin 762

Dutiable mail 713.2

Foreign dispatch notes 744

Foreign origin 764

Insured parcels 751.2

Parcels addressed through banks or other organizations 743

Registered Mail 752

Restricted delivery 754

Ship mail 763

Delivery to addressee only (see Restricted delivery)

Diamonds, rough 134.3; 560

Direct sacks of printed matter to one addressee (see M–bags)

Directory service 765; DMM 507

Dispatch notes, foreign 744

Dispatch of mail

Registered Mail 451

Drawback arrangements 580

Dutiable articles (see Customs information)



Certificate of mailing 553.12; 553.121; 553.2

Charges 552

Dried, export regulations for 550

Marking 553.11

Packing/packaging 138.32

Prohibitions 138.31

Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International 252.2

Additional Standards 252.24

Availability 252.22

Customs Label and Marking 252.23

Description 252.21

Postage Payment Methods 252.25

Price Eligibility 252.25

Endorsing mail (see Marking)

Envelope specifications

Borders 241.215

Colors 241.213; 241.233

Dimensions 241.212; 241.232

Quality 241.214; 241.234

Window envelopes 241.216

Explosive material 136

Export controls 531.1

Export licenses 532

Additional information 532.4

Definition 531.2

General 532.1

Shipper’s export declaration 535.1

USPS processing 535.2

Export regulations

Automated Export System (AES) 520

Certificate of Mailing dried whole eggs 553.12

Commodities and technical data 530

Consular and commercial invoices 570

Diamonds 560

Drawback arrangement 580

Eggs, dried whole 550

Electronic Export Filing 520

General export licenses 532

Individual licenses 541.1

Licenses 532; 541

Munitions 540

Shipper’s export declaration 535.1

Technical data 530; 540

Extra services

Availability ­ICL; Chapter 3

Certificate of Mailing 310

Fees 311.3; 312.3; 321.3; 322.3; 323.3; 333; 343; 371.3; 382.4; ­ICL

Insured mail 320

International money orders 371

International reply coupons 381

Registered Mail 330

Restricted delivery 350

Return receipt 340


Fatty substances 131.52c

Federal government (see Official mail)

Fees, extra services ­ICL

Fictitious matter or name 132.1d; DMM 601.8.5

Firearms 137

Firm mailing books for accountable mail 311.1; 311.32; 311.42; 323.61; 334.11

First-Class Mail International 141.5; 240

Customs forms Exhibit 123.61; 242.2

Description 141.3; 241.1

Dimensions 241.212; 241.221; 241.232

Forms, customs 242.2

Mail preparation 244

Marking 244.2

Merchandise 242.2

Packaging 244.4

Postage prices 243; ­ICL

Priority Mail International

Flat Rate Envelope 232.1

Sealing 244.3; 244.4

Weight limit 241.211; 241.231

First-Class Package International Service 250

Flammable materials 136

Food 138.4

Foreign dispatch notes 744

Foreign Exchange Office List Exhibit 292.45a and Exhibit 293.45a

Foreign mail (see also Official correspondence)

Advance payment 783

IBRS 382.7

Payment required 781

Residency 782.1

Export Controls 531.1


Customs (see Customs forms)

Postage refunds 941.2

Forwarding mail 760

Backstamping 764.3

Customs entry forms 764.24

Directory service 765

Domestic–origin mail 762

Dutiable mail 713.3

Foreign mail 761.1

Foreign–origin mail 764

International insured mail 751

Parcels 764.13

Registered Mail 752.13

Ship passenger and crew mail 763.4

Fragile articles 131.52

Free Matter for the Blind 270

Description 271

Marking 274.2

Not sealed against inspection 272.5

Postage rates 273; ­ICL

Preparation requirements 274

Weight limit 271.2


Gases, compressed 136

General information 110

Global Direct Entry 620

Global Express Guaranteed 210

Gold, mailing 134.2

Graphic matter 132

Guns 137; Publication 52, part 632


Honeybees, mailing 138.1


IBRS (see International Business Reply Service)

Immoral or obscene articles 132.1

Improperly addressed mail 133

Improperly prepared mail 430

Inbound mail

Domestic origin 762

Foreign origin 764

Forwarding (see Forwarding mail)

Insured parcels 751

Items mailed abroad by or on behalf of senders in the U.S. 780

Paquebot 763

Registered Mail 752

Restricted delivery 754

Return receipt 753

Undeliverable mail 770

Indemnity claims/payments Chapter 9

Exceptions to payments 932; 933.12; 933.14; 934.13

Filing claims 922.2

Inquiry 921

Insured parcels 933

International claims 922.2

Payments, exceptions to 932; 933.12; 933.14; 934.13

Priority Mail Express International 222.6; 921; 935; 942

Priority Mail International 933

Registered Mail 335; 934

Individual export licenses 541.1

Exemptions 541.12

Government shipments 541.3

Marking 542.1

Processing 542.2

Infectious and noninfectious substances 135

Inquiries 921

Damaged mail 921.53; 922.4

Foreign mail 921.542

Global Express Guaranteed 212.43

Insured and ordinary parcels Exhibit 921.2

Missing contents 921.53

Nondelivery for 921.51

Priority Mail Express International 920; 935; 942

Processing 921.42

Insured and ordinary parcels Exhibit 921.2

Priority Mail Express International Exhibit 921.2

Registered Mail Exhibit 921.2

Registered Mail 921.3

Return receipt 921.52

Wrapper found without contents 921.54

Insufficient address 431; DMM 507

Insured mail 320

Availability 321.2, 322.2, 323.2; 751; ­ICL

Claims 922

Description 321.1, 322.1, 323.1

Fees 321.3, 322.3, 323.3; ­ICL

Global Express Guaranteed 212.45; 212.46; 212.47; 212.5

Indemnity claims and payments 920; 930

Limits of insurance 321.3, 322.3, 323.3; ­ICL

Mailing receipts 323.71


Parcels 751

Priority Mail Express International 222.6

Priority Mail International 232.8

Processing requests 323.6

Return receipts 322.4, 323.4; 340

International Business Reply Service (IBRS) Note:

Availability 382.2

Description 382.1

Distribution 382.3

Fees 382.4

Foreign service 382.7

Format requirements 382.6; 382.7

IBRS distributors 382.3

Size and weight requirements 382.5

International claims and inquiries 920; 930

International customized mail 297

International mail

Air service 140

Cards (see postcards)

Categories 140

Definition 141

First-Class Mail International 141.5; 240

First-Class Package International Service 141.6; 250

Global Express Guaranteed 141.2; 210

Indemnity claims 920; 930

Postcards 241.22

Priority Mail Express International 141.3; 220

Priority Mail International 141.4; 230

Reply cards and envelopes 132.2

Size limits 211.22; 221.42; 231.22; 241.212; 241.221; 241.232; 251.22; 251.23; 292.21; 293.21

International Money Transfer services 370

International postal money orders
Money orders, international postal)

International Priority Airmail (IPA) Service 292

International reply coupons 381

Description 381.1

Processing requests 381.3

International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Service 293

IPA (International Priority Airmail ) 292

Irregular mail 740

ISAL (International Surface Air Lift) 293

Items mailed aboard ships (Paquebot) 763


Jewelry, mailing 134.2


Knives 137; Publication 52, part 633



Exempt human and animal specimens 135.33

Infectious substances 135.31

M–bags 264.2

Noninfectious substances 135.32

Liquids DMM 601

Alcoholic Publication 52, part 422

Combustible 136

Lithium batteries 135.6

Live organisms (see Animals)

Losses of mail (see Indemnity claims/payments)

Lottery matter DMM 601


M–bags 260

General 261.1

IPA 262.2; 292.13

ISAL 262.3; 293.13

Marking 264.1

Payment methods 262.5

Postage prices ­ICL; Notice 123

Preparation for mailing 264

Size limits 263.2

Weight limits 263.1

Magnetized materials 136

Mail preparation 120

Certificate of Mailing 311.4; 312.4

First-Class Mail International 244

First-Class Package International Service 254

Free Matter for the Blind 274

Global Express Guaranteed 214

IPA 292.4

M–bags 264

Priority Mail Express International 224

Priority Mail International 234

Mailability 130

Animals 138.1

Batteries, lithium 135.6

Dangerous goods 135; 136

Diamonds, rough 134.3; 560

Graphic matter 132

Improperly addressed mail 133

Infectious substances 135

International 131.2

Limits 131.1; 131.2

Lithium batteries 135.6

Mailer responsibility 131.4

Perishable matter 138

Plants 138.2

Preparation requirements 131.5

Printed matter 260

Prohibited and restricted articles 131.32

Radioactive materials 135.5

Return of mail 131.33

Seizure of mail 131.33

Special requirements 131.52; 135

Valuables 134

Written matter 132

Mailer responsibility

International mail 112

Mailability 131.4

Mailing receipts (see Insured mail, Registered Mail service, and Certificate of Mailing)


Animals 722.12

Customs declaration ; 711.52

Dried whole eggs 553.11

First-Class Mail International 244.2

Free Matter for the Blind 274.2

Individual licenses 542.1

Infectious and noninfectious substances 135.3

Insured mail

IPA 292.42

Licenses 532.1; 542.1

M–bags 264.1

Plants 722.12

Postcards 244.2

Priority Mail International 234.2

Quarantine 722.12

Registered Mail 334.2

Restricted delivery 350

Return receipt 344.2

Undeliverable mail 770; DMM 507

Matches 136

Meter stamps 152.4

Military mail, APO/FPO DMM 703.2

Missing contents (see Indemnity claims/payments)

Money, mailing 134.2

Money orders, international postal 371

Authorization form 371.41

Availability 371.2

Description 371.1

Fees 371.3; ­ICL

Form, authorization 371.41

Inquiries 371.7

Refunds 371.72

Munitions 540


Nonpostage stamps, placement of 153

Nonmachinable surcharge 241.217


OAS (Organization of American States) 142.4

Official correspondence 115

Distribution, transportation and 115.13

Foreign individuals 115.3

Foreign postal authorities 115.2

International money orders 115.15

Investigations 115.14

Operations 115.11

Permitted correspondence 115.21

Policy and representation 115.12

Prohibited correspondence 115.22

Transportation and distribution 115.13

Official mail 142

Federal government 142.1

Former presidents and surviving spouses 142.3

OAS General Secretariat 142.4

Pan American Sanitary Bureau mail 142.5

Postal Service 142.2

Open–panel envelopes 241.216f

Organization of American States (OAS) 142.4

Outbound mail

Extra services mail 450

Forwarding (see Forwarding mail)

Improperly prepared mail 430

Postmarking 410

Shortpaid mail 420

Unpaid mail 420

Oversized items 432; 433

Oxidizing agents 136


Packing/packaging mail 121.1; DMM 601

Eggs 138.32

Fatty substances 131.52c

Fragile articles 131.52a

Infectious and noninfectious substances 135.31

Liquids and oils DMM 601

Perishables 138.32

Powders 131.52d

Priority Mail International 234.5

Pan American Sanitary Bureau mail 142.5

Paquebot 763

Perishables 138.32

Permit imprints 152.64; 223.22; 233.22; 243.3; 253.22; 292.334; 293.334; DMM 604

Pickup On Demand Service

First-Class Package International Service 255.3

Global Express Guaranteed 215.3

Priority Mail Express International 225.2

Priority Mail International 235.2


Inspection station and offices 723

Quarantine inspection 720

Restrictions 138.2

Platinum, mailing 134.2

Poisons 136

Postage 150

Articles mailed aboard ships (Paquebot) 763

Eggs, dried whole 553.21

First-Class Mail International 243

First-Class Package International Service 250

Foreign markings 742.1

Free Matter for the Blind 273

Global Express Guaranteed 213

International reply coupons 381

IPA 292.3

ISAL 293.3

M–bags 262

OAS, General Secretariat 142.4

Payment methods 152

Permit imprint ; 223.22; 233.22; 243.3; 292.334; 293.334; DMM 604

Placement of postage 153

Postcards ­ICL

Precanceled stamps 152.33

Prepayment 152.1

Prices ­ICL

Priority Mail Express International prices 223; ­ICL

Priority Mail International 233; ­ICL

Refunds 940

Remailed items 154

Shortpaid mail 730

Stamps 152.3

Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program 610

Postcards 241.22

Additional Standards 241.224

Attachments 241.227

Dimensions 241.221

Folded cards 241.229

Marking 244.2

Nonpermitted attachments 241.228

Permitted attachments 241.227

Postage ­ICL

Privately manufactured 241.224

Quality 241.223

Reply-paid cards 434


Articles mailed aboard ships (Paquebot) 763

Certificate of Mailing 311.1; 311.22; 311.41; 311.42; 312.1; 312.22; 312.4; 313.3b

Insured mail 323.63

International reply coupons 381.3

Outbound mail 410; POM 443.3

Registered Mail 334.3

Return receipt 753.1

Powders 131.52d

Precanceled postage stamps 152.33

Precious stones or items, mailing 134.2

Prepayment of postage 152.1

Priority Airmail Service, International (see International Priority Airmail (IPA) Service)

Priority Mail Express International 220

Claims 922

Customs forms Exhibit 123.61; 222.4

Description 221.1

Dimensions 221.42

Indemnity claims 935

Inquiries 920

Insurance 222.7

Loss of mail 921.51

Mail preparation 224

Payments 935; 942

Postage 223; ­ICL

Refunds 942

Shortpaid mail 423.23

Weight 221.41

Priority Mail Global Guaranteed (see Global Express Guaranteed)

Priority Mail International 230

Addressing 122

Charges for return 771.6

Customs declaration Exhibit 123.61; 232.6

Definition 141.4

Foreign customs information 123.61; 232.6

Forms required 123.61; 232.6; ­ICL

Forwarding 760; 764.13

General 231.1

Insured mail 751; 933

Marking 234.2

Mailing locations 235.1

Official mail 142

Postage 233.14; 233.15; 233.16; ­ICL

Postmarking 410

Preparation requirements 234

Return charges 771.6

Sealing 234.4

Shortpaid 423

Size limits 231.22

Stamps, placement of 153

Undeliverable mail 770

Weight limits 231.21; ­ICL

Pyrophoric liquids, prohibited 136


Quarantined plants (see Plants)


Radioactive materials 135.5


Applications 941.2

Customs duty 713.6

Delivery fee 712.4

International reply coupons 381

Postage 940

Refused by sender 771.71

Dutiable mail 772.2

Registered Mail service 330

Availability 332

Claims 335; 922

Customs 711.3

Declaration of value 334.12

Description 331

Dispatch 451

Fees 333; ­ICL

Free Matter for the Blind 334.42

Inbound mail 752

Indemnity claims and payments 920; 930; 940

Inquiries from customers 920

Limits 333

Mailing receipt 334.1

Marking 334.2

Outbound mail 450

Postmarking 334.3

Processing requests 334

Registration number 334.1

Restricted delivery 334.5; 350

Return receipt 334.5; 340

Sealing 334.4

Treatment of mail 450; 752.13

Remailed articles, postage for 154; 771.4

Reply cards (see also International Business Reply Service) Note:

Reply coupons

International (see International reply coupons)

Report of mailings 785

Reporting mail loss 910

Responsibility of mailer 112

Certificate of mailing 311.4; 312.4

Insured mail 323.7

Packaging 121.1

Registered Mail 334.12

Return receipt 344.11

Restricted delivery 350; 754

Restricted materials 131.3

Return address 122.2

Return charges

First-Class Mail International 771.5

Priority Mail International 771.6

Return receipt 340

Availability 342

Description 341

Fees 343; ­ICL

First-Class Mail International 242.43

First-Class Package International Service 252.53

Foreign, missing 753.2

Improperly completed or not received 344.3; 921.52

Inbound mail 753

Insured parcels 323.7

Marking 344.2

Missing, foreign 344.3; 753.2

Priority Mail International 232.92

Processing requests 344

Registered Mail 334.5


Sacking requirements

IPA 292.4

ISAL 293.4

M–bags 264.2


First-Class Mail International 244.3

First-Class Package International Service 254.3

Free Matter for the Blind 272.5

Insured parcels 323.73

IPA 292.43

ISAL 293.43

Priority Mail International 234.4

Registered Mail 334.4

SED (see Shipper’s Export Declaration)

Sender’s responsibility (see Responsibility of mailer)

Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) 535.1

Shortpaid and unpaid mail 420

Canada 732

Credit 423.3

First-Class Mail International 423.21

Inbound 730

Outbound 420

Parcels 423.22

Priority Mail Express International 423.23

Return address 422.1; 422.2

Silver, mailing 134.2

Size limits

First-Class Mail International 241.212; 241.221; 241.232

First-Class Package International Service 251.22; 251.23

Global Express Guaranteed 211.22

IBRS 382.5

ISAL 263.1; 293.21

M–bags 263.2

Postcards 241.221

Priority Mail Express International 221.42

Priority Mail International 231.22

Stamps 152.3

Items mailed aboard ships (Paquebot) 763

Meter stamps 152.4

Placement of 153

Subscription availability information 114

Supplemental services 380


Trademarks, USPS 116

Travelers checks, mailing 134.2


Undeliverable mail 770

Domestic-origin, outbound 771

Endorsements 772.1; DMM 507

First-Class Mail International 771.5

Foreign–origin mail, inbound 772

Priority Mail International 771.6

Undersized items 432

Unpaid Mail (see Shortpaid and unpaid mail)


Valuable articles 134

Violence, matter inciting to 132.1; DMM 601


Water–reactive substances 136

Weapons 137

Weight limits (see ­ICL)

First-Class Mail International 241.211; 241.231

First-Class Package International Service 251.21

Free Matter for the Blind 271.2

Global Express Guaranteed 211.21

IBRS 382.5

ISAL 263.1; 293.21

M–bags 263.1

Priority Mail Express International 221.41

Priority Mail International 231.21

Window envelopes 241.216

Written matter 132