The Summary of Changes lists revisions to this edition of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) by effective date.
Summary of Changes by Effective Date
January 19, 2025
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We various sections, to reflect changes effective January 19, 2025, to prices and mailing standards for domestic competitive products as established by the Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service. We published this information in the January 9, 2025, Postal Bulletin.
Low-Cost Items Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11, to reflect a change in the allowed value for low-cost items to be mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail® prices. We published this information in the January 9, 2025, Postal Bulletin.
Dual-Shipping Labels Discontinued
We revised section 602.10, to reflect the Postal Service discontinuing the use of dual-shipping labels. We published this information in the December 26, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Electronic Certificate of Mailing Acceptance
We revised sections 503.5.1.6 and 503.5.2.3, to clarify the acceptance criteria for electronically submitted Certificate of Mailing forms PS 3665 and PS 3606-D. We published this information in the November 28, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Package Intercept Service Expanded
We revised sections 507.5.1.2, 507.5.1.3, 507.5.2, and 507.5.3, to reflect that the Postal Service is expanding product eligibility of Package Intercept service. We published this information in the November 14, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Optional Endorsement Lines and Carrier-Route Information Lines
We revised section 203.8.1, to reflect the Postal Service’s change in requirements for using optional endorsement lines or carrier-route information lines on USPS Marketing Mail® carrier-route letters. We published this information in the September 19, 2024, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
November 4, 2024
Exceptions to Markings and Weight Standards for Permit-Imprint Mailings
We revised section 202.3.10 to replace the section titled “Marking Hazardous Materials” with a section titled “Exceptions to Markings,” and section 604.5.1.8 to reflect an update in the Postal Service weight standard for permit-imprint mailings. We published this information in the September 19, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Hazardous Materials Enclosed in Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail Open–and–Distribute Containers
We revised section 705.18.2.2 to clarify Postal Service standards for hazardous materials enclosed in Priority Mail Express® and Priority Mail® Open-and-Distribute containers. We published this information in the September 19, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Internet Change-of-Address Application Filing Enhancement
We revised section 507.2.0 to delete information that has become redundant because of an enhancement to the Postal Service Internet Change of Address (ICOA) filing procedure. We published this information in the September 19, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel-Processing Categories Simplification
We revised various sections, to reflect the Postal Service simplifying parcel-processing categories. We published this information in the September 5, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Optional 5-Digit Tray Preparation for Automation Carrier Route Letters
We revised sections 243 and 245, to clarify requirements for optional 5-digit tray preparation for automation-compatible carrier route letters. We published this information in the August 22, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals Bundles and Loose Flats in Flat Trays
We revised various sections to clarify the requirements for USPS Marketing Mail® and periodicals flat sized mailpieces when preparing bundles or loose flats in flat trays. We published this information in the July 25, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Customs Declaration Exceptions
We revised various sections to delete the “known mailer” and “official mail” exceptions for customs declarations for mail to, from, or between overseas U.S. military and diplomatic Post Office® addresses. We published this information in the July 11, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
July 14, 2024
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect changes to certain prices and mailing standards established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service for the following competitive products: Recipient Services and Other. We published this information in the July 11, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections, to reflect changes coincident with Postal Service price adjustments effective July 14, 2024. We published this information in the June 27, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons
We revised section 703.5.0, to clarify requirements for mailing free matter for the blind and other physically handicapped persons. We published this information in the May 16, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Value-Added Refunds
We revised section 604.9.4.10, to reflect a change in Postal Service requirements regarding who must complete and sign a PS Form 8096, Request to Pay Postage Refunds to Presenter of Mail, when it is required for a value-added refund (VAR). We published this information in the May 2, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies Clarification
We revised section 508.1.8.3a(3), to clarify Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies’ (CMRAs) and notaries’ public responsibilities with respect to the mail addressee’s signature on PS Form 1583, Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent. We published this information in the April 18, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Customer Label Distribution System Replaced with Intelligent Mail Barcode Generator
We revised sections and, to reflect the Postal Service replacing the Customer Label Distribution System (CLDS) with the Intelligent Mail® Barcode Generator (IMBG). We published this information in the April 18, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Required USPS Marketing Mail Parcel Dimensions
We revised section, to clarify the required dimensions and characteristics of USPS Marketing Mail®, Nonprofit machinable parcels, and Nonprofit irregular parcels. We published this information in the April 18, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
USPS-Produced Packaging Use Requirements
We revised section 601.6.1, to update mailing standards for Postal Service customers using USPS-produced packaging. We published this information in the April 18, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
April 1, 2024
Shipping Address Label
We revised various sections to reflect the new Postal Service requirement that the correct service indicator composed of the service icon and service banner be included when a shipping address label is used. We published this information in the January 25, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Deferred Handling
We revised various sections to clarify under the “description of service” for certain products the requirement for deferred handling. We published this information in the January 25, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Using Foreign Addresses on Domestic Mailpieces
We revised sections 602.1.5.4 and 609.4.3 to clarify the consequences of using foreign return addresses on domestic mailpieces. We published this information in the December 28, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
January 21, 2024
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect changes effective January 21, 2024, to certain prices and mailing standards for Postal Service competitive products: We published this information in the January 11, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Periodicals and USPS Marketing Mail Flat-Tray Preparation and Bound Printed Matter Comailing
We revised sections 207, 245, and 705 to reflect minor changes related to Periodicals and USPS Marketing Mail® flat-tray preparation and to Bound Printed Matter flats comailing requirements. We published this information in the January 11, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Returns Service Markings
We revised sections 202.3.8 and 505.3.1.4, to clarify that the USPS Returns® service basic markings are Priority Mail Express® Return, Priority Mail Return®, and USPS Ground Advantage™ Return. We published this information in the January 11, 2024, Postal Bulletin.
Insured Mail Clarification
We revised section 503.4.3.2, to clarify what matter is ineligible to be insured. We published this information in the December 28, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Low-Cost Products Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11 to reflect a change in the allowed maximum value of low-cost items to mail them at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail® prices. We published this information in the December 14, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Hardcopy Postage Statements Discontinued
We revised various sections to reflect the Postal Service’s discontinued use of hardcopy postage statements for domestic commercial mailings. We published this information in the December 14, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections to reflect changes the Postal Service will implement related to January 2024 price adjustments. We published this information in the December 14, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Ballot Mail Ancillary Service Endorsements
We revised sections 507.1.5.1 and 507.1.5.3, to reflect the Postal Service removing “Change Service Requested” as an ancillary service endorsement option for Ballot Mail. We published this information in the November 30, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Electronic Indicators for Mailing Hazardous Materials
We revised section 503.1.4.1, to clarify Postal Service extra services available when mailing items containing hazardous materials. We published this information in the November 2, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
November 6, 2023
Facility Access and Shipment Tracking
We revised various sections to include Postal Service standards for using Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST) as an option for mailers to schedule drop-shipment appointments. We published this information in the August 24, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Intelligent Mail Package Barcode Compliance Quality
We revised Exhibit 2.1.8, under the “Barcode Quality” compliance category entry, to reflect the Postal Service adding an Intelligent Mail® package barcode (IMpb®) validation requirement. We published this information in the August 24, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Label 11-B Discontinued
We revised various sections to reflect the Postal Service’s discontinued use of Priority Mail Express® Label 11-B, Priority Mail Express Post Office to Addressee. We published this information in the August 10, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Maximum Dimensions of Machinable Parcels
We revised various sections to reflect the recent change in Postal Service requirements regarding maximum dimensions of a machinable parcel. We published this information in the July 27, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Refunds
We revised section 604.9.5.5, to reflect the Postal Service’s discontinuing guaranteed-service postage refunds for Priority Mail Express® mailpieces destined to or originating from Alaska or Hawaii. We published this information in the July 27, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
USPS-Produced Packing
We revised various sections to clarify requirements for using USPS®-produced packaging for Priority Mail Express®, Priority Mail®, and USPS Connect Local mail. We published this information in the July 27, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Collapsing Zones – Bound Printed Matter
We revised various sections to implement Postal Service changes related to collapsed zones for Bound Printed Matter. We published this information in the June 29, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Publication 199 Title Change
We revised various sections to reflect a change in the title of Publication 199, Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Implementation Guide for: Confirmation Services and Electronic Verification System (eVS) Mailers to Publication 199, Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Implementation Guide for: Confirmation Services and Electronic Payment Systems. We published this information in the June 29, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Sectional Center Facility Pallet Discount
We revised various sections to reflect a change in standards for the Postal Service Sectional Center Facility (SCF) pallet discount for USPS Marketing Mail® letters, and to clarify changes that became effective January 22, 2023, related to the Postal Service SCF pallet discount for USPS Marketing Mail flats. We published this information in the June 29, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
July 9, 2023
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect changes to prices and mailing standards for certain competitive products for 2023. We published this information in the July 13, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Removal of Sacks – USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals Flats Clarification
We revised various sections to clarify the requirements for using flat trays and sacks, when applicable, as a handling unit for USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals Flats. We published this information in the July 13, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Hazardous Materials Refund Eligibility
We revised section 604.9.5.5 to reflect changes in refund eligibility for Priority Mail Express products containing hazardous materials (HAZMAT). We published this information in the June 29, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Postage Stamp Denominations
We revised section 604.1.1 to reflect an update in Postal Service postage stamp prices and denominations resulting from the Postal Regulatory Commission’s approval of Market Dominant pricing adjustments effective July 9, 2023. We published this information in the June 29, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections to reflect changes regarding Postal Service domestic product price adjustments for 2023. We published this information in the June 15, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Caller Service Payment Method
We revised section 508.5.5.5 to reflect a change in the payment method for caller service. We published this information in the May 18, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies
We revised section 508.1.8 to reflect updates in regulations concerning Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies (CMRAs). We published this information in the May 18, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Eliminating Legacy Forms Clarifications
We revised various sections to replace references to discontinued legacy extra-service labels and forms with references to the current Intelligent Mail package barcode (IMpb)-compliant versions. We published this information in the May 18, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Methods and Forms of Identification
We revised sections 507.2.1.4 and 608.10.2 to reflect changes in Postal Service required methods and forms of identification. We published this information in the May 18, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Click-N-Ship Pricing
We revised various sections to add USPS Click-N-Ship as a payment method for certain commercial mail products. We published this information in the May 18, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Corporate Account Postage Payment Method Discontinued
We revised various sections to reflect the discontinuation of the USPS Corporate Account (USPSCA) payment method. We published this information in the May 18, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Hold for Pickup Service
We revised section 507.3.2.2 to clarify the basic eligibility for Hold For Pickup service. We published this information in the May 4, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Cubic
We revised section to clarify the characteristics for Priority Mail cubic mailpieces. We published this information in the May 4, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Counterfeit Postage
We revised various sections to reflect a change in handling mail items bearing counterfeit postage. We published this information in the April 20, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Address Correction Notices
We revised sections 507.4.2.6 and 705.23.5.2 to update information about address-correction requests and to remove a standard regarding hard copy address-correction notice options for Full-Service and Seamless Acceptance mailers. We published this information in the April 6, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Change-of Address Order
We revised section 507.2.1.5 to reflect a change in the requirements for individuals to file a change-of-address (COA) order. We published this information in the April 6, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Mailing Currency
We revised sections 503.2.1 and 601.1.0 to clarify Postal Service standards for mailing currency. We published this information in the March 23. 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Using Return Addresses
We revised section 602.1.5.4 to clarify standards for using a return address on domestic mailpieces. We published this information in the March 9, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Return Service Clarification
We revised section 505.4.0 to clarify resources for information on Parcel Return Service (PRS). We published this information in the February 23, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Bulk Insured Claims
We revised section 609.1.2 to reflect updates in the standards for filing bulk insured claims. We published this information in the January 26, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
January 22, 2023
Removal of Sacks – USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals Flats
We revised various sections to remove references to sacks as a handling unit for USPS Marketing Mail® and Periodicals flats. We published this information in the January 26, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect changes to prices and mailing standards for certain competitive products for 2023. We published this information in the January 12, 2023, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections, to reflect changes regarding Postal Service domestic product price adjustments for 2023. We published this information in the December 29, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11, to reflect a change in the price for low-cost items. We published this information in the December 15, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Forms of Identification
We revised sections 608.10.3 and 608.10.4, to reflect changes in the types of identification that the Postal Service accepts as primary and secondary forms of identification. We published this information in the December 15, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Commercial Postcards
We revised various sections, to clarify the standards for commercial postcard-priced mailpieces not meeting aspect-ratio or minimum-thickness requirements. We published this information in the December 1, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Addressing Military Mail
We revised section 703.2.2.1 to clarify required delivery address line military address types. We published this information in the October 20, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
November 7, 2022
Flat Trays Alternative
We revised various sections to add flat trays as an alternative handling unit to sacks and bundles for USPS Marketing Mail and Periodicals flats. We published this information in the October 6, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
FSS Scheme Preparation Discontinued
We revised various sections to remove Flat Sequencing System (FSS) scheme preparation standards. We published this information in the September 22, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Periodicals Requester Records Requirements
We revised section 207 to reflect changes to Postal Service verification requirements for authorized audit bureaus. We published this information in the August 25, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Addressing Standards
We revised various sections in part 602, to improve the delivery-point validation and address standardization of mail that includes postage discounts. We published this information in the July 28, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
September 12, 2022
Nonsubscriber Cap for In-County Periodicals
We revised section 207 to reflect changes to the annual cap on the number of copies that a Periodicals publisher is permitted to mail to nonsubscribers at In-County rates. We published this information in the July 28, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Trailing Edge Die-Cut Mailpieces
We revised section 201.3.3 to reference an advisory for mailing non-rectangular trailing edge die-cut (TED-C) letter-size mailpieces at automation letter prices. We published this information in the July 28, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Basic Price Markings for Permit Imprint on Shipping Address Labels
We revised various sections to clarify the required placement of basic price markings when postage is paid by permit imprint on shipping address labels. We published this information in the July 14, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Direct Container Discount
We revised section 243.6.0 and various sections in part 705, to include and clarify new Postal Service standards related to direct container discounts. We published this information in the July 14, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
July 10, 2022
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect changes to certain pricing and mailing standards for domestic mail competitive products, including Priority Mail, Parcel Select, and Return Services. We also revised 608.9.0 to reflect the Postal Service’s change in the calculation method for postal zones for certain subclasses of mail. We published this information in the June 30, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections to implement changes related to Postal Service price adjustments that became effective July 10, 2022. We published this information in the June 30, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Special Handling – Fragile Discontinued
We revised various sections to reflect the Postal Service’s decision to discontinue the Special Handling – Fragile extra service. We published this information in the June 16, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Centralized Account Processing System Migration to Enterprise Payment System
We revised various sections to replace standards for the Centralized Account Processing System with those of the Enterprise Payment System. We published this information in the June 2, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Ballot Mail Clarification
We revised section 703.8.0 and various other sections to clarify standards for Ballot Mail. We published this information in the April 7, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Update
We revised sections 503.6.2 and 601.8.3 to add references to Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS). We published this information in the April 7, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Money Order Reclamation
We revised section 509.3.4.4 to clarify all material circumstances under which the Postal Service has the right to perform a money order reclamation. We published this information in the April 7, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Labeling List L051 for Parcel Select and Parcel Select Lightweight Parcels
We revised various sections to clarify the use of Labeling List L051 for Parcel Select nonmachinable parcels and Parcel Select Lightweight irregular parcels. We published this information in the March 24, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Extended Mail Forwarding Service
We revised section 507.2.0 to add a new product offering that will allow customers to extend mail forwarding service. We published this information in the March 10, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
April 4, 2022
Nonstandard Fee Clarification
We revised various sections to clarify standards for nonstandard fees, which became effective April 3, 2022. We published this information in the March 10, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Implementation of Nonstandard Fees and Dimension-Noncompliance Fee
We revised various sections to delete all references to the April 3, 2022, delayed implementation date for nonstandard fees, the dimension-noncompliance fee, and the requirement to provide dimensions for nonstandard mailpieces and dimensional weight mailpieces. We published this information in the February 24, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Board Game Large Flat Rate Box Discontinued
We revised sections,, and 703.2.1.2, for clarity and to remove references to the Priority Mail Board Game Large Flat Rate Box. We published this information in the February 24, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Plus One Permanent Product
We revised section and part 602 to add Plus One as a new permanent product offering. Plus One is an advertising card mailed as an add-on mailpiece with a USPS Marketing Mail letters marriage mail envelope. We published this information in the January 27, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Select Labeling List L051 Clarification and New Content Identifier Numbers
We revised various sections to clarify the use of Labeling List L051 for Parcel Select and Parcel Select Lightweight machinable mailpieces, and to provide new Content Identifier Numbers. We published this information in the January 13, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
January 9, 2022
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect changes to prices and certain mailing standards effective January 9, 2022, for several competitive products. We published this information in the January 13, 2022, Postal Bulletin.
Calculating Postage for Periodicals Pending Authorization
We revised section 207.5.2 to reflect a change in the process for calculating the price of postage on a Periodicals publication pending authorization. We published this information in the December 30, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
First-Class Package Service – Commercial Enter and Deposit
We revised sections 286.1.1 and 604.4.6.3 to clarify the First-Class Package Service — Commercial standards for enter and deposit. We published this information in the December 16, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11 to reflect a change in the maximum allowed value of low-cost items for that type of product to be mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail prices, as long as all other required conditions are met. We published this information in the December 16, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
November 1, 2021
High-Density Carrier Route Mailpiece and Postcard Clarifications
We revised section to clarify the thickness required for postcards. We also revised various sections to clarify the size required for card-size pieces to be bundled, and we revised section to specify that high-density carrier route mailpieces must meet the criteria for high-density mail. Additionally, we revised various sections to delete “HD+” and “High Density plus” from required Line 2 content for labels. We published this information in the September 9, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
August 29, 2021
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections to include domestic mailing services products’ price adjustments effective August 29, 2021. We published this information in the August 12, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Postage Stamps
We revised section 604 to update postage stamp prices, include additional information for semipostal stamps, and update other stamp-related standards. We published this information in the August 12, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Bound in Enclosures in Periodicals
We revised section 207.3.3 to add a standard for bound in enclosures in Periodicals. We published this information in the June 17, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Hold Mail Service Clarification
We revised sections 508.11.1.1 and 508.11.4 to clarify that mail held under Hold Mail service also includes accountable mail, such as Priority Mail Express and Certified Mail. We published this information in the June 17, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
June 20, 2021
Periodicals Pending Authorization Clarification
We revised section 207.1.0, 207.5.2,,, and 207.28.2 to clarify and make consistent the mailing standards for Periodicals publications pending authorization. We published this information in the May 20, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Insurance
We revised section 503.4.2b to clarify when Priority Mail includes a maximum of $50 of insurance. We published this information in the May 20, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Treatment for Ancillary Services
We revised section 507.1.5.3 to clarify the standards regarding the weighted fee for returned mailpieces. We published this information in the May 20, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Select Permit Imprint Minimum Volumes
We revised section 604.5.1.2 to clarify the permit imprint minimum-volume standards for Parcel Select destination entry mailings. We published this information in the May 6, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Returns Deposit
We revised sections 505.3.1.6 and 505.4.2.3 to clarify where return services packages may be deposited. We published this information in the April 22, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Delivery Times
We revised various sections to reflect changes in Priority Mail Express delivery times, including eliminating the optional 10:30 a.m. delivery time. We published this information in the April 8, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Return Addresses
We revised section 602.1.5.3 regarding the required use of domestic return addresses to add standards for USPS Returns service, Parcel Return Service, and hazardous, restricted, and perishable mail. We published this information in the April 8, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Returns Noncompliant Labels
We revised section 505.3.1.5 to clarify that noncompliant labels under the standard specified in the section also include return labels that have been discontinued. We published this information in the March 25, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
April 5, 2021
Extra Services Refund Time Limit
We revised sections 604.9.2 and 604.9.5 to reflect a change in the time limit for customers to apply for extra service refunds. We published this information in the March 11, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Permit Imprint Minimum Volumes
We revised section 604.5.1.2 to clarify the minimum volume standards regarding single-piece price mailings. We published this information in the February 25, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Oversize Items Postage and Fee Refunds
We revised section 604.9.2.4 to include oversize postal items in the standard. We published this information in the February 11, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Refund Documentation
We revised section 604.9.5.6 to clarify the documentation required for a Priority Mail Express refund request. We published this information in the January 28, 2021, Postal Bulletin.
January 24, 2021
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised sections 507.11 and 601.1.2 to reflect changes to prices and certain mailing standards for a number of competitive products. We published this information in the December 17, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Share Mail Contact Update
We revised section 604.5.5 to update customer contact information for customer participation in the Share Mail program. We published this information in the December 17, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11 to reflect a change in the price for low-cost items. We published this information in the December 3, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Share Mail
We revised sections 202.8.1 and 604.5.5 for clarity and consistency, and to update Share Mail standards. We published this information in the December 3, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Postage Payment Methods
We revised various sections to clarify postage payment methods referring to postage evidencing systems. We published this information in the October 22, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Customs Forms Acceptance Policies, including Military Mail
We revised various sections to reflect that the Postal Service accepts only electronically generated versions of PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 – Sender’s Declaration; PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note – CP 72; and PS Form 2976-B, Priority Mail Express International Shipping Label and Customs Form. We published this information in the September 24, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
December 27, 2020
Address Placement on Postcards
We revised sections and 601.1.1.3 and added new section 601.1.1.4 to clarify the standards for placing an address on First-Class Mail postcard-priced pieces. We published this information in the September 10, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Money Orders
We revised section 509.3.3.9 to add a reference to the money orders application available online at usps.com. We published this information in the September 10, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Retail Ground Payment Method
We revised section 154.1.0 to add Click-N-Ship as a postage payment option available to military personnel shipping packages via USPS Retail Ground service from Army/Fleet/Diplomatic Post Office (APO/FPO/DPO) locations. We published this information in the August 27, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
First-Class Package Service – Retail Payment Method
We revised section 134.1.1 to include Click-N-Ship as an additional postage payment option for eligible First-Class Package Service – Retail business customers. We published this information in the August 13, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Label 11-DOD
We revised section 703.8.3 to include that absent overseas uniformed services voters, as defined in 52 U.S.C. § 20304(d), may use Priority Mail Express Label 11-DOD without prepaying postage to return absentee ballots from an overseas U.S. Military Post Office (APO/FPO) location, Diplomatic Post Office (DPO), or U.S. Department of State (DOS) location. We published this information in the July 30, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Flats Sequencing System Scheme Preparation Changes
We revised various sections to reflect a change in the type of mailpieces that qualify for Flats Sequencing System (FSS) Scheme preparation. We published this information in the July 16, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
July 1, 2020
Business Bulk Temporary Forwarding and Hold Mail Service Requests
We revised sections 507.2.0 and 508.11.0 to include a new option that the Postal Service is implementing that allows business customers to submit a bulk request (10 or more locations) to temporarily forward or hold mail. We published this information in the May 21, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Return Receipt for Merchandise
We revised various sections to reflect the elimination of return receipt for merchandise service. We published this information in the May 21, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Seamless Changes for Detached Mail Unit and Full-Service Mailings
We revised sections 705.22 and 705.23 to include the requirement that detached mail unit mailers and mailers who enter full-service mailings at a business mail entry unit participate in the USPS Seamless Parallel Program by June 1, 2020. We published this information in the May 21, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
May 4, 2020
USPS-Produced Flat Rate Containers
We revised various sections to clarify standards related to the use of USPS-produced Flat Rate containers and to ensure that the clarified standards are consistent throughout the DMM. We published this information in the April 9, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Laminated Card-Type Letter and Postcard
We revised section 201.3.17 to reference Customer Support Ruling PS-350, Laminated Card-Type Letter and Postcard. As a result of working with other organizations in the mailing industry, the Postal Service has developed a process that allows mailing laminated card-type letter and postcard mailpieces at applicable automation letter or postcard prices without requirements for testing. We published this information in the March 26, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Philatelic Services
We revised section 608.4.0, “Philatelic (Stamp Collecting) Services,” to reinsert standards regarding philatelic services. We published this information in the March 26, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Postage Refunds for Guaranteed Service
We revised section 604.9.5.5 to clarify Priority Mail Express postage refunds for guaranteed service. The revision clarifies that in addition to pieces destined for Guam, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, postage is not refunded other than for loss for Priority Mail Express pieces originating from these locations. The clarification does not affect postage refunds for Priority Mail Express pieces originating from the Freely Associated States. We published this information in the March 12, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Returns Service
We revised section 505.3.0 and various sections to remove references to Merchandise Return Service and to replace them with references to USPS Returns service. We published this information in the March 12, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Premium Data Retention and Retrieval Service
We revised section 507.11.0 to update the Premium Data Retention and Retrieval Service product name. The service is being renamed as USPS Premium Tracking service. We published this information in the February 27, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
March 2, 2020
Detached Address Labels (DALs) and Detached Marketing Labels (DML) Clarification
We revised various sections to specifically reference both detached address labels (DALs) and detached marketing labels (DMLs) in the rules for using DALs and DMLs and to make minor updates for consistency with this clarification. We also revised and reorganized section 602.4.0 to clarify the use of DALs and DMLs. We published this information in the February 13, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Authorized Meter Providers
We revised section 604.4.1.3 to replace the corporate name of Neopost, Inc., with the organization’s new name of Quadient, Inc., and to update the company’s website address listed to the corporation’s new website address of www.quadient.com. We published this information in the January 30, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
January 26, 2020
Cremated Remains Clarification
We revised sections 113.3.0 and 213.2.0 to clarify the definition of cremated remains. We published this information in the January 2, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections to implement changes related to January 2020 price adjustments. We published this information in the January 2, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections to reflect January 2020 changes to certain prices and mailing standards for select domestic competitive products. We published this information in the December 19, 2020, Postal Bulletin.
Flat-size Mail with Polywrap Coverings
We revised sections 201.4.1 and 201.4.5, to clarify the characteristics of flat-size pieces with polywrap coverings. We published this information in the December 19, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Pallet Label Clarification
We revised sections,, and 705.6.1, to clarify the standards for pallet label placement. We published this information in the December 19, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Commercial Plus Cubic Soft Pack.
We revised sections and to clarify the standards for Priority Mail Commercial Plus Cubic Soft Pack. We published this information in the December 19, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11 to modify the price for low cost items. We published this information in the December 5, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Mail Entry and Payment Technology Organization Structural Changes
We revised several sections to reflect the new Mail Entry and Payment Technology organization structure. We published a brief summary of this information in the November 21, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Hold Mail Service Modification
We revised the text of 508.11.3.1 and 508.11.3.3 in new section 508.11.0, which contains standards and procedures for USPS Hold Mail service, to modify the options for customers to change or cancel their Hold Mail service request. We published this information in the November 21, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Periodicals Reentry
We revised 207 to update and clarify the standards for filing a Periodicals reentry and to also remove references to two obsolete forms: PS forms 3541-C, Periodicals Certification for Multiple Issues (On the Same Day), and 3541-E, Periodicals Certification for Multiple Issues (Not on the Same Day). We published this information in the November 7, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Mailing Cremated Remains
We revised various sections to include new USPS procedures for mailing cremated remains. The revisions reflect changes to Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, regarding shipping cremated remains. We published this information in the November 7, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Competitive Post Office Box Service
We revised 508.4.5.4a.2 to clarify the package requirements for customers who use competitive Post Office Box services and receive packages from private carriers. We published this information in the October 24, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Hold Mail Service
We revised section 508 to add a new section, 508.11.0, which contains standards and procedures for USPS Hold Mail service. We published this information in the October 24, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Stamped Mail
We revised various sections to update the the deposit method for all mailpieces weighing more than 10 ounces or measuring more than one half-inch thick and that bear stamps as the only postage payment method. We published this information in the October 10, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Return Service
We revised section 505.4.2 to include information about the two options that customers may use to request a change or cancellation of Parcel Return Service retrieval locations (delivery units and sectional center facilities). We published this information in the September 26, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
October 7, 2019
Parcel Select Postage Payment Methods
We revised to clarify postage payment methods for Parcel Select destination entry pieces and Parcel Select Ground pieces. We published this information in the August 15, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Business Reply Mail Cards, Envelopes, and Labels
We revised 505.1.0 to delete redundant text and to clarify how the Postal Service responds to misuse of Business Reply Mail cards and envelopes, and improper use of labels. We published this information in the August 1, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Electronic Export Information Filing Requirements
We revised 608.2.5 to align with the Foreign Trade Regulations that the U.S. Census Bureau issued for items sent to international military and diplomatic destinations, including Army Post Offices, Fleet Post Offices, and Diplomatic Post Offices. We published this information in the July 18, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Marketing Mail Nonautomation Flat-Size Pieces Failing Deflection
We revised Exhibit 201.4.7b to clarify that USPS Marketing Mail nonautomation flat-size pieces at all sort levels eligible for destination sectional center facility entry that fail deflection are subject to the Mixed Area Distribution Center destination network distribution center price. We published this information in the June 6, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
June 23, 2019
New Electronic Signature Option
We revised various sections to include a more flexible option for package addressees to provide an electronic signature indicating delivery of a package. We published this information in the May 9, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Full-Service Automation Option — Address Correction Notices
We revised sections 507 and 705, to delete inaccurate Full-Service address correction notice charges. We published this information in the May 9, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Required Forms of Identification
We revised various sections to provide clarity and consistency about forms of identification required from customers for some types of postal products and services. We also added new section 608.10.0, “Forms of Identification,” which lists and defines acceptable and unacceptable forms of identification. We published this information in the May 9, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Overweight Items Clarification
We revised section 601.1.2, to clarify the process for overweight items entered in the postal network. We published this information in the April 11, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Products Containing Liquids
We revised section 601.3.4 to clarify mailing standards for packaging and marking mailpieces containing nonhazardous liquids. We published this information in the March 28, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
Prohibited Use of Precanceled Stamps on Reusable Containers
We revised sections 604.3.1.2 and 604.3.1.3 to clarify standards that prohibit using precanceled stamps on reusable mailing containers for mailing purposes. We published this information in the March 14, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
March 4, 2019
Affixing Postage
We revised various sections to clarify the standards when a mailer is affixing postage to a mailpiece. We published this information in the February 14, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
PS Form 2976-R
We revised sections 703.2.3.6 and 703.2.3.7 to reflect the change that retail customers with international and domestic mailpieces requiring a customs form must complete and submit PS Form 2976-R, Customs Declaration and Dispatch. We published this information in the January 17, 2019, Postal Bulletin.
January 27, 2019
Change Address Quality Threshold for Intelligent Mail Package Barcode
We revised section to update the Address Quality (AQ) Compliance threshold, for all mailers who enter commercial parcels. We published this information in the December 20, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections of the DMM to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments and other minor DMM changes. We published this information in the December 20, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections of the DMM to reflect changes to certain prices and mailing standards for certain Competitive Products. We published this information in the December 20, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices
We revised section 703.1.6.11 to update the value of low-cost items mailed at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices. We published this information in the December 20, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail, Open and Distribute Labeling Clarification
We revised section 705.18.5 to clarify the facility delivery address used for Priority Mail Express Open and Distribute® (PMEOD) and Priority Mail Open and Distribute® (PMOD) containers. We published this information in the November 22, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
November 5, 2018
We revised various sections to remove all references to the POSTNET barcode. We published this information in the October 11, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Changes to Validations for Intelligent Mail Package Barcode
We revised 204.2.1, 213.3.2,223.3.2, 253.3.3, 283.3.4, and 608.8.1 to add new Intelligent Mail® package barcode (IMpb®) validations for evaluating compliance with IMpb requirements for all mailers who enter commercial parcels. We published this information in the September 27, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
August 2, 2018
Postage Evidencing Deposit of Mail
We revised 604.4.6.3 for clarity and consistency based on changes to certain products (i.e., Priority Mail Express® and Priority Mail®) and with the use of terms within this section (i.e., postage evidencing). We published this information in the August 2, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Business Reply Mail Refunds for Postage Affixed
We revised 604.9.2.6 to clarify the refund charges for Business Reply Mail® (BRM) pieces returned with postage affixed. We published this information in the August 2, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
July 19, 2018
Customs Declarations
We revised 703.2.0 to clarify the exceptions for customs declarations for any mailpiece addressed to an Army Post Office (APO), Fleet Post Office (FPO), or Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) ZIP Code™. We published this information in the July 19, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
July 9, 2018
Refunds of Postage and Fees
We revised 604.9.0 to clarify the time limits for refunds and provide the refund payment methods for all classes of mail and extra service fees. We published this information in the May 10, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Combined Mailing Options for Periodicals and Bound Printed Matter
Flat-Sized Pieces
We revised 705.15.1 to provide clarification on available options when combining flat-sized pieces and ensure consistency within the standards. We published this information in the May 10, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
June 21, 2018
Invalid Postage
We revised 604 by adding section 604.8.4 to address Priority Mail Express® (PME) items bearing invalid postage that have been detected by a Postal Service device, such as Intelligent Mail® Device (IMD), Mobile Point-of-Service, Retail System Software (RSS), or other technology. We published this information in the June 21, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
May 7, 2018
Revenue Deficiency
We revised 604 and 607 to update the definition of a revenue deficiency; update Postal Service contacts for submitting appeals; and add sections to provide the definition of a mailer, description of assessments and mailer responsibilities, and policy on assessed revenue deficiencies. We published this information in the March 29, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Address Quality Census Measurement and Assessment Process
We revised sections 507.1.0, 507.4.0, 602.5.0, and 705.23.0, to include the Address Quality Census Measurement and Assessment Process, a new method of Move Update verification and assessment procedure for evaluating address quality. We published this information in the March 15, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
April 12, 2018
Barcode Clear Zone
We revised to clarify that in addition to automation and Enhanced Carrier Route automation price letters, machinable price letters must also have a barcode clear zone unless the piece bears an Intelligent Mail barcode with a delivery point routing code in the address block. We published this information in the April 12, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Bound Printed Matter
We revised 263.3.5, IMpb Standards, and section 263.4.1, Price Eligibility, to clarify that only presorted-priced Bound Printed Matter (BPM) parcels require an Intelligent Mail package barcode (IMpb®) and to remove redundant text. We published this information in the April 12, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
April 4, 2018
Green & Secure Alternative Move Update Method Option
We revised 507.4.2.2 and 602.5.3 to add Green & Secure as an Address Change Service option using existing Change Service Requested Service Type IDs (STIDs). Green & Secure allows mailers who enter eligible letter and flat-size pieces of First-Class Mail® and USPS Marketing Mail® (formerly Standard Mail®) that meet the requirements for presort, Basic automation, or Full-Service mailings to meet the Move Update Standard. We published this information in the April 12, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
March 5, 2018
Postage Evidencing Systems Placement of Postage
We revised 604.4.3.3, Placement of Postage, to remove obsolete text regarding the placement of postage indicia produced by retired postage meters. We published this information in the February 15, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Combining USPS Marketing Mail Flats, Bound Printed Matter Flats, and Periodicals Flats
We revised 705.15.1, Basic Standards, to clarify the basic standards when combing USPS Marketing Mail®, Bound Printed Matter, and Periodicals, flats under DMM 705.15.0. We published this information in the February 15, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Bound Printed Matter Nonautomation Flats Weight Limit
We revised 201.5.3b., to clarify the weight of a Bound Printed Matter (BPM) nonautomation flat-sized piece. We published this information in the February 15, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Meter Label Solution Application
We revised 705.18.5.7 to remove the USPS® meter label solution application option. We published this information in the February 15, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Ineligible Flat-size Mailpiece Clarification
We revised the DMM in various sections to clarify the processing category of certain ineligible flat-sized pieces. We published this information in the February 1, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Intelligent Mail barcode Tracing Migrated to Informed Visibility
We revised 507.10.0, to replace Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb) Tracing with Informed Visibility® (IV). We published this information in the February 1, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Barcode Clear Zone
We revised 202.5.1 to clarify that only an Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb) with the correct delivery point routing code or for Business Reply Mail a ZIP+4® Intelligent Mail barcode, may appear in the barcode clear zone. We published this information in the February 1, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Marketing Mail (Standard Mail) Markings Update
We revised the DMM in various sections to clarify the use of USPS Marketing Mail® markings. We published this information in the February 1, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
eInduction Option, Seamless Acceptance Program, and Full-Service Automation Option, Verification Standards
We revised 705.20.0, eInduction Option, 705.22.0, Seamless Acceptance Program, and 705.23.0, Full-Service Automation Option, to add the applicable verification descriptions, error thresholds, and postage assessments, standards. These standards have been made available to the public via Publication 685, Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats, available at https://postalpro.usps.com, which also contains additional information on the verification processes. We published this information in the January 18, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
January 21, 2018
Postage Stamp Denominations
We revised 604 to update the current postage stamp denominations table and other information related to purchasing stamps and printing stamped envelopes and cards. This revision reflects changes as a result of the January 2018 Price Change. We published this information in the January 4, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Dual Shipping Labels
We revised 602.2.0, Addressing, to add a new subsection to provide information regarding the use of “dual” shipping labels. We published this information in the January 4, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
Hold For Pickup Expanded to Collect on Delivery (COD at Retail
We revised 503, 507, 508, 604, 609, and the Index, to expand the availability of Hold for Pickup service combined with Collect on Delivery (COD) when purchased at USPS® Retail Post Office locations, with any product available with COD service, correct minor omissions made in January 2017 pertaining to COD service, and from prior edits to Forms Glossary. We published this information in the January 4, 2018, Postal Bulletin.
International Inbound Mail Entry
We revised 608.2.3, International Mail, to add information regarding international inbound mail entry at domestic offshore locations. We published this information in the December 7, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit Marketing Mail Prices
We revised 703.1.6.11 to include low-cost item adjustments referenced in the Internal Revenue Code. We published this information in the December 7, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised the DMM in various sections to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments and other minor DMM changes. Prices are available under Docket Number R2018-1 on the Postal Regulatory Commission‘s Web site at www.prc.gov. We published this information in the December 7, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Mail Manual Simplification
We revised the DMM in various chapters to continue our simplification initiative without changes to standards to make it quicker, easier, and more convenient. We published this information in the November 9, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Extra Services Forms
We revised 503, to reflect the elimination of four extra service forms at certain retail offices. We published this information in the November 9, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Retail Ground – Limited Overland Routes Price Eligibility
We revised 153.1.0, Prices and Fees, to add information regarding USPS Retail Ground® limited overland routes (LOR) prices. We published this information in the October 26, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
New PC Postage Provider
We revised 604.4.1.4 to add EasyPost as a new authorized PC Postage provider. We published this information in the October 26, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Retail Postage Payment Methods
We revised various sections of the DMM to clarify the payment methods for retail customers. We published this information in the October 26, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
November 6, 2017
Periodicals - Record of Deposit
We revised to clarify the mailing standards for pending Periodicals applications. Specifically, this revision will add preparation and payment guidelines for a publication while mailing as a pending Periodical. We published this information in the October 12, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Barcode Standards
We revised 204.2.0, Standards for Package and Extra Service Barcodes, to update barcode standards. We published this information in the September 28, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Ride-along Eligibility
We revised the 207.15.2 by adding clarification guidelines for a Periodicals mailing with a USPS Marketing Mail ride-along. We published this information in the September 28, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
October 2, 2017
Online Application for Postage and Fees Refunds
We revised the DMM in various sections to add an online postage and fees refund option for Priority Mail Express® and certain extra services. We published this information in the September 28, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
First-Class Package Service — Retail
We revised the DMM in various sections, as a result of the transfer of First-Class® Parcels, a market-dominant product, to the competitive product list. First-Class Mail Parcels will be renamed First-Class Package Service — Retail and will continue to be available at retail with the same service and content restrictions. Additionally, the existing single-piece First-Class Package Service price category will be renamed First-Class Package Service — Commercial. We published this information in the September 14, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
September 11, 2017
Extra Service and Refund Clarifications
We revised 503.3.0 to clarify the services available under Certified Mail. We also revised 604.9.2 and 604.9.5 to clarify refund standards and delete redundant text. We published this information in the August 3, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Merchandise Return Service
We revised 505.3.1.5, items a and b, for consistency, and also revised item b to update the account volume required for Priority Mail Commercial Plus prices. We also revised the introductory text in 505.3.7.3 for clarity, and also revised item 505.3.7.3b. to update the account volume required for Priority Mail Commercial Plus cubic prices. We published this information in the August 3, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Pallet Label
We revised various sections of the DMM to standardized terminology in reference to pallet labels. For consistency with the terminology used for sacks and trays, we revised the DMM to use the term “label” exclusively and remove all references to “placard.” We published this information in the August 3, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Return Receipt Service
We revised 503.Exhibit 1.4.1, to clarify the prerequisites when a mailer requests to use return receipt service. We published this information in the August 3, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
August 7, 2017
Domestic and International Permit Imprint Application Fees
We revised 604.5.0 to clarify that, when a customer pays a permit imprint application fee, that fee is accepted for domestic and/or international outbound mailings. We published this information in the July 6, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Retail First-Class Mail Postage Payment Methods
We revised 134.1.1, 134.2.0, and 604.5.1.2, to clarify the payment methods for retail customers mailing First-Class Mail®. We published this information in the July 6, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
July 10, 2017
Parcel Select Lightweight Dimensional Criteria
We revised 201.7.6 and to clarify the dimensional criteria of Parcel Select Lightweight® (PSLW) parcels. We published this information in the June 22, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Preparing Pallets
We revised 705.8.0 to clarify the maximum number of pallets that may be stacked, and the securing method for trays prepared on a pallet. We published this information in the June 8, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Mail Manual Simplification
We revised DMM in various chapters as we continue our simplification initiative without changes to standards to make it quicker, easier, and more convenient. To assist in this transition the Postal Service will post a crosswalk for each section of the DMM. We published this information in the June 8, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Address Information System Services
We revised 509.1.0 to clarify the processes for obtaining delivery statistics and update the required method to receive product updates from the Postal Service. Additionally, various DMM subsections will also have minor revisions related to the aforementioned clarification and update. We published this information in the May 25, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
May 1, 2017
eInduction Option Approval
We revised 705.20.2, Approval, to change the contact for eInduction approval to the PostalOne! Helpdesk. We published this information in the March 30, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Periodicals Prices for Nonmachinable Letters
We revised 201.2.4 and for consistency and clarity. Specifically, the Postal Service will add In-County price text to subsection 201.2.4 for consistency and will make a minor edit to subsection for clarity. We published this information in the March 30, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Barcode and Optional Endorsement Line Information on Automation Flats
We revised 708.3.3 and 708.6.1 to clarify barcode and optional endorsement line (OEL) information on automation-priced flat-sized pieces. We published this information in the March 30, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Authorization to Mail at Periodicals Prices
We revised 207.4.0 and 207.5.0 to clarify the mailing standards for Periodicals eligibility. We published this information in the April 13, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Periodicals – Combining Multiple Editions or Publications Labeling
We revised 207.27.4 for simplification. Specifically, the Postal Service will simplify labeling when combining multiple editions or publications to only require the “PER” designation. We published this information in the April 13, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Media Mail and Library Mail
We revised 273.5.5. The Postal Service added Intelligent Mail® package barcode (IMpb®) requirements for Media Mail and Library Mail parcels in the March 6, 2017, update of the DMM. We published this information in the April 27, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Return Service Pickup Schedule
We revised 505.4.2.9, Pickup Schedule and Location. We published this information in the April 27, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Marketing Mail Machinable Letters Mail Preparation
We revised to reflect changes to the Traying and Labeling requirements for USPS Marketing Mail Machinable Letters. We published this information in the April 27, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
April 3, 2017
Elimination of Fees
We revised various sections of the DMM to clarify the standards for the applicability of certain fees. We published this information in the March 2, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Additional Domestic Mailing Services Products Changes
We revised the DMM in various sections as a result of the increase in the letter-size mail weight limit to 3.5 ounces published in the Federal Register on December 21, 2016. These revisions include other related changes for clarification. We published this information in the March 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Marketing Mail Markings
We revised 202.3.5 and 604.5.3 in reference to USPS Marketing Mail markings.
On December 21, 2016, the Postal Service™ published a Federal Register final rule (81 FR 93606–93620) to revise the DMM in various sections to rename Standard Mail® as USPS Marketing Mail™. The Postal Service and Industry continue to collaborate on a timeline for implementation which will be announced at a later date for the required use of the new postage markings and permit imprint indicia. Until then, mailers should continue to use the “Standard Mail” markings. The Postal Service will revise the DMM in sections 202.3.5 and 604.5.3 to provide some examples of the new markings and will add information on the pending implementation in each section.
In addition to the above DMM revision, the Postal Service will also revise 604d Quick Service Guide.
We published this information in the March 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Electronic Induction (eInduction®) Option
We revised 705.20.0, adding the Electronic Induction (eInduction®) Option. We published this information in the March 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Seamless Acceptance Program
We revised 705.22.0, adding the Seamless Acceptance Program. We published this information in the March 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Certificates of Mailing Conversion Update
We revised section 503 to update the conversion date from December 7, 2017 for mailers using currently USPS-approved PS Form 3877 facsimiles in lieu of PS Form 3665 and PS Form 3606 facsimiles in lieu of PS Form 3606-D to February 28, 2018. We published this information in the March 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Customized MarketMail Prices
We revised 243.1.0 to add price information for Customized MarketMail®. This revision is for clarity only, and does not affect the price paid. We published this information in the March 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
March 6, 2017
Business Reply Mail
We revised 505.1.0 to clarify the standards for BRM labels. We published this information in the February 2, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Manifest Mailing System
We revised 705.2.0 to clarify the mail eligible for the Manifest Mailing System (MMS) program and to identify the source for the MMS minimum volume requirements. We published this information in the February 2, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
USPS Tracking
We revised 503 to clarify USPS Tracking® eligibility. We published this information in the February 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Additional Mailing Standard Changes for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various related sections of the DMM to reflect changes to mailing standards that were missed in the final rule published in the Federal Register on December 21, 2016. We published this information in the February 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Full-Service Automation Option
We revised 705.23.0 to provide new Publication 6850, Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats, available on PostalPro at http://postalpro.usps.com, as a reference for the full-service automation option including verification and assessment criteria. We published this information in the February 16, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
Media Mail and Library Mail
We revised 270 in various sections to include the Media Mail and Library Mail parcel barcode standard, clarify flat-size mail preparation, and update DMM references. We published this information in the March 3, 2017, Postal Bulletin.
January 22, 2017
Periodicals Identification Statement
We revised to specifically allow a publisher to place the identification statement on the cover of a publication. This clarification confirms that this additional design option does not affect mail verification, processing, or delivery. We published this information in the November 24, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections of the DMM to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments and other minor DMM changes. We published this information in the December 22, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections of the DMM to reflect changes to certain prices and mailing standards for certain Competitive Products. We published this information in the December 22, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Customs Declaration Form PS Form 2976-B Mandatory for Use on All APO/FPO/DPO Priority Mail Express—Use of PS Form 2976-R Delayed
We revised 703.2.3.6, 703.2.3.7, and 703.2.3.8 to make mandatory the use of PS Form 2976-B, Priority Mail Express International Shipping Label and Customs Form, on all Priority Mail Express® items, regardless of weight, value, or contents, to and from APO/FPO/DPO addresses. We published this information in the December 22, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
November 7, 2016
Alternate Marked Copy Process
We revised 207.16.2 to add an alternate process for publishers to submit their marked copies. We published this information in the September 29, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Extra Services Eligibility
We revised 503 and 503.3.0 to provide clarity and consistency on the eligibility of extra services. We published this information in the September 29, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Registered Mail Deposit
We revised 503.2.0 to clarify how Registered Mail service may be obtained. We published this information in the September 29, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Full-Service Automation Option Waiver of Fees
We revised 705.23.0, Full Service Automation Option, to clarify the volume required to be eligible for the waiver of fees and for Mail Anywhere. In addition, we revised 705.23.3.2, Mail Anywhere, to clarify the volume requirement that a mailer must prepare is at least 90 percent of full-service eligible pieces as full-service. We published this information in the October 13, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Ballots – Priority Mail Express Label 11-DOD
We revised 703.8.0, Balloting Materials, to add the use of Priority Mail Express® Label 11-DOD on ballots. We published this information in the October 27, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
October 3, 2016
Customized MarketMail
We revised section 201.9.0 and 243.9.0, Customized MarketMail, for simplification and consistency with standards, and to remove redundancy. We published this information in the September 1, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Registered COD
We revised sub-sections 503.2.1.5 and 503.9.1.3, Registered COD Mail, to remove First-Class Package Service® (FCPS) as an eligible product. We published this information in the September 1, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Basic Eligibility Standards
We revised text in the Basic Eligibility Standards subsections under each class of mail for consistency and will also reverse the order of the Basic Eligibility Standards and Content Standards subsections under several classes of mail for consistency in the structure of the DMM. We published this information in the August 4, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
New PS Form 2976-R, USPS Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note
We updated sections 608.2.5.6, Placement of ITN, AES Downtime Citation, or AES Exemption, 703.2.3.6, Customs Declarations, and Index and Appendices. This was to support the addition of new customs form PS Form 2976-R, USPS Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note. We published this information in the August 18, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Manifest Mailing System Keyline Price Category Abbreviations
We revised 705.2.3.3 to provide Publication 401, Guide to the Manifest Mailing System, as the source for the Manifest Mailing System keyline price category abbreviations. We published this information in the August 18, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
July 11, 2016
Business Reply Mail – Mailer ID Based Intelligent Mail Barcode
We revised 505.1.5 to add a barcode option allowing Business Reply Mail® (BRM) customers sharing a BRM 9-digit ZIP Code® the ability to trace the mail separately using a Mailer ID (MID) based Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb). We published this information in the May 26, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Alternate Postage
We revised 604.5.5, Alternate Postage to expand its use and simplify the requirements. We published this information in the June 9, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Destination Network Distribution Center Price Eligibility
We revised various sections to clarify that mail prepared under labeling list L601 for offshore ZIP Code™ destination ranges 006-009, 967-969, and 995-999, is not eligible for Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC) discount prices. We published this information in the June 9, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Full-Service Automation Option – Annual Permit Fee Renewal
We revised 705.23.0 to modify the annual fee renewal date process. We published this information in the June 9, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
June 6, 2016
Full-Service Automation Option
We revised 705.23.0 to add a new sub-section on the Mail Anywhere program. Additionally, we revised 604.5.1.4 to include the Mail Anywhere program and updated 708.5.3.5 for consistency. We published this information in the May 26, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Optional Combined Parcel Mailings
We revised 705.21.1.1 to clarify that the minimum volume requirement for Parcel Select Lightweight® parcels in a combined parcel mailing under 705.21.0, is 200 pieces or 50 pounds. We published this information in the May 26, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Extra Service Refunds
We revised 604.9.2.4g. to clarify that extra service fees will not be refunded for undeliverable Certified Mail®, Return Receipt for Merchandise (RRM), and Signature Confirmation™ mailpieces when they have received the proper event scan (e.g., UAA, Refused, etc.). We published this information in the May 26, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Missing Mail
We revised 507.1.9 by adding a new sub-section 1.9.3, Customer Inquiry. Additionally, we will revise sections 507.1.9.1 and 608.8.1 to provide contact information. We published this information in the May 12, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Return Receipt for Merchandise
We revised 503 to reinsert the language for Return Receipt Merchandise (RRM) service. We published this information in the April 28, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Mailer Endorsements for Parcel Select Lightweight Pieces
We revised 507.1.5.3 to specify that Parcel Select Lightweight® pieces will no longer be required to include any specific ancillary service endorsements. We published this information in the April 28, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Minimum Paper Basic Weight Standards
We revised 201 to provide the minimum paper basis weight for envelopes or letter-size mailpieces sealed along all four sides. We also revised 201.3.0 and 505.1.4.1 for consistency, and 505.1.6.1a. to correct a DMM reference error. We published this information in the April 28, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
April 10, 2016
Periodicals Carrier Route Pallets
We revised 705.8.10.2 to facilitate the preparation of carrier route pallets. We published this information in the March 17, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Select
We revised 705.8.0 to remove text that remains on palletizing NDC Presort parcels. We published this information in the March 17, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
March 7, 2016
Military Mail Addressing and Restriction Codes
We revised 703.2.0 to include two restrictions pertaining to the overseas addressing requirements for military mail that were previously Restrictions A1 and A2 in the APO/FPO/DPO table. We published this information in the January 7, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Business Reply Mail
We revised 505.1.0 to clarify that Retail First-Class Mail or Priority Mail prices are required in addition to the per piece fee for Basic and High Volume BRM pieces. We published this information in the February 18, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Postage Stamp Denominations
We revised 604.1.0 to reinstate the current postage stamp denominations table. We published this information in the February 18, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Regional Rate Box Pricing
We revised 223.1.2 and to correct an omission regarding Priority Mail Regional Rate Box® pricing on Click-N-Ship®. We published this information in the February 18, 2016, Postal Bulletin.
January 17, 2016
Priority Mail Express
We revised 110, 210 and 703.2.6 to clarify the standards for the acceptance and deposit of retail and commercial Priority Mail Express items. We published this information in the November 2, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Competitive Post Office Box Services
We revised 508.4.5.4 to clarify the maximum weight and dimension standards for private carrier packages addressed to competitive Post Office Box™ customers who are authorized to receive such packages at their Post Office Box address. We published this information in the November 12, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Flat-Size Mailpiece Deflection Standards
We revised 201.4.6 to clarify that flat-size mailpieces mailed at carrier route prices are not required to meet deflection standards. We published this information in the November 12, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Meter Provider Update
We revised 604.4.1.3 to update the contact information for meter provider, FP Mailing Solutions. We published this information in the November 12, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
No Handwritten Customs Forms May Be Submitted to a Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU)
We revised 608.2.4.6 and 608.2.4.7 to make mandatory the submission of electronically transmitted customs data for mail that is paid with a permit imprint and entered at a Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU). We published this information in the November 12, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Priority Mail Express Open and Distribute and Priority Mail Open and Distribute
We revised 223 and 705.18.5.7 to clarify the barcodes and service type codes that must be used on Priority Mail Express Open and Distribute and Priority Mail Open and Distribute address labels. We published this information in the November 26, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Products Mailable at Nonprofit Standard Mail Prices
We revised 703.1.6.11 to specify that the value of a low-cost item cannot exceed $10.60. We published this information in the November 26, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections of the DMM to reflect changes to prices and mailing standards for competitive products. We published this information in the December 10, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
First-Class Package Service Maximum Dimensions
We revised 201.8.3 to list the maximum dimensions for First-Class Package Service as currently stated in the Mail Classification Schedule. We published this information in the December 10, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
New Standards for Domestic Certificates of Mailing
We revised 503 to incorporate new standards for domestic Certificates of Mailing. We published this information in the December 24, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Parcel Simplification
We revised various sections of the DMM to clarify that the term “outside parcel” is a “nonmachinable parcel.” We published this information in the December 24, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
November 2, 2015
Postage Evidencing Systems – Legibility of Postage
We revised 604.4.3.2 to indicate that the postage value must be displayed in dollars and cents, such as $0.49. We published this information in the October 15, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Pickup on Demand Service
We revised 507.7.0 and various other sections to clarify the availability of Pickup on Demand service and for consistency. We published this information in the October 29, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
September 14, 2015
Postage Evidencing Systems - Revised Procedures for Collection of Postage Discrepancies
We revised 604.4.0 to modify procedures for the collection of postage discrepancies for customers using Postage Evidencing Systems. We published this information in the July 23, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Clarification of Scans as Evidence of Mailing and the Placement of Collect on Delivery (COD) Forms
We revised 503.1.0 and 609.3.0 to clarify that USPS® physical scans can be treated by the Postal Service as evidence of mailing when postage and extra service fees are paid online for purposes of indemnity claim review. We published this information in the August 6, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Premium Forwarding Service Commercial
We revised 507.3.0 to update the standards for Premium Forwarding Service Commercial® (PFS-Commercial®) service. We published this information in the August 20, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Business Reply Mail
We revised 505.1.0 to clarify that letters (cards), flats, and parcels are eligible to be returned under basic BRM and high-volume BRM. We published this information in the September 14, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Periodicals Marked Copy
We revised 207.16.0 to clarify the standards when there are multiple editions of a Periodicals publication. We published this information in the September 14, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
July 13, 2015
New Flats Sequencing System (FSS) Sortation Level
We revised 708.1.4 to add a new FSS sortation level. We published this information in the June 11, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Mandatory Use of Customs Declaration PS Form 2976-B on APO/FPO/DPO Priority Mail Express
We revised 703.2.3.6 to make mandatory the use of PS Form 2976-B, Priority Mail Express International Shipping Label and Customs Form, on Priority Mail Express® items requiring a customs form to APO/FPO/DPO addresses. We published this information in the June 25, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
May 31, 2015
Clarification of Postage Payment Information for Mail to Military Post Offices
We revised 703.2.7.1 to clarify standards that apply to bulk and commercial mail sent to Military Post Offices (MPOs). We published this information in the April 30, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Click-N-Ship for Business Transitioning to a USPS Meter Label Solution
We revised 705.18.5.7 to update references to the Click-N-Ship for Business™ application. We published this information in the April 30, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Updated Addressing Standards for Military Addresses
We revised 703.2.2.1 to update military addressing standards, specifically APO and FPO military addresses. We published this information in the April 30, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Clarification of Census Bureau Filing Regulations for U.S. Territories
We revised 608.2.5, 608.2.5.1 and 608.2.5.5 to align with regulatory requirements from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (15 C.F.R. §30.16(a)) and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (15 C.F.R. §758.1(b)). We published this information in the May 14, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Minimum Mailability Dimensions
We revised various sections of the DMM to clarify that all mailpieces that are ¼ inch thick or less must be at least 5 inches in length, 3 ½ inches in height and must be at least 0.007 inch in thickness. We published this information in the May 14, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections of the DMM to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments and other minor DMM changes. We published this information in the May 14, 2014, Postal Bulletin.
Provision for New First-Class Package Service Commercial Plus Customers
We revised 283.1.3 to add a provision to First-Class Package Service® that allows Commercial Plus® prices for new customers who have a customer commitment agreement with the USPS®. We published this information in the May 14, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Business Reply Mail ZIP Code
We revised 505.1.5.6 to clarify the Postal Service assigns a ZIP + 4® to all Business Reply Mail® pieces that must be printed directly on the piece, unless accepted by standard. We published this information in the May 28, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
April 26, 2015
Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes
We revised various sections of the DMM to reflect changes to certain prices and mailing standards for certain Competitive Products. We published this information in the February 5, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Clarification of Content Eligibility for Stand Mail Marketing Parcels
We revised 243 to reaffirm basic eligibility standards for Standard Mail Marketing Parcels. We published this information in the April 2, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Premium Forwarding Service Commercial
We revised 507.3.0 to update the online payment option for Premium Forwarding Service Commercial® (PFS Commercial™) service. We published this information in the April 16, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
Updated Restrictions—Freely Associated States (FAS)
We revised 503.1.0 and 608.2.0 to clarify the references to restrictions for Freely Associated States. We published this information in the April 16, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
March 2, 2015
Products Mailable at Nonprofit Standard Mail Prices
We revised 703.1.6.11 to show that products that are mailed at the Non-profit Standard Mail® prices must meet at least one of three exceptions. We published this information in the February 2, 2015, Postal Bulletin.
January 25, 2015
FSS Facility Pallets
We revised 705.14.2.2 to eliminate “MXD” on the first line of an optional FSS Facility sort placard. We published this information in the November 27, 2014, Postal Bulletin.
New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products
We revised various sections of the DMM to reflect minor mail classification updates, product and service enhancements, and to eliminate outdated references, publications, and forms. We published this information in the December 25, 2014, Postal Bulletin.
Letter Tray Preparation
We revised 203.5.0 to clarify requirements for preparing trays when mailing letter-sized mail. We published this information in the January 8, 2015, Postal Bulletin.