Quick Service Guides

Effective January 19, 2025

Quick Service Guides (QSGs) are intended to provide an overview of mailing standards on the applicable subject matter. For complete information, please see the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).

100 Retail Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels

110 Priority Mail Express

120 Priority Mail

140 EDDM - Retail

200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels

201 Physical Standards for Commercial Letters and Postcards

201a Designing Letters and Postcards for Automated Processing

201b Using Tabs, Wafer Seals, and Glue Strips

201c Physical Standards for Commercial Flats

201d Designing Flats for Automated Processing

201e Physical Standards for Commercial Parcels

201f Designing Parcels for Automated Processing

203 Optional Information Lines

207a Periodicals Nonprofit, Classroom, and Science-of- Agriculture

207b Periodicals In-County Prices / Preferred Prices

207c Periodicals Nonbarcoded Letters

207d Periodicals Nonbarcoded Flats

207e Periodicals Barcoded (Automation) Letters

207f Periodicals Barcoded (Automation) Flats

210 Priority Mail Express

220 Priority Mail

230a First-Class Mail Nonmachinable Letters

230b First-Class Mail Machinable Letters and Postcards

230c First-Class Mail Automation Letters and Postcards

230d First-Class Mail Nonautomation Flats

230e First-Class Mail Automation Flats

240a USPS Marketing Mail Nonmachinable Letters

240b USPS Marketing Mail Machinable Letters

240c USPS Marketing Mail Automation Letters

240d USPS Marketing Mail Carrier Route Letters

240e USPS Marketing Mail Nonautomation Flats

240f USPS Marketing Mail Automation Flats

240g USPS Marketing Mail Carrier Route Flats

240h USPS Marketing Mail Machinable Parcels

240i USPS Marketing Mail Irregular Parcels

240j USPS Marketing Mail Marketing Parcels

250 Parcel Select

260a Bound Printed Matter Flats

260b Bound Printed Matter Irregular and Machinable Parcels

270a Media Mail and Library Mail Presorted Flats

270b Media Mail and Library Mail Machinable Parcels

280 USPS Ground Advantage — Commercial

500 Additional Services

503 Extra Services

505 Business Reply Mail

505a Courtesy Reply Mail

505b Meter Reply Mail

507 Ancillary Service Endorsements

600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services

602 Addressing

602a Move Update

604a Nondenominated Postage

604b Precanceled Stamps

604c Postage Meters and PC Postage Systems

604d Permit Imprints

608 Private Express Statutes

700 Special Standards

705a Pallets, Pallet Boxes, and Trays on Pallets

705b USPS Marketing Mail Bundles of Flats on Pallets


800 Glossary of Postal Terms and Abbreviations in the DMM