201f Quick Service Guide

Commercial - Designing Parcels for Automated Processing

Related QSGs

240h, USPS Marketing Mail Machinable Parcels

250, Parcel Select

260b, Bound Printed Matter Nonstandard and Machinable Parcels

Physical Standards (201)

Minimum weight: 3.5 ounces for USPS Marketing Mail parcels only.

USPS Marketing Mail: maximum weight is less than 16 ounces.

Bound Printed Matter: maximum weight is 15 pounds.

Parcel Select: maximum weight is 25 pounds.

Dimensions: 6 to 22 inches long, 3 to 18 inches high, and 1/4 to 15 inches thick. Parcels 1/4 inch thick must be at least 3-1/2 inches high and 6 inches long.

For an overview of the physical standards for commercial parcels, see Quick Service Guide 201e.

Eligibility Standards

Parcels are nonstandard if they meet any of the criteria in 201.7.6.

An Intelligent Mail package barcode is required for all commercial mailpieces that include an extra services barcode and on all parcels claiming presort or destination entry pricing.

USPS Marketing Mail and Package Services barcodes must be prepared with the address and barcode placed squarely onto the largest surface area of the parcel except when the shape and contents require specific orientation for stability during processing. The barcode should be placed immediately adjacent to the delivery address and no closer than 1/2 inch from the edge of the parcel.

Acceptable Container (601.4.0)

Use sturdy materials to withstand handling.

Size must be adequate to contain items and provide space for cushioning material:

Cushioning (601.3.0)

Cushioning absorbs shock and vibration of handling. Combinations of cushioning materials are most effective. Cushion items separately.

Closure and Sealing (601.3.0)

Mail Preparation

USPS Ground Advantage — Commercial:

USPS Marketing Mail parcels:

Parcels must be prepared and marked under applicable standards for machinable parcel preparation: