Federal Register Notices

Below is a current list of the Federal Register notices filed by the Mailing Standards Department of the United States Postal Service. To search all USPS Federal Register notices please see: GPO Federal Register Collection.

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DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 21, 2011.

New Standards for Domestic Mailing Services

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) throughout various sections to reflect price adjustments and mailing requirements changes associated with the October 2011 filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC).

DATES: Effective January 22, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill Chatfield at 202-268-7278.

On October 18, 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the PRC, effective on January 22, 2012. In addition, on October 24, 2011, the USPS™ published a proposed rule in the Federal Register (FR 76 65640-65653) based on the PRC filing. This final rule conveys the comments received on the proposal, our responses to comments, and the final mailing standards.

Prices are available under Docket Number R2012-3 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's website at http://www.prc.gov, and also available on the Postal Explorer® website at http://pe.usps.com. The Postal Service's final rule includes: several mail classification changes, modifications to mailpiece characteristics, and changes in classification terminology.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 12, 2011.

Domestic Shipping Services Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to reflect changes to prices and mailing standards for the following Shipping Services:

  • Express Mail®
  • Priority Mail®
  • First-Class Package Service™
  • Parcel Select®
  • Parcel Return Service
  • Mailer Services
  • Recipient Services

EFFECTIVE DATE: Effective January 22, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Gullo (202) 268-8057 or Garry Rodriguez (202) 268-7281.

This final rule describes new prices and product features for Shipping Services, by class of mail, established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service®. New prices are available under Docket Number CP2012-2 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's Web site at http://www.prc.gov, and are also located on the Postal Explorer® website at http://pe.usps.com.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 8, 2011.

International Mail: New Prices and Fee Changes—Mailing Services

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) throughout various Individual Country Listings (ICLs) to reflect price adjustments for First-Class Mail International® and extra services.

DATES: Effective January 22, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

In October 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective on January 22, 2012. On October 24, 2011, the USPS published a proposed rule in the Federal Register (76 FR 65639-65640) with changes that coincide with the price adjustments. This final rule conveys the comments received on the proposal, and the final mailing standards.

Prices are available under Docket Number R2012-3 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's website at http://www.prc.gov. Prices are also available on the Postal Explorer® website at http://pe.usps.com.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 5, 2011.

International Product and Price Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), to reflect the prices, product features, and classification changes to Competitive Services, as established by the Governors of the Postal Service.

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 22, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

New prices are available under Docket Number CP2012-2 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's Web site at http://www.prc.gov.

  • Global Express Guaranteed® (GXG®)
  • Express Mail International® (EMI)
  • Priority Mail International® (PMI)
  • International Priority Airmail™ (IPA®)
  • International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL®)
  • Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (M-bags)
  • International Extra Services:
  • Certificate of Mailing
  • International Postal Money Orders and Money Order Inquiry Fee
  • International Insurance for EMI and PMI service
  • Customs Clearance and Delivery
  • Registered Mail™ Service
  • Restricted Delivery Service
  • Return Receipt Service
  • Pickup On Demand® Service

New prices are located on the Postal Explorer® website at http://pe.usps.com.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 2, 2011.

Express Mail Domestic Postage Refund Policy and Waiver of Signature

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) throughout various sections to modify the policy for filing claims for domestic Express Mail® postage refunds from 90 days to 30 days after the date of mailing, and to change the Express Mail "waiver of signature" standard for domestic items by obtaining an addressee's signature only when the mailer selects the "signature required" option on the Express Mail label.

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 22, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Bobb-Semple at (202) 268-3391 or Garry Rodriguez (202) 268-7281.

On October 6, 2011, the Postal Service published a Federal Register proposed rule (76 FR 62000-62002) inviting comments on revisions to the standards for Express Mail to modify the policy for filing claims for domestic Express Mail postage and to change the Express Mail "waiver of signature" standard for domestic items. The Postal Service received several comments in response to this proposed rule that are summarized later in this notice.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 1, 2011.

Folded Self-Mailers and Unenveloped Mailpieces

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 201.3.14, to provide new standards for folded self-mailers (FSM) and unenveloped mailpieces that are mailed at automation or machinable prices. To avoid confusion with revised standards for FSM mailpieces having loose enclosures, the Postal Service renames mailpieces that are designed to carry discs, and expands the standards that apply to tabs to include folded self-mailers.

DATES: Effective January 5, 2013.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Craig Vance 202-268-7595 or Susan Thomas 202-268-8069.

On August 15, 2011, the Postal Service published a Federal Register proposed rule (76 FR 50438-50441) for changes to the design and construction of folded self-mailers and unenveloped mailpieces that are mailed at automation or machinable prices. The proposed standards were issued after two years of collaborative work with mailers to analyze and test a wide variety of folded self-mailer letter-size designs. In response to the proposed standards, the Postal Service received 51 comments. Many of those who commented provided input on more than one aspect of the proposal. Each comment was given consideration and modifications were made to the proposed standards when possible. This final rule will be adopted based on our proposed rule with only minor revisions. These standards do not apply to cards, envelopes, booklet style letters, or mailpieces designed to carry discs.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register October 24, 2011.

International Mail: Proposed Product Rate and Fee Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

In October 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective on January 22, 2012. This proposed rule contains the revisions to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) that would accompany the new prices.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before November 23, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver comments to the Manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., RM 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday by calling 1-202-268-2906 in advance. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "International Mailing Services Price Change." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Obataiye B. Akinwole at 202-268-2260, or Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

Proposed prices are or will be available under Docket Number R2012-3 on the Postal Regulatory Commission’s website at www.prc.gov.

This proposed rule includes: price changes for First-Class Mail International® and extra services.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register October 24, 2011.

New Standards for Domestic Mailing Services

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

In October 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective on January 22, 2012. This proposed rule contains the revisions to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) that we would adopt to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before November 23, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday by calling 1-202-268-2906 in advance. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "January 2012 Domestic Mailing Services Proposal." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill Chatfield, 202-268-7278.

Proposed prices will be available under Docket Number(s) R2012-3 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's website at www.prc.gov.

The Postal Service's proposed rule includes: several mail classification changes, modifications to mailpiece characteristics, and changes in classification terminology.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register October 6, 2011.

Express Mail Domestic Postage Refund Policy and Waiver of Signature

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service is proposing to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) throughout various sections to modify the policy for filing claims for domestic Express Mail® refunds from 90 days to 30 days after the date of mailing, and to change the Express Mail "waiver of signature" standard for domestic items by obtaining an addressee's signature only when the mailer selects the "signature required" option on the Express Mail label.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before November 7, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments concerning the proposed rule, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "Express Mail Refund Policy and Waiver of Signature." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Bobb-Semple at 202-268-3391 or Garry Rodriguez at 202-268-7281.

The USPS proposes to align the refund policy for domestic Express Mail with the industry standard for overnight products by requiring all claims for postage refunds to be filed within 30 days of the date of mailing instead of the current filing timeline of 90 days.

Additionally, the USPS proposes to make the following change in conjunction with the implementation of the redesigned Express Mail Label 11-B and Label 11-F, Express Mail Post Office to Addressee.

The Postal Service proposes to modify Express Mail Label 11-B and Label 11-F, by eliminating the "waiver of signature" check box. A mailer sending an Express Mail item, and requiring an addressee's signature, must select the new "signature required" box on the new Express Mail label dated January 2012. If the box is not selected, the Postal Service will not obtain a signature from the addressee upon delivery of Express Mail Next Day Delivery and Express Mail Second Day Delivery items. Instead, the carrier will scan the barcode and leave the item in the customer's mail receptacle or other secure location to indicate delivery.

Express Mail Hold For Pickup service always requires the signature of the addressee or addressee's agent. Therefore, the Express Mail Label 11-HFPU, Express Mail Hold For Pickup, will not be revised.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register September 27, 2011.

Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Implementation for Commercial Parcels

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) throughout various sections to require the use of an Intelligent Mail unique tracking barcode on all commercial parcels, except Standard Mail® parcels, claiming presort or destination entry pricing; to encourage use of IMpb unique tracking barcodes by providing end-to-end tracking including confirmation of delivery on all commercial parcels except Standard Mail and Package Services parcels; and to require the use of an IMpb on parcels bearing PC Postage®.

DATES: The Postal Service will initially implement the standards referenced in this final rule on January 22, 2012, and will provide an optional-use transitional period for specific requirements until July 2, 2012. The Postal Service finalizes its implementation effective January 7, 2013.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juliaann Hess at 202-268-7663 or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

The Postal Service is enhancing its operational capability to track commercial parcels by scanning IMpbs and other extra services barcodes with automated processing equipment and Intelligent Mail scanning devices. Once all of the changes described in this final rule are fully implemented, tracking data, that includes acceptance, enroute, and delivery status data, will be available to commercial mailers who use extra services on their packages.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register September 9, 2011.

Outbound International Mailings of Lithium Batteries

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule; withdrawal.

The Postal Service is withdrawing a final rule that would incorporate new maximum limits for the outbound mailing of lithium batteries to international, or APO, FPO or DPO locations. The Postal Service also withdraws the corresponding Code of Federal Regulations revision to reflect these new limits.

DATES: The final rule published on August 25, 2011 (76 FR 53056-56057), is withdrawn effective September 9, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

In a final rule with comment period published in the Federal Register on August 25, 2011, the Postal Service provided new maximum limits for mailpieces containing equipment with lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries that were to be effective October 3, 2011. These revisions were consistent with recent amendments to the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Convention and regulations as announced in International Bureau Circulars 114 and 115, dated June 14, 2011, that affected UPU Convention Articles 15 and 16, Article RL 131 of the letter post regulations, and Article RC 120 of the parcel post regulations.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register September 6, 2011.

Post Office (PO) Box Fee Groups for Merged Locations

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 508.4 to allow Post Office Box™ (PO Box™) fee groups to be merged due to Post Office™ mergers and to have the ability to change a fee group more than one higher or lower level at a time in limited circumstances.

EFFECTIVE DATES: November 7, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nan McKenzie at 202-268-3089, David Rubin at 202-268-2986, or Richard Daigle at 202-268-6392.

On July 12, 2011, the Federal Register published our proposed rule (76 FR 40849-40850), requesting comments to allow the Postal Service to change the fee group assignment for PO Boxes by more than one level (higher or lower) when boxes move to a different ZIP Code™ location because of a merger of two or more ZIP Code locations into a single location.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register August 25, 2011.

Outbound International Mailings of Lithium Batteries

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule with comment period. WITHDRAWN 9-9-11

The Postal Service is revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) section 135.6, to incorporate new maximum limits for the outbound mailing of lithium batteries. This is consistent with recent amendments to the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Convention.

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 3, 2011. We must receive your comments on or before September 26, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "International Lithium Batteries." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

The Postal Service is making this change to be consistent with the amendments to the UPU Convention and regulations as announced in International Bureau Circulars 114 and 115, dated June 14, 2011. The amendments affect UPU Convention Article 15 and Article 16, Article RL 131 of the letter post regulations, and RC 120 of the parcel post regulations regarding the mailing of certain lithium cells and batteries. Additional details about this UPU change can be found at: http://pe.usps.com/FRN/IB_Circ_114-115.pdf.

This final rule describes the requirements established for mailpieces containing equipment with lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries in accordance with Packing Instruction 967, Section II, or Packing Instruction 970, Section II, as applicable when mailed internationally or to an APO, FPO or DPO location. These instructions can be found in the current edition of the Technical Instruction for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air as published by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register August 18, 2011.

First-Class Package Service

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), 401, 402, 433, 434, 435, 436, 503, 507, 602, and 705 to introduce a new competitive product called First-Class Package Service, which will replace and remove First-Class Mail® commercial base and commercial plus parcels from the market-dominant product offering. First-Class Mail retail single-piece parcels remain a market-dominant product offering.

EFFECTIVE DATES: October 3, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Markes Lucius at 202-268-6140 or Bill Chatfield at 202-268-7278.

On February 24, 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission to institute a new competitive product, then tentatively called "Lightweight Commercial Parcels," and to remove First-Class Mail commercial base and commercial plus parcels from the market-dominant product offerings. The Commission completed its review on April 6, 2011.

In this final rule, the Postal Service provides a description of the conditions for eligibility for the new competitive product, now called First-Class Package Service. First-Class Package Service parcels will receive the same service as First-Class Mail, however, parcels mailed at commercial base prices may not contain any content that meets the definition of 'letter' in 39 CFR 310.1 (for example, no personal correspondence is permitted). First-Class Package Service parcels mailed at commercial plus prices have no content restrictions, other than the generic restrictions on nonmailable matter.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register July 14, 2011.

Group E Post Office Box Service

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service™ is revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 508.4.6 to clarify eligibility, simplify the standards, and facilitate uniform administration for Group E (free) Post Office™ (PO) box service.

EFFECTIVE DATES: September 6, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Laurence Welling at 202-268-7792, Ken Hollies at 202-268-3083, or Richard Daigle at 202-268-6392.

On November 24, 2010, the Postal Service published a Federal Register proposed rule (75 FR 71642-71643) to clarify eligibility, simplify the standards, and facilitate uniform administration for Group E (free) PO Box™ service. The Postal Service received several comments in response to this proposed rule that are summarized later in this notice.

Group E PO Box service is provided free, with restrictions, to customers whose physical addresses are not eligible for any form of USPS carrier delivery service. This service is consistent with the USPS responsibility to provide universal mail delivery. This final rule simplifies and clarifies some of the language related to administering Group E PO Box service.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register July 12, 2011.

Changes to Move Update Standards

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule, revised.

The Postal Service proposes to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to add 602.5.0 and 602.6.0, and to revise the Move Update standards regarding change of address orders, by including in the revised standards change of address notices filed by postal employees. The Postal Service also deletes multiple sections throughout the DMM to centralize Move Update and ZIP Code™ accuracy standards under section 602.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before August 11, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, D.C., between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "Move Update." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jim Wilson at 901-681-4600, or Bill Chatfield at 202-268-7278.

On September 21, 2010, the Postal Service published a proposed rule in the Federal Register (75 FR 57410-57412) to include all changes-of-address, whether filed by customers or postal employees, as subject to Move Update requirements. In addition, the proposal announced that the online publication, Guide to Move Update, is the appropriate source for additional information and procedures for meeting the Move Update requirements.

The prior proposal also would have changed the timeframe for providing address correction and nixie notices without charge for First-Class Mail®, Standard Mail®, and Bound Printed Matter (BPM) pieces eligible for full-service Intelligent Mail® prices. The Postal Service is not including that initiative in this rule; for now, we will retain the current timeframe for notices without charge for pieces eligible for full-service prices.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register July 12, 2011.

Post Office (PO) Box Fee Groups for Merged Locations

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service proposes to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 508.4 to allow Post Office™ (PO) Box fee groups to be merged due to Post Office mergers and to have the ability to change a box fee group more than one higher or lower level at a time in limited circumstances.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before August 11, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Mailing Standards, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments concerning the proposed price eligibility, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "PO Box Fee Group for Merged Locations." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nan McKenzie at 202-268-3089, David Rubin at 202-268-2986, or Richard Daigle at 202-268-6392.

Current mailing standards limit changes for a PO Box™ fee group assignment for a 5-digit ZIP Code™ to one level higher or lower, and only once per calendar year. This proposed rule would allow the Postal Service to change the fee group assignment for PO Boxes by more than one level (higher or lower) when boxes move to a different ZIP Code location because of a merger of two or more ZIP Code locations into a single location. Absent a change, where a box section is merged with a location whose box section is more than one fee group level different, the location would need to charge two different fee groups. Changing the standards would allow the fee group of the merged (receiving) location to apply to all customers receiving PO Box service in that location.

Also, prior to any such merge, existing PO Box customers would have the option to renew at their current fees for another 6-month or 12-month period, even if the resulting fee will have been paid for more than one year in advance.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register July 6, 2011.

Shortpaid and Unpaid Information-Based Indicia (IBI) Postage and Shortpaid Express Mail Postage

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 604.4, 604.8, and 604.10, to implement revenue protection procedures for mailpieces entered with shortpaid and unpaid Information Based Indicia (IBI) postage payment and to implement revenue protection procedures for shortpaid Express Mail® postage.

DATE: Effective September 6, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carla Sherry at 703-280-7068, or Carol A. Lunkins at 202-268-7262.

On February 22, 2011, the Postal Service published the Federal Register proposed rule, Shortpaid and Unpaid Information-Based Indicia (IBI) Postage and Shortpaid Express Mail Postage, Revised Proposal (76 FR 9702-9705). The Postal Service received four comments and gave them each consideration and will adopt the proposed rule with minor revisions.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register June 28, 2011.

Combined Mailings of Standard Mail and Periodicals Flats

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 705.15 and 708.1.1 to provide a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail® flats and Periodicals flats within the same bundle, when placed on pallets, and to combine bundles of Standard Mail flats and bundles of Periodicals flats on the same pallet. The Postal Service is also revising section 121.2 of title 39, Code of Federal Regulations to reflect that the Standard Mail service standards apply to all Periodicals flats pieces entered in such combined mailings.

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 22, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jonathan Leon at 202-268-7443, or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

The Postal Service is providing a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail flats and Periodicals flats, when bundled and placed on pallets. Mailers using this option may combine different-class mailpieces within the same bundle (comail), or combine separate same-class bundles (of different classes) on the same pallet (copalletize) to maximize presorting or to qualify for deeper destination entry discounts. All mailpieces prepared under this option are required to be bundled and placed on pallets. Combined mailings enhance operational efficiencies within postal processing by allowing mailers to place mailpieces in bundles on pallets that might have been placed in sacks if prepared separately.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register June 15, 2011.

Mobile Barcode Promotion

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 709.4 to add a temporary promotion for First-Class Mail® cards, letters and flats, and Standard Mail® letters and flats bearing two-dimensional mobile barcodes.

EFFECTIVE DATES: July 5, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Krista Becker at 202-268-7345 or mobilebarcode@usps.gov; or Bill Chatfield at 202-268-7278.

On April 12, 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission to temporarily reduce the prices for certain types of First-Class Mail and Standard Mail that contain, in or on the mailpiece, a two-dimensional mobile barcode readable by consumer smartphones. The Commission has completed its review.

In this final rule, the Postal Service provides a description of the conditions for eligibility for the price reduction for the mobile barcode promotion, and the new mailing standards to implement the promotion. To be eligible, each mailpiece in the mailing (and listed on the postage statement) must have a qualifying two-dimensional mobile barcode on the outside of each piece or on the contents within each piece. The barcodes, when scanned, must be used for consumer interaction and be relevant to the contents of the mailpiece. The mobile barcodes must be used for marketing, promotional or educational purposes. They may not be used for internal corporate operational processes or for postage evidencing purposes. Barcodes that link consumers to sites that encourage enrollment to online bill paying or paperless statement services are not considered marketing, promotional or educational for the purposes of this initiative and are not eligible for the discount.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register May 26, 2011.

Adult Signature Services

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 503.8, to add a new extra service called Adult Signature. This new service has two available options: Adult Signature Required and Adult Signature Restricted Delivery.

DATES: Effective July 5, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Key at 202-268-7492 or Richard Daigle at 202-268-6392.

On March 28, 2011, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) approved Adult Signature as a new extra service which will provide a method for customers to obtain a signature (upon delivery) from an adult recipient who is 21-years of age or older. This new extra service will be available only to commercial and online mailers beginning June 5, 2011.

This is the first time the Postal Service is offering a service that includes verification of the age of the recipient at the time of delivery. These services will be available to commercial and online customers using Express Mail®, Priority Mail® (including Critical Mail™), Parcel Select® barcoded nonpresort, and Parcel Select Regional Ground mailpieces. The requirements for the two service offerings are:

  • Adult Signature Required — requires the signature of someone 21 years of age or older at the recipient’s address.
  • Adult Signature Restricted Delivery — requires the signature of a specific addressee (or authorized agent), who must be 21 years of age or older.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register April 28, 2011.

Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Implementation for Commercial Parcels

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service is proposing to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to require the use of a unique tracking barcode on all commercial parcels, except Standard Mail® parcels, claiming presort and destination entry pricing by January 2012; and to encourage use of unique tracking barcodes by providing free Delivery Confirmation® service on all commercial parcels except Standard Mail parcels.

DATES: Submit comments on or before May 31, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, D.C., between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "IMpb." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juliaann Hess at 202-268-7663 or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

The Postal Service is currently enhancing its operational capability to allow for the scanning of Intelligent Mail® package barcodes (IMpb) and other extra services barcodes via automated processing equipment and Intelligent Mail scanning devices. Once fully implemented, tracking data, including acceptance, enroute, and delivery status data, will be available for use by commercial mailers who use extra services on their packages.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register August 15, 2011.

Folded Self-Mailers and Unenveloped Mailpieces

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service proposes to revise the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 201.3.14 to provide standards for creating folded self-mailers (FSM) and other unenveloped mailpieces such as forms, statements, and official notices that will improve processing of these pieces on automated Postal processing equipment.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before September 14, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or hand-deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. Interested parties may review and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments that contain the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: mailingstandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "FSM." Faxed comments will not be accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Craig Vance at 202-268-7595, or Susan Thomas at 202-268-8069.

In this proposed rule, the Postal Service defines letter-sized FSM, provides detailed standards about the basic elements of all FSM letter-sized pieces, and introduces “panels” as a basic element for constructing FSMs. Additionally, optional creative elements that are currently found in FSM designs, but are not defined in the DMM, are added.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register March 31, 2011.

Forwarding and Return Service for Parcel Select Mailpieces

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 507.1.5.4 and 507.2.3.6 to eliminate the free local forwarding of Parcel Select® mailpieces and to eliminate the option to request discontinuance of forwarding. The Postal Service also implements a new price for Parcel Select forwards and returns; those pieces will now pay the applicable Parcel Select barcoded nonpresort price, plus an additional service fee.

EFFECTIVE DATES: July 5, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Annette Raney at 202-268-4307, Karen Key at 202-268-7492, or Yvonne Gifford at 202-268-8082.

Current mailing standards permit Parcel Select mailpieces to be forwarded, without an additional postage charge, when the old and new addresses are served within the same Post Office unit. With this final rule, Parcel Select mailpieces will no longer be handed-off to facilitate local delivery within the same office but rather sent to a Centralized Forwarding System (CFS) facility for automated handling. Recipients will now incur an additional service fee, plus the cost of Parcel Select barcoded nonpresort postage for mailpieces that are forwarded locally, just as they do for those mailpieces that are forwarded beyond the local area.

Additionally, with this final rule, mailers who do not wish to pay for forwarding outside the local area may no longer request that parcels not be forwarded. PS Form 3546, which notifies the postmaster of the old address to discontinue forwarding Package Services or Parcel Select, has been revised accordingly.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register March 31, 2011.

Market Dominant Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA) for First-Class Mail and Standard Mail

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 709.1, to establish a new Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA) Market Dominant product for First-Class Mail® and Standard Mail® combined letter revenues.

DATES: Effective June 6, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregory Dawson at 202-268-7446, Steve Monteith at 202-268-6983, or Yvonne Gifford at 202-268-8082.

This new NSA for First-Class Mail and Standard Mail is based on the combined total revenue of First-Class Mail automation letters, Standard Mail automation letters, and Standard Mail carrier route barcoded automation-compatible letters.

The 3-year agreement is designed to maintain and grow the total contribution the Postal Service receives from First-Class Mail and Standard Mail and to provide an incentive for net contribution growth beyond that. The agreement has five main components: a revenue threshold using a participant-specific baseline, a revenue threshold adjustment, a postage commitment, a rebate on First-Class Mail, and a rebate on Standard Mail.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register March 24, 2011.

Combined Mailings of Standard Mail and Periodicals Flats

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule; withdrawal.

The Postal Service is withdrawing a final rule that would have provided a new option for mailers to combine mailings of Standard Mail® flats and Periodicals flats within the same bundle, when placed on pallets, and to combine bundles of Standard Mail flats and bundles of Periodicals flats on the same pallet. The Postal Service also withdraws the Code of Federal Regulations revision to reflect that Standard Mail service standards apply to all Periodicals flats pieces entered in such combined mailings.

DATE: The final rule published on February 28, 2011 (76 FR 10757-10761) is withdrawn effective March 24, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jonathan Leon at 202-268-7443, or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

In a final rule published in the Federal Register on February 28, 2011, the Postal Service provided a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail flats and Periodicals flats, when bundled and placed on pallets. Mailers using this option would have combined different-class mailpieces within the same bundle (comail), or combined separate same-class bundles (of different classes) on the same pallet (copalletize) to maximize presorting or to qualify for deeper destination entry discounts. All mailpieces prepared under this option were required to be bundled and placed on pallets.

In consideration of concerns expressed by members of the mailing community, the Postal Service has elected to withdraw this final rule and will publish these standards as a proposed rule concurrently.

The Postal Service also withdraws the revision to 39 CFR Part 121.2 whereby we added a new item “c” to describe the USPS processing of Periodicals mailpieces included in combined mailings of Standard Mail flats and Periodicals flats, and specifying that Periodicals mailpieces included in these mailings will be assigned the service standards applicable to Standard Mail pieces.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register March 24, 2011.

Combined Mailings of Standard Mail and Periodicals Flats

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service is proposing to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 705.14 and 708.1.1 to provide a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail® flats and Periodicals flats within the same bundle, when placed on pallets, and to combine bundles of Standard Mail flats and bundles of Periodicals flats on the same pallet. The Postal Service also proposes to revise section 121.2 of title 39, Code of Federal Regulations to reflect that the Standard Mail service standards apply to all Periodicals flats pieces entered in such combined mailings.

DATE: We must receive your comments on or before April 25, 2011.

Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Mailing Standards, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-4446. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "Standard Mail and Periodicals Combined Mailings." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jonathan Leon at 202-268-7443, or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

The Postal Service is proposing to provide a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail flats and Periodicals flats, when bundled and placed on pallets. Mailers using this option may combine different-class mailpieces within the same bundle (comail), or combine separate same-class bundles (of different classes) on the same pallet (copalletize) to maximize presorting or to qualify for deeper destination entry discounts. All mailpieces prepared under this option will be required to be bundled and placed on pallets. Combining mailings enhances operational efficiencies within postal processing by allowing mailers to place mailpieces in bundles on pallets that might have been placed in sacks if prepared separately.

The Postal Service originally provided notice of this new option on February 28, 2011, through a final rule, Federal Register notice (10757-107610). In consideration of concerns expressed by members of the mailing community, the Postal Service has elected to publish this proposed rule in lieu of the February 28, 2011 final rule. Interested individuals are encouraged to provide comments as provided above.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register March 16, 2011.

Domestic Shipping Services Product Launch of Parcel Select Regional Ground

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to introduce a new competitive shipping option, Parcel Select Regional Ground™ service.

EFFECTIVE DATE: April 17, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Key at (202) 268-7492 or Carol A. Lunkins at (202) 268-7262.

On February 16, 2011, Governors of the United States Postal Service approved classification changes outlined by USPS® on the introduction of Parcel Select Regional Ground service. This final rule describes pricing, product features, and mailing standards for Parcel Select Regional Ground.

Parcel Select Regional Ground is a new commercial plus shipping option for mailers who ship lightweight parcels primarily destined for USPS zones local, 1, 2, and 3. This competitive, nonpresort product is a category of Parcel Select and is available for mailers who enter barcoded, machinable parcels weighing 5 pounds or less, pay postage with permit imprint, and enter mailpieces at origin Sectional Center Facility (OSCF) and origin Network Distribution Center (ONDC) locations authorized to accept Parcel Select Regional Ground mailings. When either the Intelligent Mail® package barcode or a Confirmation Services barcode is used, Parcel Select Regional Ground service includes optional electronic Delivery Confirmation™ service at no additional charge, which allows mailers to confirm delivery of their packages. Merchandise Return Service cannot be used for items returned at Parcel Select Regional Ground prices.

This domestic product will be available to 48 of the continental United States, excluding Hawaii, Alaska, territories and possessions, and freely associated states.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register March 14, 2011.

New Origin Entry Separation & Containerization Standards

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service is proposing to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to change the preparation requirements for mail entered at origin, either as an entire mailing or as the residual volume for plant verified drop shipment (PVDS) mailings.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before April 13, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Mailing Standards, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments concerning the proposed rule, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "New Origin Entry Standards." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen McManus at 202-268-4005 or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

On December 20, 2006, the Postal Accountability Enhancement Act was signed into law. A provision of the law required the Postal Service to establish modern service standards, measure service performance against these standards and publish the results. In recognition of this goal, the Postal Service consulted with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) and worked closely with mailer groups and other mailing industry representatives to develop standards and measurement processes. During these discussions, various strategies and suggestions were offered to help improve service provided to commercial mailings entered at origin. Modern service standards resulting from these consultations were announced 12 months after the bill was signed into law and are expected to improve efficiency and service and to coordinate the preparation and entry of mail with changes in the USPS distribution network. For more information see Federal Register final rule, Modern Service Standards for Market Dominant Products, published December 19, 2007 (72 FR 72216-72231).

In May 2009, the Postal Service began transforming its distribution network by converting Bulk Mail Centers into Network Distribution Centers. The realignment permitted the consolidation of transportation and created new work flows to facilitate movement of mail through the network. The redesign of the network necessitates some adjustments to internal USPS work methods as well as modifications to the preparation of origin-entered commercial mail to align with the new transportation flows and work processes. The proper preparation of origin-entered mailings will allow the Postal Service to eliminate unnecessary processing at the local plant and will facilitate the transportation of these mailings within its network. Working with various segments of the mailing industry, the Postal Service has developed and is proposing new preparation standards that align with the revised network and a corresponding communications program to relate these changes to the mailing industry. The following proposal is the result of these efforts.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register February 28, 2011.

Combined Mailings of Standard Mail and Periodicals Flats

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule. WITHDRAWN 3-24-11

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 705.14 and 708.1.1 to provide a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail® flats and Periodicals flats within the same bundle, when placed on pallets, and to combine bundles of Standard Mail flats and bundles of Periodicals flats on the same pallet. The Postal Service is also amending the Code of Federal Regulations to reflect that the Standard Mail service standards apply to all Periodicals flats pieces entered in such combined mailings.

EFFECTIVE DATE: June 6, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jonathan Leon at 202-268-7443, or Kevin Gunther at 202-268-7208.

The Postal Service is providing a new option for mailers to combine Standard Mail flats and Periodicals flats, when bundled and placed on pallets. Mailers using this option may combine different-class mailpieces within the same bundle (comail), or combine separate same-class bundles (of different classes) on the same pallet (copalletize) to maximize presorting or to qualify for deeper destination entry discounts. All mailpieces prepared under this option are required to be bundled and placed on pallets. Combining mailings enhances operational efficiencies within postal processing by allowing mailers to place mailpieces in bundles on pallets that might have been placed in sacks if prepared separately.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register February 22, 2011.

Shortpaid and Unpaid Information-Based Indicia (IBI) Postage and Shortpaid Express Mail Postage, Revised Proposal

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule, revised.

On November 19, 2009, the Postal Service published a proposed rule to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to implement revenue protection procedures for shortpaid and unpaid Information Based Indicia (IBI) postage. Comments on that proposed rule requested more detailed information on the automated procedures the Postal Service will use to identify and verify shortpaid and unpaid IBI postage payment and the resolution process that will be used to remedy deficiencies. This revised proposal provides the more detailed information to DMM sections 604.4, 604.8, and 604.10. In addition, this revised proposal includes proposed mailing standards to implement revenue protection procedures for shortpaid Express Mail® postage.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before March 24, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Mailing Standards, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Email comments concerning the proposed rule, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: MailingStandards@usps.gov, with a subject line of "Shortpaid and Unpaid Information-Based Indicia Postage and Shortpaid Express Mail Postage." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carla Sherry 703-280-7068 or Carol A. Lunkins 202-268-7262.

In this revised proposed rule, the Postal Service is proposing new procedures to manage shortpaid Express Mail postage and a new process to detect mailpieces with shortpaid and unpaid IBI postage generated from the following postage evidencing systems: Click-N-Ship®, IBI postage meters, and PC Postage® products.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register February 17, 2011.

New Customs Declarations Label Requirements

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 608.2.4 to require all mailpieces containing goods that enter the Customs Territory of the United States (CTUS), from outside the CTUS, to bear a customs declaration label. Additionally, the Postal Service updates the standards for items weighing 16 ounces or more when sent to, from, between, and in some circumstances, within certain U.S. territories, possessions, and Freely Associated States.

DATES: June 6, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

Consistent with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 19, Part 145 — U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security, the Postal Service will require that all mailpieces containing goods that enter the CTUS, from outside the CTUS, to bear a customs declaration label. In addition, to ensure compliance with safety and security requirements of the United States Postal Inspection Service®, we are updating our standards for items weighing 16 ounces or more (regardless of contents) when sent to, from, between, and, in some circumstances, within American Samoa, Guam, Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Marshall Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register February 9, 2011.

International Mail: Mailing Services Price Change

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) for Mailing Services. This price change correlates to the Postal Service’s January 13, 2011 filing of Docket No. R2011-2, Notice of Price Adjustment, with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC).

DATES: April 17, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

On January 13, 2011, the Postal Service filed a notice of Mailing Services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission to be effective on April 17, 2011. This final rule provides the mailing standards that would accompany new prices.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register January 27, 2011.

New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to revise pricing and eligibility standards for commercial First-Class Mail® parcels associated with the January 2011 Postal Service filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) for Mailing Services. We also will implement changes previously proposed to eliminate the sale of Standard Mail® stamped envelopes.

DATES: Effective April 17, 2011.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marc McCrery at 202-268-2704 or Bill Chatfield at 202-268-7278.

On July 9, 2010, the Postal Service published a Federal Register proposed rule, >New Standards for Domestic Mailing Services (75 FR 39477-39492), based on a previous price filing with the PRC that was not implemented. In that proposal, we included the elimination of Standard Mail (including nonprofit) stamped envelopes. We received no comments on that proposal or on the proposal to establish a separate commercial single-piece price for certain First-Class Mail parcels.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

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