E12 Alphanumeric Ranges

E12.1 Format

In whole numeric ranges all single alphanumeric combinations make a match as long as the input record is higher than the numeric low and lower than the numeric high and the ZIP+4 add-on code is the same.



If 104A MAIN ST has a separate add-on code, it must be coded and the range 100-198 must be broken (as 100104 and 106198).

The low range and the high range must contain the same format of the alphanumeric combination. Numeric numbers do not make a match to alphanumeric ranges.


It is acceptable to go from a one–digit numeric to a two–digit numeric (or two–digit numeric to a three–digit numeric, etc.) in a single alphanumeric range record, but it is invalid to go from a single alpha to a double alpha (or double alpha to a triple alpha, etc.).


E12.2 Middle Range

The middle of a range contains all of the logical alphanumeric combinations as determined by the value of the low and high ranges and the odd/even indicator.

2A10A cannot contain 1A, 4B, or 10B, but does contain 3A, 6A, and 7A. BC15BF15 cannot contain BA15, BM15, or BC16, but does contain BD15.

Note: A pure numeric range (1–99) contains all possible combinations with a single trailing alpha (e.g., 1A, 3X, 25Z, 43A).

E12.3 Alpha and Numeric Range Format

When rule one is followed, either the numeric value can be ranged or the alpha value can be ranged but not both; numerics are not included in alphanumeric ranges.


E12.4 Multiple Alphas in a Single Field

In a range with multiple alphas in a single field, only the last position of the alpha is ranged.


If a range consists of multiple alphas (with or without numerics), and a position other than the last alpha seems to change (as in the invalid example above), multiple records are coded for that range, as in the following:

A centralized delivery receptacle containing these alphas:


The ZIP+4 file will be reflected as shown below for a single ZIP+4 add-on code:


The following example describes a condition that you may encounter. In this apartment complex there are three Arrow locks, one for building A, one for building B, and one for building C.


Because the last two characters change in each address, apply the preceding rules to range only the last alpha position as shown below. The ZIP+4 file shows multiple records for each building. Each Arrow lock has its own ZIP+4 add-on code.


E12.5 Grid Addresses

The following describes how to code two styles of grid addresses:

N18W22604 or 6W220

In both of these examples, only the right–most numeric portion should be ranged.


E12.6 Odd/Even/Both Indicator

The following describes the way to set the odd/even/both (O/E/B) indicator in alphanumeric ranges. After following the preceding rules, the proper setting of the O/E/B indicator is important. The O/E/B indicator must be set as BOTH in every instance where the alpha is the ranged element. Even and odd indicators may be set only if the numeric portion of the alphanumeric range is the single element ranged. Obviously, any range containing both even and odd numeric elements must be coded as BOTH.