Business Reply Mail
Obtaining a Business Reply Mail Permit Number
You must have a valid Business Reply Mail permit before you can mail. You may apply for a BRM permit at any time by filling out PS Form 3615, Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile, and paying the annual permit fee. Note: PS Form 3615 is a simple form requiring you to know the company name, address where the mail will be returned, contact person, and telephone number. The forms are available at your local Post Office or Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU).
A BRM permit number is issued at the Post Office where the PS Form 3615 is filed, generally where the mail is returned, and requires a fee. The fee is paid annually by cash, check or money order. Note: Checks must be made out to the US Postal Service or Postmaster. The BRM permit holder should establish a Postage Due Account with the local delivery post office. There is no cost or fee to establish a Postage Due Account.
The permit number, city, and state where the permit is held must appear on all pieces of BRM.