[1-19-25] Labels not meeting IMpb specifications or other label-element standards, but still able to demonstrate acceptable functionality within USPS processes, may be allowed using an alternative approval process authorized by the vice president, Applied Engineering. (See 608.8.1 for contact information.).
A separate postal routing barcode may be used on parcels to provide routing information, when used in conjunction with an IMpb. Each parcel must bear a properly prepared GS1-128 barcode symbology as described in 2.2.2 that accurately represents the correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code of the delivery address. For information on barcode placement for parcels, see 202.6.0.
GS1-Code128 postal routing barcode data elements include:
- Barcode Type. GS1-128 is the only acceptable barcode and must be printed within Subset C.
- Start Code. Postal routing barcodes must start with a Symbol Start Code, which is not shown in the human-readable text.
- Function One (FNC1). The FNC1 numeric character for GS1-128 follows the symbol start character, is part of the symbology overhead, and is not shown in the human-readable text.
- Application Identifier (AI). The AI for a postal routing barcode is “420” for domestic mail and is not shown in the human-readable text.
- ZIP Code or ZIP+4 Code. Postal routing barcodes must include the 5-digit ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code of the address. Only the 5-digit ZIP Code appears in the human-readable text.
- Check Digit. A check digit must be added at the end of the sequence of numbers to validate the authenticity of the number. GS1-128 postal routing barcodes must utilize a MOD 103 check digit, which is not shown in the human-readable text.
- Stop Code. The GS1-128 postal routing barcode must end with a Symbol Stop Code, which is not shown in the human-readable text.
Exhibit 2.2.2 Postal Routing GS1-128 Barcode Format

Eligible machinable parcels may bear a USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation barcode using one of the following options:
- The Single Concatenated Barcode (see Exhibit 2.2.3a). Mailers may place a single concatenated barcode that combines the postal routing information and USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation information. Single concatenated barcodes must be prepared in accordance with the technical specifications and requirements in 503 for USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation, and in Publication 199. If a parcel bears a single concatenated barcode, then no other barcode that contains the postal routing barcode may be affixed to the package.
Exhibit 2.2.3a Confirmation Services Concatenated GS1-128 Barcode Format

- Separate Barcodes. Mailers may place both a postal routing barcode described in 2.2.2 and a USPS Tracking barcode or Signature Confirmation barcode described in 503 and in Publication 199 on the same parcel.
Exhibit 2.2.3b Confirmation Services GS1-128 Barcode Format Using a Separate Postal Routing Barcode

To eliminate the need to place one barcode for USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation and another barcode for insurance, parcels must bear a single integrated barcode, with the correct 3-digit service type code, that combines USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation and insurance using one of the following options:
- Single Concatenated Integrated Barcode that combines postal routing information and postal insurance (503.4.0) with USPS Tracking service or Signature Confirmation service. Single concatenated integrated barcodes must be prepared in accordance with the technical specifications and requirements in 503 for USPS Tracking and Signature Confirmation, and Publication 199. If a parcel bears a single concatenated integrated barcode then no other barcode that contains the postal routing barcode may be affixed to the package.
- Separate Barcodes. Mailers may place both a postal routing barcode described in 2.2.2 and an integrated barcode that combines insurance as described in 2.2.4a on the same parcel with USPS Tracking in 503.7.0 or Signature Confirmation in 503.8.0. The integrated barcode option allows electronic mailers to combine multiple extra services into a single barcode on their packages.
The preferred range of widths of narrow bars and spaces is 0.015 inch to 0.017 inch. The width of the narrow bars or spaces must be at least 0.013 inch but no more than 0.021 inch. All bars must be at least 0.75 inch high.
See 202.6.1 for barcode location standards.
The barcode must be located as specified in 202.6.2. No printing may appear in an area 1/8 inch above and below the barcode. A minimum clear (quiet) zone equal to 10 times the average measured narrow element (bars or space) width must be maintained to the left and right of the barcode.
Barcodes must be printed on substrate (e.g. shipping label) of uniform color and must meet requirements for reflectance as measured on a USPS-specified reflectance meter or barcode verifier.
All barcodes in each mailing must measure American National Standards Institute (ANSI) grade C or above. 70% must be grade A or B with the remaining not below a grade C.
The human-readable information on the barcode must conform to one of the following options:
- For postal routing barcodes printed under 2.2.2, 2.2.3b, and 2.2.4b, if the postal routing barcode is printed on a separate label, the human-readable equivalent of the ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code encoded in the barcode preceded by the word “ZIP” must be printed between 1/8 inch and 1/2 inch below the barcode in 10-point or larger bold sans-serif type. Alternatively, the word “ZIP” may be placed no less than 10 times the average narrow bar or space element width and no more than 1/2 inch to the left of the barcode, in 10-point or larger bold sans-serif type (see Exhibit 2.2.2). While not recommended, if the postal routing barcode is printed on the delivery address label and is in close proximity to the address, the human-readable equivalent of the ZIP Code (and the word “ZIP”) may be omitted.
- For barcodes printed under 2.2.3b or 2.2.4b the human-readable information for the concatenated or concatenated/integrated barcode must suppress the application identifiers (AI) 420 and routing ZIP Code from the human-readable text. The respective Tracking Application Identifier 92, 93, 94, or 95 must be included in the human-readable text.
Except with Certified Mail, Registered Mail, Adult Signature, and Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail Open and Distribute services, mailers preparing extra service barcodes under 2.2 must use a “USPS TRACKING #” human-readable service banner text above the barcode on packages not requiring a signature at delivery, or a “USPS SIGNATURE TRACKING #” service banner text above the barcode on packages where a signature is required at delivery.
Postal routing codes must meet the technical specifications in the GS1-128 Application Identifier Standard, which can be obtained from Uniform Code Council Inc. (see 608.8.0), and the barcode characteristics in 2.0.
Barcodes must be printed on substrate material that preserves the optical specification as described in the AIM-USA Uniform Symbology Specification documents. Typically, white label stock commonly used for barcode generation is suitable, providing it is not glossy (causing mirror-like, specular reflection) or prone to smearing or smudging.
Intelligent Mail tray labels are the USPS-approved method to encode routing, content, origin, and mailer information on trays and sacks. Intelligent Mail tray labels are designed for optimum use with Intelligent Mail barcoded mail and have the capacity to provide unique identification throughout postal processing, but are required for use on all trays and sacks in presorted mailings.
Mailer-generated container labels bearing Intelligent Mail container barcodes identify the mail owner or agent and uniquely identify the unit (pallet, container, or rolling stock). Intelligent Mail container labels are designed for use with Intelligent Mail barcoded mail and Intelligent Mail tray labels.
- Intelligent Mail container labels are not required for small mailings of USPS Marketing Mail, Periodicals, and Bound Printed Matter letters and flats when entered at a BMEU, if the mailing is less than 500 pounds of bundles or sacks, and fewer than 72 linear feet of trays.
- Intelligent Mail container labels are not required when entering mail at a co-located BMEU within the service area where mail is entered, if the mailing consists of 100 but less than 250 pounds of bundles or sacks, and at least 12 but fewer than 35 linear feet of trays.
Exhibit 3.2.1 shows the types of mail requiring barcoded tray or sack labels. Barcoded labels must meet these general standards:
- Mailers must use the appropriate size label for the sack or tray, see 3.3 for Intelligent Mail tray and sack label standards.
- Mailer-produced barcoded labels must meet the standards in 3.0, and tray labels must be non-adhesive.
- All information on barcoded labels must be machine-printed. Alterations to preprinted barcoded labels (e.g., handwritten changes) may not be made.
- Barcoded labels must be inserted completely into the label holder on the tray or sack to prevent their loss during transport and processing.
Exhibit 3.2.1 Required Barcoded Tray and Sack Labels
The destination line must meet these standards:
- Placement. The destination line must be the top line of the label. An exception is that one line of extraneous information may appear above the destination line on tray and sack labels as provided in 3.3.2, and 3.3.3f. The destination line must be completely visible when placed in the label holder. Visibility is ensured if the destination line is no less than 1/8 (0.125) inch below the top of the label, when the label is cut and prepared.
- Information. The destination line must contain only the information required by the standards for the class, processing category, sortation level of the tray or sack, and the prices claimed. This information is contained in the labeling lists for all sortation and price levels except trays and sacks to carrier route, 5-digit carrier routes, merged 5-digit, and 5-digit destinations. For the destination line of carrier route, 5-digit carrier routes, merged 5-digit, and 5-digit trays and sacks, the city, two-letter state abbreviation, and 5-digit ZIP Code of the destination 5-digit ZIP Code area must be shown.
- Overseas Military Mail. The exact content identifier number (CIN) that matches the level of tray or sack must be used in the barcode and its numeric line on barcoded tray or sack labels. The required second line of information that corresponds to the CIN must appear on the human-readable content line of the label. The human-readable content line is automatically printed when labels are obtained through the Intelligent Mail Barcode Generator (IMBG), available on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.com. A footnote at the end of the content line information means that the mailer must add appropriate information when ordering and printing tray and sack labels.
The content line must meet these standards:
- General. The content line must appear directly below the destination line as shown in 3.2.2b or 3.2.2c. This line must show the class, processing category, and the sortation level of the tray or sack as required by the applicable standards for the mailing. The appropriate content identifier number (CIN) in 3.2.4 that corresponds to that content line must be used in the barcode.
- Periodicals. Except as provided in 705.8.16 for copalletized mailings and in 207.27.2 for combined mailings, Periodicals publications must use one of the following for Line 2 class information:
- “PER.”
- “NEWS” if published weekly or more often or if authorized newspaper treatment as of March 1, 1984.
- Additional Information. For 3-digit scheme trays as specified by the labeling list, the content line for some destinations must be followed by the letter “A,” “B,” or “C,” which is not required to be right-justified. For carrier route trays and sacks, the content information must be followed by a one-letter carrier route type description followed by a space and a 3-digit route number for the route to which the tray is destined.
The exact content identifier number (CIN) that matches the level of tray or sack must be used in the barcode and its numeric line on barcoded tray or sack labels. The required second line of information that corresponds to the CIN must appear on the human-readable content line of the label. The human-readable content line is automatically printed when labels are obtained through the Intelligent Mail Barcode Generator (IMBG), available on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.com. A footnote at the end of the content line information means that the mailer must add appropriate information when ordering and printing tray and sack labels. See Exhibit 3.2.4.
Exhibit 3.2.4 3-Digit Content Identifier Numbers
Dropship, all container levels | 143 | EXPRESS DROPSHIP |
Priority Mail Open and Distribute |
Dropship, all container levels | 165 | PMOD |
Letters, all classes | 029 | PMOD LTRS |
Flats, all classes | 030 | PMOD FLTS |
Parcels, all classes | 025 | PMOD PARCELS |
All Other Classes, Parcels |
DDU parcels | 031 | PMOD PARCELS DDU |
SCF parcels | 032 | PMOD PARCELS SCF |
ADC parcels | 033 | PMOD PARCELS ADC |
ASF/NDC nonstandard parcels | 034 | PMOD NONSTD NDC |
ASF/NDC machinable parcels | 035 | PMOD MACH NDC |
First-Class Mail |
FCM Letters — Automation |
5-digit scheme trays | 241 | FCM LTR BC 5D SCHEME |
5-digit trays | 242 | FCM LTR 5D BC |
AADC trays | 245 | FCM LTR AADC BC |
mixed AADC trays | 246 | FCM LTR BC WKG |
FCM Letters — Nonautomation Machinable |
AADC trays | 258 | FCM LTR AADC MACH |
mixed AADC trays | 260 | FCM LTR MACH WKG |
FCM Letters — Presorted Nonmachinable |
5-digit trays | 267 | FCM LTR 5D MANUAL |
3-digit trays | 269 | FCM LTR 3D MANUAL |
ADC trays | 270 | FCM LTR ADC MANUAL |
mixed ADC trays | 268 | FCM LTR MANUAL WKG |
FCM Letters — Single-Piece |
single-piece trays | 260 | FCM SNGLP LTRS WKG |
FCM Flats — Automation |
5-digit trays | 272 | FCM FLTS 5D BC |
3-digit trays | 273 | FCM FLTS 3D BC |
ADC trays | 274 | FCM FLTS ADC BC |
mixed ADC trays | 275 | FCM FLTS BC WKG |
FCM Flats — Presorted |
5-digit trays | 278 | FCM FLTS 5D NON BC |
3-digit trays | 279 | FCM FLTS 3D NON BC |
ADC trays | 280 | FCM FLTS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC trays | 282 | FCM FLTS NON BC WKG |
FCM Flats — Co-trayed Automation and Presorted |
5-digit trays | 221 | FCM FLTS 5D BC/NBC |
3-digit trays | 222 | FCM FLTS 3D BC/NBC |
ADC trays | 231 | FCM FLTS ADC BC/NBC |
mixed ADC trays | 232 | FCM FLTS BC/NBC WKG |
FCM Flats — Single-Piece |
single-piece trays | 282 | FCM SNGLP FLTS WKG |
Periodicals (PER) |
PER Letters — Carrier Route |
saturation price trays | 369 | PER LTRS WSS1 |
high density price trays | 370 | PER LTRS WSH1 |
basic price trays | 366 | PER LTRS CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes trays | 367 | PER LTRS CR-RTS |
3-digit carrier routes trays | 368 | PER LTRS 3D CR-RTS |
PER Letters — Barcoded (Automation) |
5-digit scheme trays | 341 | PER LTRS BC 5D SCHEME |
5-digit trays | 342 | PER LTRS 5D BC |
3-digit scheme trays | 343 | PER LTRS BC SCHEME2 |
3-digit trays | 344 | PER LTRS 3D BC |
AADC trays | 345 | PER LTRS AADC BC |
mixed AADC trays | 346 | PER LTRS BC WKG |
PER Letters — Nonbarcoded (Nonautomation) |
5-digit trays | 350 | PER LTRS 5D NON BC |
3-digit trays | 353 | PER LTRS 3D NON BC |
ADC trays | 356 | PER LTRS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC trays | 359 | PER LTRS NON BC WKG |
PER Flats — Carrier Route |
car. rt. sacks or flat trays — saturation | 387 | PER FLTS WSS1 |
car. rt. sacks or flat trays — high density | 388 | PER FLTS WSH1 |
car. rt. sacks or flat trays — basic | 385 | PER FLTS CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks or flat trays | 386 | PER FLTS 5D CR-RTS |
5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks or flat trays | 371 | PER FLTS CR-RTS SCH |
3-digit carrier routes flat trays | 351 | PER FLTS 3D CR-RTS |
PER Flats — Barcoded |
5-digit flat trays | 372 | PER FLTS 5D BC |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 372 | PER FLTS 5D SCH BC |
3-digit flat trays | 373 | PER FLTS 3D BC |
SCF flat trays | 377 | PER FLTS SCF BC |
ADC flat trays | 374 | PER FLTS ADC BC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 375 | PER FLTS BC WKG |
origin mixed ADC flat trays | 381 | PER FLTS WKG W FCM |
PER Flats — Nonbarcoded |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 378 | PER FLT 5D SCH NON BC |
5-digit flat trays | 378 | PER FLTS 5D NON BC |
3-digit flat trays | 379 | PER FLTS 3D NON BC |
SCF flat trays | 384 | PER FLTS SCF NON BC |
ADC flat trays | 380 | PER FLTS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 382 | PER FLTS NON BC WKG |
origin mixed ADC flat trays | 381 | PER FLTS WKG W FCM |
PER Flats — Cotrayed Barcoded and Nonbarcoded |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 321 | PER FLT 5D SCH BC/NBC |
5-digit flat trays | 321 | PER FLTS 5D BC/NBC |
3-digit flat trays | 322 | PER FLTS 3D BC/NBC |
SCF flat trays | 329 | PER FLTS SCF BC/NBC |
ADC flat trays | 331 | PER FLTS ADC BC/NBC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 332 | PER FLTS BC/NBC WKG |
origin mixed ADC flat trays | 381 | PER FLTS WKG W FCM |
PER Flats — Merged Carrier Route, Barcoded, and Nonbarcoded |
merged 5-digit sacks or flat trays | 339 | PER FLTS CR/5D |
merged 5-digit scheme sacks or flat trays | 349 | PER FLTS CR/5D SCH |
merged 3-digit flat trays | 352 | PER FLTS CR/5D/3D |
PER Nonstandard Parcels — Merged Carrier Route and Presorted |
merged 5-digit sacks | 340 | PER NONSTD CR/5D |
merged 3-digit sacks | 354 | PER NONSTD CR/5D/3D |
merged 5-digit scheme sacks | 365 | PER NONSTD CR/5D SCH |
PER Nonstandard Parcels — Carrier Route |
saturation price sacks | 397 | PER NONSTD WSS1 |
high density price sacks | 398 | PER NONSTD WSH1 |
basic price sacks | 395 | PER NONSTD CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks | 396 | PER NONSTD 5D CR-RTS |
5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks | 399 | PER NONSTD CR-RTS SCH |
3-digit carrier routes sacks | 355 | PER NONSTD 3D CR-RTS |
PER Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted |
5-digit sacks | 389 | PER NONSTD 5D |
3-digit sacks | 390 | PER NONSTD 3D |
SCF sacks | 394 | PER NONSTD SCF |
ADC sacks or trays | 391 | PER NONSTD ADC |
mixed ADC sacks or trays | 392 | PER NONSTD WKG |
origin mixed ADC sacks or trays | 363 | PER NONSTD WKG W FCM |
Periodicals (News) |
NEWS Letters — Carrier Route |
saturation price trays | 469 | NEWS LTRS WSS1 |
high density price trays | 470 | NEWS LTRS WSH1 |
basic price trays | 466 | NEWS LTRS CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes trays | 467 | NEWS LTRS CR-RTS |
3-digit carrier routes trays | 468 | NEWS LTRS 3D CR-RTS |
NEWS Letters — Barcoded (Automation) |
5-digit scheme trays | 441 | NEWS LTR BC 5D SCHEME |
5-digit trays | 442 | NEWS LTRS 5D BC |
3-digit scheme trays | 443 | NEWS LTRS BC SCHEME2 |
3-digit trays | 444 | NEWS LTRS 3D BC |
AADC trays | 445 | NEWS LTRS AADC BC |
mixed AADC trays | 446 | NEWS LTRS BC WKG |
NEWS Letters — Nonbarcoded (Nonautomation) |
5-digit trays | 450 | NEWS LTRS 5D NON BC |
3-digit trays | 453 | NEWS LTRS 3D NON BC |
ADC trays | 456 | NEWS LTRS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC trays | 459 | NEWS LTRS NON BC WKG |
NEWS Flats — Carrier Route |
car. rt. sacks or flat trays — saturation | 487 | NEWS FLTS WSS1 |
car. rt. sacks or flat trays — high density | 488 | NEWS FLTS WSH1 |
car. rt. sacks or flat trays — basic | 485 | NEWS FLTS CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks or flat trays | 486 | NEWS FLTS 5D CR-RTS |
5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks or flat trays | 471 | NEWS FLTS CR-RTS SCH |
3-digit carrier routes flat trays | 451 | NEWS FLTS 3D CR-RTS |
NEWS Flats — Barcoded |
5-digit flat trays | 472 | NEWS FLTS 5D BC |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 472 | NEWS FLTS 5D SCH BC |
3-digit flat trays | 473 | NEWS FLTS 3D BC |
SCF flat trays | 477 | NEWS FLTS SCF BC |
ADC flat trays | 474 | NEWS FLTS ADC BC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 475 | NEWS FLTS BC WKG |
origin mixed ADC flat trays | 481 | NEWS FLTS WKG W FCM |
NEWS Flats — Nonbarcoded |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 478 | NEWS FLT 5D SCH NON BC |
5-digit flat trays | 478 | NEWS FLTS 5D NON BC |
3-digit flat trays | 479 | NEWS FLTS 3D NON BC |
SCF flat trays | 484 | NEWS FLTS SCF NON BC |
ADC flat trays | 480 | NEWS FLTS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 482 | NEWS FLTS NON BC WKG |
origin mixed ADC flat trays | 481 | NEWS FLTS WKG W FCM |
NEWS Flats — Cotrayed Barcoded and Nonbarcoded |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 421 | NEWS FLT 5D SCH BC/NBC |
5-digit flat trays | 421 | NEWS FLTS 5D BC/NBC |
3-digit flat trays | 422 | NEWS FLTS 3D BC/NBC |
SCF and origin/entry SCF flat trays | 429 | NEWS FLTS SCF BC/NBC |
ADC flat trays | 431 | NEWS FLTS ADC BC/NBC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 432 | NEWS FLTS BC/NBC WKG |
origin mixed ADC flat trays | 481 | NEWS FLTS WKG W FCM |
NEWS Flats — Merged Carrier Route, Barcoded, and Nonbarcoded |
merged 5-digit | 439 | NEWS FLTS CR/5D |
merged 5-digit scheme | 449 | NEWS FLTS CR/5D SCH |
merged 3-digit flat trays | 452 | NEWS FLTS CR/5D/3D |
NEWS Nonstandard Parcels — Merged Carrier Route and Presorted |
merged 5-digit | 440 | NEWS NONSTD CR/5D |
merged 5-digit scheme | 465 | NEWS NONSTD CR/5D SCH |
merged 3-digit sacks | 454 | NEWS NONSTD CR/5D/3D |
NEWS Nonstandard Parcels — Carrier Route |
saturation price sacks | 497 | NEWS NONSTD WSS1 |
high density price sacks | 498 | NEWS NONSTD WSH1 |
basic price sacks | 495 | NEWS NONSTD CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks | 496 | NEWS NONSTD 5D CR-RTS |
5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks | 499 | NEWS NONSTD CR-RTS SCH |
3-digit carrier routes sacks | 455 | NEWS NONSTD 3D CR-RTS |
NEWS Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted |
5-digit sacks | 489 | NEWS NONSTD 5D |
3-digit sacks | 490 | NEWS NONSTD 3D |
SCF sacks | 494 | NEWS NONSTD SCF |
ADC sacks or trays | 491 | NEWS NONSTD ADC |
mixed ADC sacks or trays | 492 | NEWS NONSTD WKG |
origin mixed ADC sacks or trays | 463 | NEWS NONSTD WKG W FCM |
ECR Letters — Barcoded |
saturation price (including Plus One) | 557 | MKT LTR BC WSS1 |
high density or high density plus price (including Plus One) | 557 | MKT LTR BC WSH1 |
basic price | 557 | MKT LTR BC LOT1 |
5-digit carrier routes trays | 564 | MKT LTR 5D CR-RT BC |
3-digit carrier routes trays | 565 | MKT LTR 3D CR-RT BC |
ECR Letters — Nonautomation (Machinable) |
saturation price | 569 | MKT LTR MACH WSS1 |
high density or high density plus price | 569 | MKT LTR MACH WSH1 |
basic price | 569 | MKT LTR MACH LOT1 |
5-digit carrier routes trays | 567 | MKT LTR 5D CR-RT MACH |
3-digit carrier routes trays | 568 | MKT LTR 3D CR-RT MACH |
ECR Letters — Nonautomation (Nonmachinable) |
saturation price | 608 | MKT LTR MAN WSS1 |
high density or high density plus price | 608 | MKT LTR MAN WSH1 |
basic price | 608 | MKT LTR MAN LOT1 |
5-digit carrier routes trays | 609 | MKT LTR 5D CR-RT MAN |
3-digit carrier routes trays | 611 | MKT LTR 3D CR-RT MAN |
MKT Letters — Automation |
5-digit scheme trays | 541 | MKT LTR BC 5D SCHEME |
5-digit trays | 542 | MKT LTR 5D BC |
AADC trays | 545 | MKT LTR AADC BC |
mixed AADC trays | 546 | MKT LTR BC WKG |
MKT Letters — Nonautomation Machinable |
AADC trays | 558 | MKT LTR AADC MACH |
mixed AADC trays | 560 | MKT LTR MACH WKG |
MKT Letters — Presorted Nonmachinable |
5-digit trays | 604 | MKT LTR 5D MANUAL |
3-digit trays | 606 | MKT LTR 3D MANUAL |
ADC trays | 607 | MKT LTR ADC MANUAL |
mixed ADC trays | 605 | MKT LTR MANUAL WKG |
MKT Letters — Residual Pieces Subject to FCM Single-Piece Prices |
residual trays | 560 | MKT LTRS WKG |
Enhanced Carrier Route Flats — Nonautomation |
saturation price sacks or flat trays | 587 | MKT FLTS ECRWSS1 |
high density or high density plus price sacks or flat trays | 588 | MKT FLTS ECRWSH1 |
basic price sacks or flat trays | 589 | MKT FLTS ECRLOT1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks or flat trays | 586 | MKT FLTS CR-RTS |
5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks or flat trays | 529 | MKT FLTS CR-RTS SCH |
MKT Flats — Cotrayed Automation and Nonautomation |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 521 | MKT FLT 5D SCH BC/NBC |
5-digit flat trays | 521 | MKT FLTS 5D BC/NBC |
3-digit and origin/entry 3-digit flat trays | 522 | MKT FLTS 3D BC/NBC |
ADC flat trays | 531 | MKT FLTS ADC BC/NBC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 532 | MKT FLTS BC/NBC WKG |
MKT Flats — Merged Carrier Route, Automation, and Presorted |
merged 5-digit | 539 | MKT FLTS CR/5D |
merged 5-digit scheme | 549 | MKT FLTS CR/5D SCH |
MKT Flats — Automation |
5-digit flat trays | 572 | MKT FLTS 5D BC |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 572 | MKT FLTS 5D SCH BC |
3-digit flat trays | 573 | MKT FLTS 3D BC |
ADC flat trays | 574 | MKT FLTS ADC BC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 575 | MKT FLTS BC WKG |
MKT Flats — Nonautomation |
5-digit scheme flat trays | 578 | MKT FLT 5D SCH NON BC |
5-digit flat trays | 578 | MKT FLTS 5D NON BC |
3-digit flat trays | 579 | MKT FLTS 3D NON BC |
ADC flat trays | 580 | MKT FLTS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC flat trays | 582 | MKT FLTS NON BC WKG |
MKT Flats — Residual Pieces Subject to FCM Single-Piece Prices |
residual flat trays | 582 | MKT FLTS WKG |
Customized MarketMail (CMM) |
CMM letter trays | 206 | DEL LTR MKT CMM MAN |
CMM flat trays | 207 | DEL FLTS MKT CMM MAN |
CMM sacks | 205 | DEL MKT CMM MAN |
ECR Marketing Parcels |
saturation price sacks | 599 | MKT MKTG WSS1 |
high density price sacks | 600 | MKT MKTG WSH1 |
basic price sacks | 601 | MKT MKTG LOT1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks | 598 | MKT MKTG CR-RTS |
MKT Marketing Parcels (Nonstandard) and Nonprofit Nonstandard-Priced Parcels |
5-digit scheme sacks | 590 | MKT NONSTD 5D SCH |
5-digit sacks | 590 | MKT NONSTD 5D |
SCF sacks | 596 | MKT NONSTD SCF |
ASF sacks | 571 | MKT NONSTD ASF |
NDC sacks | 570 | MKT NONSTD NDC |
mixed NDC sacks | 594 | MKT NONSTD WKG |
MKT Marketing Parcels (Machinable) and Nonprofit Machinable Priced Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 670 | MKT MACH 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 670 | MKT MACH 5D SCH |
ASF sacks | 672 | MKT MACH ASF |
NDC sacks | 673 | MKT MACH NDC |
mixed NDC sacks | 674 | MKT MACH WKG |
MKT Machinable and Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted |
5-digit sacks | 603 | MKT MACH-NONSTD 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 603 | MKT MACH-NONSTD 5D SCH |
Package Services |
Carrier Route BPM — Flats |
carrier route sacks | 657 | PSVC FLTS CR1 |
5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks | 659 | PSVC FLTS CR-RTS SCH |
5-digit carrier routes sacks | 658 | PSVC FLTS CR-RTS |
Presorted BPM — Flats |
5-digit scheme sacks | 649 | PSVC FLTS 5D SCH NON BC |
5-digit sacks | 649 | PSVC FLTS 5D NON BC |
3-digit sacks | 650 | PSVC FLTS 3D NON BC |
SCF sacks | 654 | PSVC FLTS SCF NON BC |
ADC sacks | 651 | PSVC FLTS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC sacks | 653 | PSVC FLTS NON BC WKG |
Presorted BPM — Automation Flats |
5-digit sacks | 635 | PSVC FLTS 5D BC |
5-digit scheme sacks | 635 | PSVC FLTS 5D SCH BC |
3-digit sacks | 636 | PSVC FLTS 3D BC |
SCF sacks | 637 | PSVC FLTS SCF BC |
ADC sacks | 638 | PSVC FLTS ADC BC |
mixed ADC sacks | 639 | PSVC FLTS BC WKG |
BPM Flats — Cosacked Barcoded and Presorted |
5-digit scheme sacks | 648 | PSVC FLTS 5D SCH BC/NBC |
5-digit sacks | 648 | PSVC FLTS 5D BC/NBC |
3-digit sacks | 661 | PSVC FLTS 3D BC/NBC |
SCF sacks | 667 | PSVC FLTS SCF BC/NBC |
ADC sacks | 668 | PSVC FLTS ADC BC/NBC |
mixed ADC sacks | 669 | PSVC FLTS BC/NBC WKG |
Carrier Route BPM — Nonstandard Parcels |
carrier route sacks | 697 | PSVC NONSTD CR1 |
5-digit carrier routes sacks | 698 | PSVC NONSTD CR-RTS |
5-digit scheme car. rt. sacks | 698 | PSVC NONSTD CR-RTS SCH |
Presorted BPM — Nonstandard Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 690 | PSVC NONSTD 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 690 | PSVC NONSTD 5D SCH |
3-digit sacks | 691 | PSVC NONSTD 3D |
SCF sacks | 696 | PSVC NONSTD SCF |
ADC sacks | 692 | PSVC NONSTD ADC |
mixed ADC sacks | 694 | PSVC NONSTD WKG |
Carrier Route BPM — Machinable Parcels |
carrier route sacks | 687 | PSVC MACH CR1 |
Presorted BPM — Machinable Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 680 | PSVC MACH 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 680 | PSVC MACH 5D SCH |
ASF sacks | 682 | PSVC MACH ASF |
NDC sacks | 683 | PSVC MACH NDC |
mixed NDC sacks | 684 | PSVC MACH WKG |
Media Mail and LIbrary Mail Flats — Presorted |
5-digit sacks | 649 | PSVC FLTS 5D NON BC |
3-digit sacks | 650 | PSVC FLTS 3D NON BC |
ADC sacks | 651 | PSVC FLTS ADC NON BC |
mixed ADC sacks | 653 | PSVC FLTS NON BC WKG |
Media Mail and LIbrary Mail Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted |
5-digit scheme sacks | 690 | PSVC NONSTD 5D SCH |
5-digit sacks | 690 | PSVC NONSTD 5D |
3-digit sacks | 691 | PSVC NONSTD 3D |
ADC sacks | 692 | PSVC NONSTD ADC |
mixed ADC sacks | 694 | PSVC NONSTD WKG |
Media Mail and Library Mail Machinable Parcels — Presorted |
5-digit scheme sacks | 680 | PSVC MACH 5D SCH |
5-digit sacks | 680 | PSVC MACH 5D |
3-digit sacks | 682 | PSVC MACH ASF |
ADC sacks | 683 | PSVC MACH NDC |
mixed ADC sacks | 684 | PSVC MACH WKG |
Parcel Select |
Parcel Select Machinable Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 680 | PSVC MACH 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 680 | PSVC MACH 5D SCH |
SCF sacks | 686 | PSVC MACH SCF |
ASF sacks | 682 | PSVC MACH ASF |
NDC sacks | 683 | PSVC MACH NDC |
mixed NDC sacks | 684 | PSVC MACH WKG |
Parcel Select DSCF and DDU Prices |
5-digit sacks | 688 | PSVC PARCELS 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 688 | PSVC PARCELS 5D SCH |
Parcel Select — Nonstandard Parcels |
3-digit sacks | 691 | PSVC NONSTD 3D |
Combined Package Services and Parcel Select Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 688 | PSVC PARCELS 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 688 | PSVC PARCELS 5D SCH |
Combined Package Services, Parcel Select, and USPS Marketing Machinable Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 660 | MKT/PSVC MACH 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 660 | MKT/PSVC MACH 5D SCH |
ASF sacks | 662 | MKT/PSVC MACH ASF |
NDC sacks | 663 | MKT/PSVC MACH NDC |
mixed NDC sacks | 664 | MKT/PSVC MACH WKG |
Combined Package Services, Parcel Select, and USPS Marketing—All Parcels |
5-digit sacks | 603 | MKT/PSVC PARCELS 5D |
5-digit scheme sacks | 603 | MKT/PSVC PARCELS 5D SCH |
Combined Package Services, Parcel Select, and USPS Marketing—Nonstandard Parcels 2 up to 6 oz (APPS-machinable) |
3-digit sacks | 501 | MKT/PSVC 3D |
ADC sacks | 502 | MKT/PSVC ADC |
Mixed ADC sacks | 506 | MKT/PSVC WKG |
Combined PSVC & MKT— Nonstandard Parcels Cylindrical Tubes and Rolls |
3-digit sacks | 591 | MKT/PSVC NONSTD 3D |
ADC sacks | 592 | MKT/PSVC NONSTD ADC |
Mixed ADC sacks | 594 | MKT/PSVC NONSTD WKG |
1. This information must be followed by a one-letter carrier route type description, followed by a 3-digit route number for the route to which the tray or sack is destined. At the mailer’s option, one space is permitted between the type description and route number.
2. This information must be followed by the appropriate scheme letter A, B, or C if applicable for the destination of the tray as indicated in L002, Column B.
The origin line must appear below the content line, except as allowed under 3.3.4 and 3.2.5a and 3.2.5b. The origin line must show the city and state of the entry Post Office or the mailer‘s name and the city and state of the mailer‘s location (city and state information may be abbreviated if such abbreviations are in the USPS City State Product). A mailer code assigned by the USPS or such words as “Mailer” or “From” may appear before the required information on this line. Mailers who choose to print destination entry office information on line 3 instead of the origin information must print the origin information as follows:
- When the origin information is not printed on line 3, it must be printed right-justified in the “MAILER AREA” shown in Exhibit 3.3.2.
- When the origin information is printed in the “MAILER AREA” instead of line 3, it must be directly preceded by “ORIGIN:” or “ORGN:” and it may contain, at a minimum, the mailer‘s name and ZIP Code of origin entry.
Intelligent Mail tray labels are 2-inch labels used on trays and sacks to provide unique identification within postal processing. 24-digit Intelligent Mail tray labels include only a 24-digit barcode printed in International Symbology Specification (ISS) Code 128 subset C symbology (see Exhibit 3.3.2). Intelligent Mail tray labels also include a human readable field designed to indicate the carrier route for carrier route mailings, display an “AUTO” indicator text for automation mailings, or remain blank for nonautomation mailings. Mailers using Intelligent Mail tray labels must print labels in the 24-digit Intelligent Mail tray label format. Detailed specifications for the tray label and barcode formats are available on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.com.
Intelligent Mail tray labels, printed in the 24-digit format, can be used on all trays and sacks to uniquely identify each tray and sack in addition to each mailer or mail preparer. 24-digit Intelligent Mail tray labels bear a single barcode and permit an expanded mailer‘s use area (see Exhibit 3.3.2).
Exhibit 3.3.2 Intelligent Mail Tray Label

The core data elements for the Intelligent Mail tray label are as follows:
- Printer Line.
- Tray or Sack Destination (Postal destination name).
- Content Identifier Number (CIN) description (tray or sack content).
- Office of mailing or mailer information.
- Destination ZIP Code (the ZIP Code of the trays’ or sacks’ final destination).
- Carrier Route information.
- Mailer ID (unique identifier of the mailer).
- 24-digit, ISS Code 128 subset C barcode numeric line.
- Mailer area (set aside for mailer-generated human-readable information or for origin information on 24-digit Intelligent Mail tray labels when the mailer chooses to print destination entry office information on line 3 of the tray label).
The barcode composition is dependent on the Mailer ID assigned by the USPS. Upon request by the mailer, the USPS assigns a 6-digit or 9-digit Mailer ID based on the demonstrated mail volume of the mailer. Intelligent Mail tray barcodes contain the following elements:
- Destination ZIP Code.
- Content Identifier Number (CIN), as listed in Exhibit 3.2.4.
- Processing code, identifying the system or facility generating the label.
- Mailer ID.
- Serial number, a unique number assigned to each tray or sack.
- Label type, a default digit.
The Intelligent Mail tray barcode can encode a unique identifier for each tray and sack. Tray or sack serial numbers associated to an individual Mailer ID cannot be duplicated within a 45-day period, regardless of the acceptance location.
Mailers printing Intelligent Mail tray labels are responsible for the inspection and testing of the labels prior to submission to USPS and for maintaining the overall quality of the labels produced. Inspection and testing of Intelligent Mail tray labels should be performed periodically. Mailers and label vendors are encouraged to submit samples to the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) in Memphis for certification (see 608.8.0 for address).
Mailer-generated container labels bearing Intelligent Mail container barcodes identify pallets and other rolling stock, such as all-purpose containers. Intelligent Mail container barcodes uniquely identify each container and may be scanned at induction points. Detailed specifications for Intelligent Mail container barcodes and labels are available at http://postalpro.usps.gov.
Intelligent Mail container labels must be affixed on the outside of any shrinkwrap or plastic by self-adhesive or other adhesive means. Labels may be produced in two configurations:
- Affixed label measuring at least 8 inches by 11 inches. See 3.4.3 for label specifications and 3.4.5 label placement.
- Optional affixed label measuring at least 4 inches by 7 inches. See 3.4.6 for label specifications and 3.4.5 for label placement.
In addition to the requirements for pallet labels in 705.8.6, Intelligent Mail container labels (see Exhibit 3.4.3) must retain the top one-half of the labels for USPS-required elements, except as allowed under 705.8.6.6. The USPS banner, identification bars, and human-readable text are required elements related to the Intelligent Mail container barcode and will serve as a guide to distinguish the barcode from the other information on the container label. Required elements include:
- USPS Banner. “USPS SCAN REQUIRED” must be printed in all uppercase letters centered above the barcode and embedded within the upper identification bar. Clear zone and font size are as follows:
- A clear zone of at least 0.125 inch, but no more than 0.5 inch, must be maintained between the bottom edge of the text and the top of the barcode.
- The banner must be printed in a boldface sans-serif font of at least 14-point type.
- Identification Bars. Horizontal black bars of at least 0.10 inch thick must be printed above and below the barcode. At a minimum, the bars must extend the length of the barcode. Clear zone and other requirements are as follows:
- The upper bar must be printed at least 0.125 inch above the top edge of the barcode.
- The upper bar must have a void in the middle sufficient to insert the USPS banner without any element being obscured.
- The lower bar must be printed at least 0.125 inch below the human-readable representation of the barcode string.
- Human-Readable Representation of Barcode Data. The human-readable representation of barcode data (text) must be printed in a boldface sans-serif font of at least 12-point type. The text must not exceed the length of the barcode and must be separated by data field. Two blank character spaces must be left between each field. The text must be centered at least 0.125 inch, but no more than 0.25 inch, below the barcode.
- Barcode Location. The barcode, along with the corresponding USPS banner and identification bars, must be printed on the front side of the pallet label. When the identification bars extend beyond the length of the barcode, the barcode must be horizontally centered.
- Minimum size. The minimum size of this label is 8 inches high by 11 inches long. See additional specifications at postalpro.usps.gov. Mailers using larger labels must ensure the barcode conforms to the published specification and the human-readable content is provided as illustrated in Exhibit 3.4.3 and as published on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.com.
Exhibit 3.4.3 Intelligent Mail Container Label

Intelligent Mail container barcodes are 21 characters in length and contain a USPS-assigned Mailer ID. The format depends on the Mailer ID assigned. Intelligent Mail container barcodes contain the following elements:
- Application identifier, identifying the source of the barcode.
- Type indicator, identifying internal or external label generation.
- Mailer ID.
- Serial number, a unique number assigned to each container.
Mailers may use labels bearing Intelligent Mail container barcodes only under the following conditions:
- Two labels must be affixed to each pallet as specified under 705.8.6.1.
- One label must be placed in the designated area on other USPS containers.
- Labels affixed to pallets containing Periodicals mail must be pink, except under 3.4.5d or 3.4.5e.
- Labels prepared in the optional smaller format under 3.4.6 may be white, but must include a vertical pink 1/2-inch wide identification bar along the left-hand side of the label, unless prepared under 3.4.5e.
- Labels containing Periodicals may be all white when used in conjunction with a pink designator label meeting the following criteria:
- Designator labels must be printed in landscape orientation and, except for the defined mailer-use area, must not include any print or graphics, other than the required markings in 3.4.5e2 and 3.4.5e3. Mailers may place extraneous information, meeting the criteria in 705.8.6.8, only in the mailer-use area of the label.
- The mailer-use area consists of the bottom 3 inches of designator labels measuring at least 8 inches by 11 inches, and the bottom 1 inch of designator labels measuring less than 8 inches by 11 inches. Mailers must define the mailer-use area by placing a horizontal black line of at least 0.10 inch in thickness, extending the width of the label, and must include “MAILER-USE ONLY” text printed in all uppercase letters centered and embedded within the horizontal black line. This text must be printed using boldface sans-serif font and must be in at least 14-point type.
- Designator labels must meet or exceed both the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the accompanying Intelligent Mail container label and must bear only a “PERIODICALS” or “NEWS” marking at least 1/2-inch high (or at least 48-point type).
- Designator labels may be affixed on the outside of, or be placed beneath, any shrinkwrap or plastic, but must be immediately adjacent to the Intelligent Mail container label.
- When using this option, each Intelligent Mail container label must be accompanied by an adjacent designator label.
Mailers may prepare labels bearing Intelligent Mail container barcodes (see Exhibit 3.4.6) in a smaller alternate format as follows:
- Labels must include the required elements described in 705.8.6.
- Labels must measure no less than 4 inches high by 7 inches long.
- Labels prepared in the minimum size of 4 inches high by 7 inches long may include a restricted mailer/acceptance unit area that cannot exceed one line of text or contain print no larger than 12 point. Text in the restricted mailer/acceptance unit area must be restricted to the bottom line of the label (below the lower barcode identification bar).
- Intelligent Mail container labels prepared in the optional smaller format, but measuring more than 4 inches high by 7 inches long in both (or either) dimensions, must preserve the top 3.75 inches of the label, or the area including and above the lower barcode identification bar (whichever is greater), for USPS-required elements. The remainder of the label is available for restricted mailer/acceptance unit use. Text in the restricted mailer/acceptance unit area, when used, must contain print no larger than 12 point.
- All text placed in the mailer/acceptance unit area must be approved by the business mail entry unit (BMEU) servicing the mailer for acceptance and verification, except as allowed under 705.8.6.6a. or 705.8.6.6b. for optional placement of required origin office/mailer location information. Mailers wishing to include information other than that approved or allowed for use in this area must use the larger size label specified in 3.4.3.
- Two labels must be affixed to each pallet as specified under 705.8.6.1.
- Labels containing Intelligent Mail container barcodes must meet the specifications for labels posted at http://postalpro.usps.gov.
Exhibit 3.4.6 Intelligent Mail Container Label—Optional Format with Restricted Mailer Area

The Intelligent Mail container barcode can encode a unique identifier for each container. Mailers must ensure that serial numbers in barcodes remain unique for 45 days.
Mailers printing Intelligent Mail container labels are responsible for the inspection and testing of the labels prior to submission to the USPS and for maintaining the overall quality of the labels they produce. Inspection and testing of Intelligent Mail container labels should be performed periodically. Mailers are encouraged to work with their local mailpiece design analyst to validate the accuracy and quality of their labels.