Federal Register Notices

Below is a current list of the Federal Register notices filed by the Mailing Standards Department of the United States Postal Service. To search all USPS Federal Register notices please see: GPO Federal Register Collection.

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DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 23, 2014.

Address Quality Measurement Alternative

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service proposes to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to add a new Address Quality Measurement process for participating mailers, who enter eligible basic and full-service mailings.

DATES: Submit comments on or before January 22, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, D.C., by appointment only, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday by calling 202-268-2906 in advance. Comments by email, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: ProductClassification@usps.gov, with a subject line of “Address Quality Measurement.” Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Heather Dyer (207) 482-7217, email: heather.l.dyer@usps.gov.

The Postal Service continues to look for opportunities to work with mailers on improving address quality and reducing undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail. One key driver of UAA mail is outdated address information resulting from changes when a postal customer moves.

With the advent of Intelligent Mail® barcodes (IMb) and electronic documentation (eDoc), the Postal Service has established new tools to measure address quality pertaining to move-related changes. The Address Quality Measurement Tool is a scorecard that will be used to convey information on address hygiene. This data-driven approach will allow the Postal Service to provide valuable feedback to mailers who enter qualifying mailings.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register December 17, 2014.

New Standards to Enhance Business Reply Mail (BRM) Visibility

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to require the use of an Intelligent Mail® package barcode (IMpb) on Business Reply Mail® (BRM) labels intended for use on cartons, parcel-shaped items, or Priority Mail® items of any shape.

DATES: Effective date: April 30, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juliaann Hess at 202-268-7663, John F. Rosato at 202-268-8597, or Suzanne Newman at 202-695-0550.

I. Proposed Rule
The Postal Service published a proposed rule (79 FR 4871) on August 18, 2014, with a comment period ending September 17, 2014, to enhance its operational capability to scan IMpbs and to provide tracking information to mailers by requiring a unique IMpb on cartons, parcel-shaped items, or Priority Mail pieces of any shape, returned using BRM service. Full implementation of the Postal Service's package visibility strategy relies on the availability of piece-level information provided through the widespread use of IMpb. Mailing standards recently added to the DMM now require the use of IMpb on all commercial parcels (except parcels paid for using BRM service). Therefore, this change will align the IMpb standards for BRM parcels with that of all other commercial parcels, Merchandise Return Service (MRS) including USPS Returns, and Parcel Return Service.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register September 11, 2014.

Simplifying Threshold Volume Requirements for USPS Return

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Interim rule with request for comments.

To minimize customer confusion and ensure consistent administration, the Postal Service proposes to change the total annual volume thresholds required for USPS Return Services products to qualify for Commercial Plus® pricing. A minimum volume of 50,000 will be established for these products across the board to simplify the product and make it easier for customers to do business with the Postal Service.

DATES: Effective date: The interim rule is effective September 15, 2014. Comment date: Comments are due on or before November 10, 2014.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at the USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington DC by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, by calling 202-268-2906 in advance. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: ProductClassification@usps.gov, with a subject line of "Threshold Volume for USPS Return Services™. Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen F. Key at 202-268-7492 (karen.f.key@usps.gov); John F. Rosato at 202-268-8597 (john.f.rosato@usps.gov); or Suzanne Newman at 202-695-0550 (suzanne.j.newman@usps.gov).

The Postal Service has determined that it is immediately necessary to simplify its returns shipping options. Currently, there are different annual volume threshold requirements to qualify for Commercial Plus® pricing for products under the USPS Return Services umbrella. These products are Priority Mail® Return Service, First-Class™ Package Return® Service, and Ground Return Service.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register August 18, 2014.

New Standards to Enhance Business Reply Mail (BRM) Visibility

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service proposes to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to require the use of an Intelligent Mail® package barcode (IMpb) on Business Reply Mail® (BRM) labels intended for use on cartons, parcel-shaped items, or Priority Mail® items of any shape.

DATES: Submit comments on or before September 17, 2014.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, product Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington, D.C., by appointment only, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday by calling 202-268-2906 in advance. E-mail comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: ProductClassification@usps.gov, with a subject line of "BRM Visibility." Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juliaann Hess at 202-268-7663, John F. Rosato at 202-268-8597, or Suzanne Newman at 202-695-0550.

The Postal Service continues to enhance its operational capability to scan IMpb, encoded with routing and tracking information, via automated mail processing equipment and Intelligent Mail scanning devices and to provide tracking information to the mailers. Full implementation of the Postal Service’s package strategy relies on the availability of piece-level information provided through the widespread use of IMpb. Mailing standards recently added to the DMM now require the use of IMpb on all commercial parcels (except parcels paid for using BRM service). The Postal Service now advances its package strategy by requiring a unique IMpb on cartons, parcel-shaped items, or Priority Mail pieces of any shape, sent using BRM service.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register July 22, 2014.

Domestic Competitive Products Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to reflect changes to some of the prices for Priority Mail® and the mailing standards for Premium Forwarding Service Commercial™ competitive products.

DATES: Effective date: September 7, 2014.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Margaret Choiniere (202) 268-7231 or Garry Rodriguez (202) 268-7281.

This final rule describes the new prices for Priority Mail established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service® and the enhancement to Premium Forwarding Service Commercial enrollment. New prices are available under Docket Number CP2014-55 on the website of the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) at http://www.prc.gov, and also on the Postal Explorer® website at http://pe.usps.com.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register July 22, 2014.

International Product Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), to reflect classification changes to Competitive Services, as established by the Governors of the Postal Service.

DATES: Effective date: September 7, 2014.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paula Rabkin at 202-268-2537.

New classification changes are available under Docket Number MC2014-30 on the Postal Regulatory Commission's website at http://www.prc.gov.

This final rule describes the international classification changes and the corresponding mailing standards changes for the following Competitive Services:

Priority Mail Express International
Priority Mail Express International service provides fast international delivery service to more than 180 countries. The price for Priority Mail Express International service is unchanged. The following classification change is made:


We are adding Lebanon as the most recent country to establish an Express Mail Service (EMS) operational exchange agreement with the Postal Service. As a result, Priority Mail Express International service will become available to this destination effective September 7, 2014, as described in the mailing standards below.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register June 20, 2014.

Revised Postage and Fee Refund Criteria

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

The Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) section 604.9 to update the hourly charges and related postage threshold used in assessing certain types of postage refunds and to provide the allowable time periods for requesting refunds for extra service fees.

DATES: Effective date: July 28, 2014.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Douglas Germer, Revenue/Field Accounting, douglas.g.germer@usps.gov, 202-268-8522; Karen Key, Director, Shipping Products and Services, karen.f.key@usps.gov, 202-268-7492; or Suzanne Newman, Product Classification, suzanne.j.newman@usps.gov, 202-268-5581.

I. Revised Proposal

On January 3, 2014, the Postal Service published a revised notice of proposed rulemaking (79 FR 375-6) to align with current costs the assessments for processing postage refunds that have been in effect since 2003. The Postal Service proposed to update the hourly factor used in refund assessments from $35.00 an hour to $50.00 an hour. Additionally, the threshold for assessing postage refunds at the hourly factor would be updated from postage amounts exceeding $350.00 to postage amounts exceeding $500.00. The current 10% assessment used below the threshold would remain unchanged.

The Postal Service also proposed to add language to the DMM to provide customers with information on refund time periods for extra service fees to align with the revised claims filing periods (made effective January 26, 2014) to promote timely adjudication. The Postal Service proposed including instructions in the DMM that refund requests for Registered Mail ™, Certified Mail®, Signature Confirmation™, USPS Tracking™, Adult Signature services, and insurance fees must be made by the mailer no sooner than 10 days, or more than 60 days, from the date the service was purchased.

Additionally, if these proposed changes were adopted, PS Form 3533, Application for Refund of Fees, Products and Withdrawal of Customer Accounts, would be revised to reflect the changes. The proposed rule included a 30-day comment period. After a review of the comments and further analysis, the Postal Service is adopting this final rule as originally proposed with the exception of the proposed change regarding the refund of insurance fees, which has been removed.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register January 21, 2014.

International Mail: Mailing Services Price Changes

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Final rule.

On October 24, 2013, the USPS™ published two proposed rules to revise various sections of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to reflect a notice of price adjustments filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). The PRC has found that price adjustments contained in the Postal Service’s notice may go into effect on January 26, 2014. This final rule revises the IMM to reflect these changes.

DATES: Effective date: January 26, 2014.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rick Klutts at 813-877-0372.

I. Proposed rules and response.

On September 26, 2013, the Postal Service filed notices of international mailing services price adjustments with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), effective on January 26, 2014. On October 24, 2013, the USPS™ published two proposed rules in the Federal Register titled, "International Mailing Services: Proposed Price Changes--CPI" (78 FR 63433-63434) and "International Mailing Services: Proposed Price Changes--Exigent" (78 FR 63434-63435). The proposed rules included changes that we would adopt to implement the changes coincident with the price adjustments and publish accordingly in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®). We received no comments on either proposed rule.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

DATE: Published in the Federal Register January 6, 2014.

Revised Postage and Fee Refund Criteria

AGENCY: Postal Service™.

ACTION: Proposed rule.

The Postal Service™ proposes to revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) section 604.9 to update the hourly charges and related postage threshold used in assessing certain types of postage refunds and to provide the allowable time periods for requesting refunds for extra service fees.

DATES: Submit comments on or before February 3, 2014.

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification, U.S. Postal Service®, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington DC 20260-5015. You may inspect and photocopy all written comments at USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor N, Washington, DC by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, by calling 202-268-2906 in advance. Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: ProductClassification@usps.gov, with a subject line of “Revised Postage and Fee Refund Criteria”. Faxed comments are not accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Douglas Germer, Revenue/Field Accounting, douglas.g.germer@usps.gov, 202-268-8522; Karen Key, Manager Shipping Products, karen.f.key@usps.gov, 202-268-7492; or Suzanne Newman, Product Classification, suzanne.j.newman@usps.gov, 202-268-5581.

On March 14, 2013, the Postal Service published a notice of proposed rulemaking (78 FR 16213-16220) to eliminate hourly charges for processing refunds and replace it with a charge of 10% of the face value of the postage refund amount being requested. This proposal affected postage refunds for dated or undated, unused postage meter indicia and for stamps affixed to Business Reply Mail® (BRM) pieces.

The proposed rule also included adding general language to the DMM on refund periods for extra service fees of not less than 10 days, or more than 18 months, for services not rendered. The proposed rule included a 30-day comment period. After review of the comments and further analysis, the Postal Service is publishing this revision of its proposed rule.

Published in the Federal Register TEXT

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