“Inquiry” is a general term that includes:
- Requests concerning the disposition of an item mailed to or from a foreign country.
- Complaints or reports concerning the loss, damage, missing contents, or improper delivery or return of an item mailed to or from a foreign country.
Inquiries can be initiated for Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) items, Priority Mail Express International items, Priority Mail International items, and registered items. Inquiries are not accepted for ordinary letters or M-bags. Customers must wait a reasonable amount of time for an international item to be delivered in the foreign country before initiating an inquiry. Customers must initiate inquiries within the time limits in Exhibit 921.2.
Exhibit 921.2
Time Limits for Inquiries
To initiate an inquiry by telephone, customers must call 800-222-1811 within the time limits listed in Exhibit 921.2. The Postal Service asks the customer to provide information regarding the mailing, including but not limited to the following:
- The USPS Tracking number that appears on the receipt, mailing receipt number, or barcode number of the article.
- The date of the mailing.
- The names and addresses of the mailer and addressee.
- The sender’s telephone number.
- A description of the contents.
To initiate an International Inquiry Online at https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm, the customer must be the U.S. sender and must already be a USPS.com–registered account holder or must create a USPS.com account at the beginning of the inquiry process. The customer must create an International Inquiry Online within the time limits listed in Exhibit 921.2. The Postal Service asks the customer to provide information regarding the mailing, including but not limited to the following:
- The USPS Tracking number that appears on the receipt.
- The sender’s name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
- The addressee’s name and mailing address.
- The addressee’s e-mail address and telephone number, if available.
- The date of the mailing, weight, postage paid, and additional fees (if applicable).
- A description of the contents.
After the Postal Service customer provides the relevant mailing information either by telephone or online, the International Research Group will correspond with the appropriate foreign post and advise the customer of the results of the inquiry. For inquiries on Priority Mail International items or Registered Mail items, customers must allow foreign posts approximately 60 days to research and respond to the International Research Group. When there is a determination that an item has been lost, the International Research Group will mail a claim packet to the customer. The packet will include a letter of instruction on how to complete and submit the claim.
The U.S. Postal Service will initiate an inquiry within the timeframes specified in 921.2 with the destination postal administration in any case involving a Priority Mail Express International item, a registered item, or a Priority Mail International item that has not been delivered. Inquiries are not accepted for ordinary letters or M-bags. For nondelivery of Global Express Guaranteed shipments, see 212.46.
If the sender receives an improperly completed return receipt (see 341 for completion at destination) or if a return receipt is not received, the sender may go to any Post Office and request a refund of the return receipt extra service fee. If the sender wants to inquire about the delivery of the article, the sender must call 800-222-1811 to initiate an inquiry (see 921.1).
Customers must go to a Post Office to report items that are damaged or are missing contents. Postal personnel should complete PS Form 673, Report of Rifled Parcel, in accordance with POM 169.3 or PS Form 2856, Damage Report of Insured Article and Contents, in accordance with POM 146.112 for international and/or domestic articles as applicable.
When the contents of a parcel of domestic origin become separated from the wrapper, Postal Service personnel should inform the sender in accordance with the instructions on PS Form 3760, Parcel Search Request.
If the parcel is of foreign origin, send PS Form 3760, appropriately modified, to the addressee.