130 Retail Mail First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail

133 Prices and Eligibility


1.0 Prices and Fees

2.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail

3.0 Content Standards

1.0 Prices and Fees

1.1 First-Class Mail Single-Piece and First-Class Package Service — Retail Price Application

The single-piece prices are applied as follows:

  1. The card price applies to a card meeting the standards in 101.6.2.
  2. The letter price applies to letter-size pieces meeting the standards in 101.1.1 and weighing 3.5 ounces or less, and that are not eligible for the card price. There are separate prices for stamped letters and for letters with metered postage affixed (Metered Mail price).
  3. The flat price applies to flat-size pieces that meet the standards in 101.2.0.
  4. The First-Class Package Service — Retail parcel price applies to parcel-size pieces under 101.3.0 and to flat-size pieces that do not meet the standards in 101.2.0.
1.2 Price Computation for First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail

First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail prices are charged as follows:

  1. First-Class Mail - Per ounce or fraction thereof; any fraction of an ounce is considered a whole ounce. For example, if a piece weighs 0.5 ounces, the weight (postage) increment is 1 ounce.
  2. First-Class Package Service – Retail - Based on weight and zone; any fraction of an ounce is considered a whole ounce.
1.3 Determining Single-Piece Weight

To determine single-piece weight in any mailing of nonidentical-weight pieces, weigh each piece individually. To determine single-piece weight in a mailing of identical-weight pieces, weigh a sample group of at least 10 randomly selected pieces and divide the total sample weight by the number of pieces in the sample. Express all single-piece weights in decimal pounds rounded off to four decimal places.

1.4 Keys and Identification Devices

Keys and identification devices (such as identification cards and uncovered identification tags) that weigh 13 ounces or less may be returned at the applicable single-piece First-Class Mail flat price plus the fee. Keys and identification devices that weigh more than 13 ounces are subject to Priority Mail prices under 123.1.7. The key or identification device must bear, contain, or have securely attached the name and complete address of a person, organization, or concern, with instructions to return the key or identification device to that address and a statement guaranteeing payment of postage due on delivery.

1.5 Nonmachinable Surcharge

The nonmachinable surcharge is charged per piece and applies to letter-size pieces that meet one or more of the nonmachinable characteristics in 101.1.2. Pieces mailed at the card price are not subject to the nonmachinable surcharge. An envelope weighing no more than one ounce with one enclosed standard optical disc no larger than 12 centimeters in diameter that is mailed as letter-size BRM (see 505.1.0) or PRM (see 505.2.0) and addressed to a company who sent the disc and BRM or PRM envelope to a subscriber as part of a round-trip-mailing (under 233.2.8) is not subject to the nonmachinable surcharge.


1.6 Nonstandard Fees (Effective April 3, 2022)

The following provisions apply:

  1. A First-Class Package Service — Retail piece is subject to a nonstandard fee (see Notice 123—Price List) if it measures:
    1. More than 22 inches up to 30 inches long;
    2. More that measures more than 30 inches in long; or
    3. More than 2 cubic feet (3,456 cubic inches).
  2. Cube dimensions are determined based on the following:
    1. Rectangular pieces: Determined by measuring the length, width, and height in inches, rounding off (see 604.7.0) each measurement to the nearest whole inch, and multiplying the length by the width by the height.
    2. Nonrectangular pieces: Calculated the same as above and the result multiplied by an adjustment factor of 0.785.
  3. If either calculation above exceeds 3,456 cubic inches, the piece is subject to the nonstandard fee.
  4. A piece may be subject to both a length and a cube nonstandard fee.

2.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail

2.1 Description of Service

First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Services — Retail receive expeditious handling and transportation. The USPS does not guarantee the delivery of First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Services — Retail within a specified time.

2.2 Defining Characteristics
2.2.1 Inspection of Contents

First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail are sealed against postal inspection.

2.2.2 Forwarding and Return Service

The price of First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail include forwarding service to a new address for up to 12 months and return service if the mailpiece is undeliverable.

2.2.3 Extra Services

First-Class Mail (including Priority Mail) and First-Class Package Services — Retail are the only classes of mail eligible to receive the following extra services: Registered Mail services and Certified Mail services. See information regarding additional extra services in 503.

3.0 Content Standards

3.1 General Eligibility

With the exception of restricted material as described in 601.8.0, any mailable item may be mailed as First-Class Mail and First Class-Package Service - Retail.

3.2 Bills and Statements of Account

Bills and statements of account must be mailed as First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, Priority Mail, or Priority Mail Express and are defined as follows:

  1. Bills and statements of account assert a debt in a definite amount owed by the addressee to the sender or a third party. In addition, bills include a demand for payment; statements of account do not include a demand for payment. The debt does not have to be due immediately but may become due at a later time or on demand. The debt asserted need not be legally collectible or owed.
  2. Bills and statements of account do not need to state the precise amount due if they contain information that would enable the debtor to determine that amount.
3.3 Personal Information

Mail containing personal information must be mailed as First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, Priority Mail, or Priority Mail Express. Personal information is any information specific to the addressee.

3.4 Handwritten and Typewritten Material

Mail containing handwritten or typewritten material must be mailed as First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, Priority Mail, or Priority Mail Express.

3.5 Matter Marked Postcard or Double Postcard

Any matter marked “Postcard” or “Double Postcard” must be mailed as First-Class Mail, Priority Mail, or Priority Mail Express.

3.6 Prohibited Air Transportation

All First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail are subject to limitations for air transportation in 601.8.0.