Federal Register Notices

Below is a current list of the Federal Register notices filed by the Mailing Standards Department of the United States Postal Service. To search all USPS Federal Register notices please see: GPO Federal Register Collection.

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Published in the Federal Register December 22, 2020.

International Mailing Services:  Mailing Services Product and Price Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final Action

SUMMARY: On October 15, 2020, the Postal Service published proposed product and price changes to reflect a notice of price adjustments filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). The PRC found that price adjustments contained in the Postal Service’s notification may go into effect on January 24, 2021.  The Postal Service will revise Notice 123, Price List to reflect the new prices.

DATES: The revisions to Notice 123, Price List, are effective January 24, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathy Frigo at 202-268-4178.


I.  Proposed Rule and Response

On October 9, 2020, the Postal Service filed a notice with the PRC in Docket Number R2021-1 of mailing services price adjustments to be effective on January 24, 2021. On October 15, 2020, USPS® published a notification of proposed product and price changes in the Federal Register entitled “International Mailing Services: Proposed Product and Price Changes – CPI” (85 FR 65310).  The notice included price changes that the Postal Service would adopt for products and services covered by Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) and publish in Notice 123, Price List, on Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com.  The Postal Service received no comments.

II.  Decision of the Postal Regulatory Commission

As stated in the PRC's Order No. 5757, issued on November 18, 2020, in PRC Docket No. R2021-1, the PRC found that the prices in the Postal Service's notification may go into effect on January 24, 2021. The new prices will accordingly be posted in Notice 123, Price List on Postal Explorer at pe.usps.com.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register December 22, 2020.

New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Final rule.


On October 9, 2020, the Postal Service (USPS®) filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective January 24, 2021. This final rule contains the revisions to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments.

DATES: Effective Date: January 24, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Jacqueline Erwin at (202) 268-2158 or Dale Kennedy at (202) 268-6592.


On November 18, 2020, the PRC favorably reviewed the price adjustments proposed by the Postal Service. The price adjustments and DMM revisions are scheduled to become effective on January 24, 2021. Final prices are available under Docket No. R2021-1 (Order No. 5757) on the Postal Regulatory Commission’s Web site at www.prc.gov.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register November 23, 2020.

Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service.

ACTION: Final rule.


The Postal Service is amending Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to reflect changes to prices and mailing standards for competitive products.

DATES: Effective Date: January 24, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom Foti at (202) 268-2931 or Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.


This final rule describes new prices and product features for competitive products, by class of mail, established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service®. New prices are available under Docket Number CP2021-X on the Postal Regulatory Commission PRC Web site at http://www.prc.gov, and on the Postal Explorer® Web site at https://pe.usps.com.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register October 15, 2020.

International Mailing Services: Proposed Product and Price Changes - CPI

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed Rule; request for comments.


The Postal Service proposes to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), to reflect changes coincident with the recently announced mailing services price adjustments.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before November 16, 2020.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, RM 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday by calling 1-202-268-2906 in advance. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, to: PCFederalRegister@usps.gov, with a subject line of “January 2021 International Mailing Services Price Change – CPI.” Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathy Frigo at 202-268-4178.


International Price and Service Adjustments

On October 9, 2020, the Postal Service filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective on January 24, 2021. The Postal Service proposes to revise Notice 123, Price List, available on Postal Explorer® at https://pe.usps.com, to reflect these new price changes. The new prices are or will be available under Docket Number R2021-1 on the Postal Regulatory Commission’s website at www.prc.gov.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register October 15, 2020.

New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Proposed rule.


On October 9, 2020, the Postal Service (USPS®) filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective January 24, 2021. This proposed rule contains the revisions to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual

(DMM®) that we would adopt to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments.

DATES:  Submit comments on or before November 16, 2020.

ADDRESSES:  Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and send to PCFederalRegister@usps.gov, with a subject line of “January 2021 Domestic Mailing Services Proposal.” Faxed comments are not accepted.

All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.

You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for review on Monday through Friday, 9 am – 4 pm, by calling 202-268-2906.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Jacqueline Erwin at (202) 268-2158, or Dale Kennedy at (202) 268-6592.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:  Proposed prices will be available under Docket No. R2021-1 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's Web site at www.prc.gov.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register October 15, 2020.

International Competitive Services Product and Price Changes

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Final rule.


The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), to reflect the prices, product features, and classification changes to Competitive Services and other changes, as established by the Governors of the Postal Service.

DATES:  Effective date:  January 24, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Kathy Frigo at 202-268-4178


New prices will be posted under Docket Number CP2021-15 on the Postal Regulatory Commission’s website at www.prc.gov.

The number of country groups for Priority Mail Express International® (PMEI) and Priority Mail International® (PMI) will increase from 17 to 20.  For both International Priority Airmail® (IPA) and International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL), the number of country groups will increase from 19 to 20.  The number of country groups for outbound single-piece First-Class Package International Service® (FCPIS) will increase from 9 to 20.

Country groupings and prices for PMEI, PMI, IPA, ISAL, and outbound single-piece FCPIS will be realigned. The minimum size limits of small packets when sent as IPA, ISAL and FCPIS will be revised to conform to Universal Postal Union (UPU) standards.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register September 30, 2020.

International Mail Manual; Incorporation by Reference

AGENCY:  Postal Service™.

ACTION:  Final rule.


The Postal Service announces the issuance of the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) dated July 1, 2020, and its incorporation by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations.

DATES:  This final rule is effective on September 30, 2020.  The incorporation by reference of the IMM is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of September 30, 2020.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Dale Kennedy, (202) 268-6592.


The International Mail Manual was issued on July 1, 2020, and was updated with Postal Bulletin revisions through June 18, 2020.  It replaced all previous editions.  The IMM continues to enable the Postal Service to fulfill its long-standing mission of providing affordable, universal mail service.  It continues to:  (1) increase the user’s ability to find information; (2) increase the user’s confidence that he or she has found the information they need; and (3) reduce the need to consult multiple sources to locate necessary information.  The provisions throughout this issue support the standards and mail preparation changes implemented since the version of March 4, 2019.  

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register September 30, 2020.

Domestic Mail Manual; Incorporation by Reference

AGENCY:  Postal Service™.

ACTION:  Final rule.


The Postal Service announces the issuance of the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) dated July 1, 2020, and its incorporation by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations.

DATES:  This final rule is effective on September 30, 2020.  The incorporation by reference of the DMM dated July 1, 2020, is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of September 30, 2020.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Dale Kennedy (202) 268-6592.


The most recent issue of the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) is dated July 1, 2020.  This issue of the DMM contains all Postal Service domestic mailing standards, and continues to:  (1) increase the user’s ability to find information; (2) increase confidence that users have found all the information they need; and (3) reduce the need to consult multiple chapters of the Manual to locate necessary information.  The issue dated July 1, 2020, sets forth specific changes, including new standards throughout the DMM to support the standards and mail preparation changes implemented since the version issued on March 4, 2019.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register September 22, 2020.

Addressing Standards

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Proposed rule.


The Postal Service is proposing to amend Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) in various sections of 602, Addressing, to update addressing standards.

DATES:  Submit comments on or before October 22, 2020.

ADDRESSES:  Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and send to PC Federal Register@usps.gov, with a subject line of “Addressing Standards”. Faxed comments are not accepted.


All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.

You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for review on Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., by calling 202-268-2906. 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  James Wilson at (901) 681-4600, Kai Fisher at (901) 681-4634, or Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.



Currently, DMM section 602.6.0, ZIP Code Accuracy Standards, provides that a ZIP Code may be used on a mail piece within 12 months after verified by the use of an approved method. Once a ZIP Code is used on a mailpiece, the same address is considered to meet the standards for an additional 1 year.

DMM sections 602.7.0, Carrier Route Accuracy Standard, and 9.0, Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS), provide that Address Matching and Coding Update standards require coding to be performed within 90 days before the mailing date for carrier route mailings and 180 days for all non-carrier route mailings using the most current USPS database. The current product release schedule allows for use of a database that is valid for 105 days and may be used for an additional 6 months beyond that timeframe. As such, an address added or modified in the database may not be updated on a mailing list for nearly 1 year after the change was made.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register August 6, 2020.

Electronic Indicators for the Mailing of Hazardous and Perishable Materials

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Proposed revision for special standards; request for comment.


 The Postal Service proposes to amend the Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail (PUB 52) to provide unique electronic indicators and to standardize the Extra Services options for shipments of hazardous materials and perishable items.

DATES:  Submit comments on or before September 8, 2020.

ADDRESSESMail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and send to PCFederalRegister@usps.gov, with a subject line of “Electronic Indicators”. Faxed comments will not be accepted.

All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.

You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for review Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., by calling 202-268-2906.

For Further Information Contact: Mary Collins at (202)251-2291, Kevin Gunther at (202)-268-7208 or Dale Kennedy (202)-268-6592


The Postal Service is proposing to amend PUB 52 with the provisions below and, once adopted, will incorporate the revised PUB 52 by reference into part 113, as well as make necessary edits to the Domestic Mail Manual.  You may view the text of the proposed edits to PUB 52 at: https://pe.usps.com/.

1. Require Electronic Verification System (eVS) and ePostage mailers to transmit a Shipping Services File (SSF) to the Postal Service before, or concurrent with the tendering of hazardous materials shipments.  

2. Specify three unique Service Type Codes (STC), each to correspond to hazardous materials outbound shipments via Priority Mail®, First-Class Package Service®, Parcel Select®, Parcel Select Lightweight®, and USPS Retail Ground®.

3. Specify that insurance will be the only Extra Service available with shipments of hazardous materials. The Postal Service intends to provide a unique STC for each product without an Extra Service (which would include basic USPS tracking  provided as a built-in feature of these products), purchases of insurance less than or equal to $500, and purchases of insurance over $500.   

4. Specify four unique STCs for Priority Mail Express® shipments to identify those shipments where the mailer is requesting a waived signature, requiring a signature, purchasing insurance less than or equal to $500, or purchasing insurance over $500.

5. Specify three unique STCs to correspond with hazardous materials return services via Parcel Return Service (PRS) Full Network, traditional PRS, Priority Mail Return Service®, First-Class Package Return Service®, and Ground Return Service®, where each STC will correspond to the product and any of the Extra Service options described above for outbound shipments. The Postal Service also proposes to specify unique STCs to explicitly identify Division 6.2, Infectious Substances returned through Postal Service Networks using each of these return services.   

6. Provide unique Extra Service Codes (ESC) intended to identify categories of hazardous materials with specific relevance to segregation, handling and identification in Postal Service networks.

7. Specify unique STCs and ESCs to identify and categorize shipments of live bees, and day-old poultry to include Extra Services or additional fees for these content types.

8. Provide for the optional use of hazardous and perishable materials electronic indicators before the end of the 2020 calendar year and to require their use at a later date.   

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register August 3, 2020

New Mailing Standards for the Separation of Hazardous Materials

AGENCY:  Postal Service™.

ACTION:  Proposed revision; request for comment


The Postal Service proposes to amend Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail (Pub 52), to incorporate requirements for mailers to separate all air-eligible hazardous material (HAZMAT) from surface only transportation HAZMAT shipments and other non-HAZMAT items when tendering mail to the Postal Service in the domestic mail.  Air eligible products, services or classes include Priority Mail Express®, Priority Mail®, First-Class Package Service®, Priority Mail Return Service® or First-Class Package Return Service® and surface only transportation are mail using Parcel Select®, Parcel Select Lightweight®, USPS Retail Ground®, or USPS Ground Return Service ®. Additionally, the Postal Service for consistency will incorporate the current standard operating procedures for separation as it pertains to acceptance and dispatch personnel. 

DATES:  We must receive your comments on or before September 2, 2020.

ADDRESSESMail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and send to PCFederalRegister@usps.gov, with a subject line of “HAZMAT Separation”. Faxed comments will not be accepted.

All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and subject to disclosure.  Do not enclose any material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.

You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260.  These records are available for review Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. by calling 202-268-2906.

For Further Information Contact: Dale Kennedy (202) 268-6592 or Mary Collins (202)-268-5551


The Postal Service is proposing to amend PUB 52 with the provisions described below and, once adopted, will incorporate the revised PUB 52 by reference into part 113.  You may view the text of the proposed edits to PUB 52 at: https://pe.usps.com/.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register May 14, 2020.

Extra Services Refund Time Limit

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Proposed rule.


The Postal Service is proposing to amend Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) in subsection 604.9.2 to revise the time limit for extra service refunds.

DATES:  Submit comments on or before June 15, 2020.

ADDRESSES:  Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and send to PC Federal Register@usps.gov, with a subject line of “Extra Services Refund Time Limit”. Faxed comments are not accepted.


All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.

You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for review on Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., by calling (202) 268-2906.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Sheila Marano at (202) 268-4257, Adaisja Johnson at (202) 268-6724, or Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.


Currently, DMM Exhibit 604.9.2.1, Postage and Fees Refunds, provides that a customer must apply for an extra service refund no sooner than 10 days, or no later than 60 days, from the date the service was purchased.

Certain extra services (e.g., Certified Mail®) have workflow timelines that extend beyond the current 10-day limit to initially file for a refund. As a result, to meet the required workflow timelines for these extra services, and for consistency in application of the refund processes, the Postal Service is proposing to extend the current 10-day time limit to a 30-day time limit before a customer can file for a refund.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register May 8, 2020.

Seamless Changes for Detached Mail Unit (DMU) and Full-Service Mailings

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Final rule.


The Postal ServiceTM is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to require Detached Mail Unit (DMU) mailers and mailers that enter full-service mailings at a Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) to participate in Seamless Parallel by June 1, 2020.  In addition, the Postal Service provides advance notice of its intent: to require all mailers with an authorized Detached Mail Unit to enroll in the Seamless Acceptance Program by May 1, 2021; and to verify all BMEU-entered full-service mailings using only automated sampling and verification processes beginning July 1, 2021.

DATES: Effective Date: June 1, 2020

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Lance Bell at (407) 782-2972, or Jacqueline Erwin at (202) 268-2158.



Seamless Acceptance leverages electronic documentation (eDoc) and the Intelligent Mail® barcodes (IMbs) on all containers, handling units, and mailpieces required under full-service. Mailpiece scans collected from mail processing equipment (MPE) and samples from hand-held scanning devices are reconciled to the mailer eDoc to confirm proper mail preparation for discounts claimed and confirm correct postage payment. This capability avoids the need for verification of mail at acceptance.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register February 25, 2020.

USPS Returns Service

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Final rule.


The Postal Service is amending Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) section 505.3.0, and various other sections, to remove references to the traditional Merchandise Return Service (MRS) portion of merchandise return service and to enhance USPS Returns® service.

DATES:  Effective Date: February 25, 2020.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Karen Key at (202) 268-7492, Vicki Bosch at (202) 268-4978, or Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.


The Postal Service published a notice of proposed rulemaking on July 23, 2018 (83 FR 34807-34811) to amend DMM section 505.3.0, Merchandise Return Service (MRS), to remove the references to traditional MRS processes and introduce an enhanced USPS Returns service. One formal response was received relating only to terminology used to describe users of the Enterprise Payment System (EPS).

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register January 13, 2020.

New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services Products

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Final rule.


On October 9, 2019, the Postal ServiceTM filed a notice of mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective January 26, 2020. This final rule contains the revisions to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments and other minor DMM changes.

DATES: Effective Date: January 26, 2020

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Jacqueline Erwin at (202) 268-2158, or Dale Kennedy at (202) 268-6592.


On December 20, 2019, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) found that the price adjustments proposed by the Postal Service may take effect as planned. The price adjustments and DMM revisions are scheduled to become effective on January 26, 2020. Final prices are available under Docket No. R2020-1 (Order No.5373) on the Postal Regulatory Commission’s website at www.prc.gov.

USPS did not receive any comments on the proposed changes.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register January 8, 2020.

Seamless Changes for Detached Mail Unit (DMU) and Full-Service Mailings

AGENCY:  Postal Service.

ACTION:  Proposed rule.


The Postal Service is proposing to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to require Detached Mail Unit (DMU) mailers and mailers that enter full-service mailings at a Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) to participate in Seamless Parallel by March 1, 2020, and enroll in the Seamless Acceptance Program by February 1, 2021, at all DMU sites. All full-service mailings entered at a BMEU would then be verified using automated sampling and verification processes by July 1, 2021.

DATES:  Submit comments on or before February 7, 2020.

ADDRESSES:  Mail or deliver written comments to the Manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and send to ProductClassification@usps.gov, with a subject line of “Seamless Changes for Detached Mail Unit and Full-Service Mailings”. Faxed comments are not accepted.

All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.

You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for review on Monday through Friday, 9 am - 4 pm, by calling 202-268-2906.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Lance Bell at (407) 782-2972, or Jacqueline Erwin at (202) 268-2158.


Seamless Acceptance leverages electronic documentation (eDoc) and the Intelligent Mail barcodes (IMbs) on containers, handling units, and mailpieces required under full-service. Mailpiece scans collected from mail processing equipment (MPE) and samples from hand-held scanning devices are reconciled to the mailer eDoc to confirm proper mail preparation for the discounts claimed and postage paid.  This capability avoids the need for verification of mail at acceptance.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

Published in the Federal Register January 6, 2020.

International Mailing Services: Price Changes and Minor Classification Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final Rule


On October 22, 2019, the Postal Service published proposed product and price changes to reflect price adjustments and other minor classification changes filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). The PRC found that price adjustments and classification changes contained in the Postal Service's notice may go into effect on January 26, 2020. The Postal Service will revise Notice 123, Price List to reflect the new prices and Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), to reflect minor classification changes.

DATES: Effective date: January 26, 2020

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle Lassiter at 202-268-2914.


I.  Proposed Rule and Response

On October 9, 2019, the Postal Service filed a notice with the PRC in Docket No. R2020-1 of mailing services price adjustments, to be effective on January 26, 2020. On October 22, 2019, the Postal Service published a notice of proposed product and price changes in the Federal Register entitled “International Mailing Services:  Proposed Product and Price Changes--CPI” (84 FR 56406). The notice included price changes that the Postal Service would adopt for products and services covered by IMM and publish in Notice 123, Price List, on Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com. The Postal Service received no comments.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

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