Presorted Parcels

There are opportunities for savings when you mail presorted parcels at First-Class Package Service, USPS Marketing Mail, Parcel Select Lightweight and Package Services prices. To qualify for commercial prices, you will need at least 50 pieces for USPS Retail Ground, 200 pieces (or 50 pounds) for USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight, or 500 pieces for First-Class Mail in each mailing. Your local Post Office or Business Mail Entry Unit can help you decide if mailing parcels is right for you. Also, there are parcel consolidators and other vendors who will prepare your parcels for you so that you could still take advantage of commercial prices without doing all of the work.

Remember, Presorted First-Class Package Service, USPS Marketing Mail, and Parcel Select Lightweight parcels require a barcode, unless prepared in qualified 5-digit containers. A surcharge would apply to all parcels that are not barcoded.

There also are automation prices for automation letters and cards and automation flats.

See Designing Parcels for Automated Processing

See prices for retail and commercial parcels in - Notice 123 - Price List